American English Pronunciation Workbook

Examples of the Vowel []

Primary Stress

1.   [oʊvɚ]

the rolling stones go touring or pink floyd or yknow these are groups from back then where are these people that are supposed to have taken over for these people they're not there yknow

2.   [oʊvɚɹ]

all over

3.   [oʊvɚ]

she just does i just want to get it over with

4.   [oʊvɚ]

over the years i have moderated my

5.   [oʊvɚ]

if you can start over there's no reason to be scared of anything that you do

6.   [oʊvɚ]

nailed over it

7.   [ɡɔɪŋ]

by going

8.   [oʊlɾɚ]

if we older people

9.   [oʊldɚ]

older you'll look back and go

10.   [oʊlɾɹɪ]

one older than me one younger than me

11.   [soʊʃəl]

to me a high school is real social

12.   [soʊʃl̩]

know how to sit down and take your turn and wait in line to go to the bathroom and raise your hand and social skills

Secondary Stress

13.   [ɔlmoʊst]

at a point which i'm almost there right now i'm only like fifty cents away from that cap

14.   [ɔmoʊst]

they're almost segregating themselves by having these organizations

15.   [ɔlmoʊs]

almost strictly

16.   [ɔlmoʊst]

almost college age students and they don't see the relationship you can


17.   [ɔsoʊ]

i also i also have

© 2011 Keith Johnson & Erin Diehm