Turkish rug  Table showing suffix allomorphy in elicited morphological categories: 
Nominals nominative ("citation") -0
accusative -(y)I 
professional -CI 
possessive -(I)m 
predicative -(y)Im 
Verbs long infinitive ("citation") -mEk 
aorist -Er 
causative -t, -DIr 
"I" ranges over the four high vowels of Turkish (in our phonemic transcription system, [i~i@~u~u@]). "C" ranges over the voiced and voiceless affricates, [c~c@]. "E" ranges over the two nonround nonhigh vowels [e~a]. "D" ranges over the voiced and voiceless coronal plosives, [d~t]. Turkish has progressive vowel harmony and voicing assimilation rules governing these alternations. The parenthesized glides surface when the stem ends in a vowel.  

Example: kitap, meaning 'book', was elicited in the nominative as kitap, in the accusative as kitabi@, in the professional as kitapc@i@ 'bookseller', and in the predicative as kitabi@m 'I am a book'. (Note the pragmatic oddness of the last form; our consultant generally provided such forms anyway). An example elicited verb is almak 'to take' in the long infinitive, alar 'takes in the aorist, and aldi@rmak 'to make take' in the causative + infinitive.  

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