John Ohala, Emeritus Lab Director

John Ohala passed away in August, 2020. Please see the
remembrances page for comments from
his friends and colleagues.
John J. Ohala is Emeritus Professor of Linguistics. He has been on the Berkeley faculty since 1970. His research interests are in experimental phonology and phonetics and ethological aspects of communication, including speech perception, sound change, phonetic and phonological universals, psycholinguistic studies in phonology, and sound symbolism.
- Milestones
- Born: 19 July 1941 in Chicago, Illinois
- Married: 24 November 1969 in New Delhi, India, to Manjari Agrawal
- Degrees
- A.B., English, June 1963, University of Notre Dame,
Notre Dame, Indiana
- M.A., Linguistics, June 1966, UCLA
- Ph.D., Linguistics, June 1969, UCLA (Dissertation directed by Peter Ladefoged)
- "Gigs" (Employment)
- From my teens to approximately age 24 I had various part-time, low-paying, jobs as: caddy, short-order cook, factory worker, gardener, usher, babysitter, photographer, editor, Coordinator of Language Instruction in a Peace Corps Training Program, and research assistant.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley, April 1970-June 1972.
- Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley, July 1972-June 1977.
- Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley, July 1977 - present.
- Visiting Researcher, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, summer 1970.
- Exchange Assistant Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz, summer 1971, summer 1972.
- Visiting Lektor, Institute of Phonetics, University of Copenhagen, September - November 1973.
- Exchange Professor, Department of Linguistics, UCLA, January - March 1981.
- Lecturer, Summer Symposium on Acoustic Phonetics and Speech Modelling, 22 June - 31 July 1981, Williams College, Williamstown, MA; sponsored by Institute for Defense Analyses, Princeton, NJ.
- Visiting Professor, Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park, MD. [Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute], summer 1982.
- Lecturer, Arab School on Science and Technology, Session on "Applied Arabic Linguistics and Information and Signal Processing." Rabat, Morocco. 26 Sept - 5 Oct 1983.
- Lecturer, NATO Advanced Studies Institute ("New Systems and Architectures for Automatic Speech Recognition and Synthesis"), Bonas, Gers, France, 2 - 14 July 1984.
- Lecturer, NATO Advanced Studies Institute ("Speech Production and Speech Modelling"), Bonas, Gers, France, 17-29 July 1989.
- Exchange Professor, Department of Phonetics, Leningrad State University. 25 May - 9 June 1990. (Under exchange program between Univ of California and Leningrad State Univ.)
- AGT, Ltd. Visiting Professor in Linguistics, University of Alberta, Edmonton. 1 Jan 91 - 31 Dec 92. [AGT, Ltd. was the telephone company providing long-distance service in the province of Alberta.]
- Invited Lecturer for Short Course of Five Lectures: "Phonetic and psychological aspects of phonology", LOT (Landelijke Onderzoeksschool Taalwetenschap), Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. 7-11 June 1993.
- Visiting Professor, Université de Paris VII; 9 lectures on "Phonetics and Phonology" including one public lecture on "Smiles, sex, and the symbolic use of speech sound." 28 Oct - 21 Nov 94.
- Invited lecture series "Comprehension of US Dialects / Accents", Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of Escuela de Idiomas Modernos; 13 - 24 June 1994. [Sponsored by the USIA.]
- Invited lecture series "Relation between Acoustic Parameters, Linguistic Sounds, and Perception." Linguistics Graduate Department, Universidad de los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela; 27 - 29 June 1994.
- Invited Lecture Series (3): The phonetics of phonology, University of Stellenbosch (Stellenbosch), University of South Africa (Pretoria), and University of Venda, (Thohoyandou), South Africa, 15-30 March 1997.
- Invited Lecturer: ESCA Workshop/International Summer School "Speech Processing, Recognition, and Artificial Neural Networks" International Institute for Advanced Scientific Studies, Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy. 5 - 14 October 1998.
- Invited Lecture Series (4): Phonetics in phonology, Université Lumière-Lyon II. 2 25 Jan 1999.
- Invited lecture series (5), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 13-17 March 2000.
- Invited lecture series (6), Department of Linguistics, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais & CNPq, Belo Horizonte, 18-25 March 2000.
- Visiting Professor, Short Course, Phonetics in Phonology, Univ. California, Santa Barbara, CA; Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute. 25 June 13 July 2001.
- Visiting Professor, ABRALIN (Summer Ling. Institute at Univ Brasilia, sponsored by Assoc. of Brazilian Linguistics), Summer 2005.
- Visiting Professor, Dept Chinese, Translation, and Linguistics at City University of Hong Kong, 1-30 Nov 2005.
- Invited speaker, Fonología instrumental: Patrones fónicos y variación. Coloquio Internacional y Seminarios. Centro de Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios, Laboratorio de Estudios Fónicos. El Colegio de México. 23-27 October 2006.
- Awards for Research/Teaching Abroad
- Honors
- Festschrift, edited by Jeri J. Jaeger, Language & Speech, Vol. 35, Parts 1 & 2 [v-249]
- Ph.D, Honoris Causa, University of Copenhagen, 19 November 1992.
- Fellow, Acoustical Society of America, 1995.
- Subject of biographical Article 'An initiator of integrative phonology' published in Guówài Y??yánxué ?[Linguistics Abroad] 1992, no. 2, pp. 40-41. [This same issued featured a Chinese translation of my plenary address to the 12th Int. Congr. of Phonetic Sciences, Aix-en-Provence.]
- Conférence: Un siècle de phonétique expérimentale : histoire et développement. De Théodore Rosset à John Ohala." [A Century of Experimental Phonetics: Its History and Development from Théodore Rosset to John Ohala], Université Stendhal, Grenoble, France, 24-25.
- International Speech Communication Association [ISCA] Medal for Scientific Achievement, 2006.
- Subject of a conference at University of California Berkeley, Methods in Phonology, honoring John Ohala [a 3-day meeting on the occasion of my retirement] June 2004
- Festschrift, Experimental Approaches to Phonology, edited by Solé, M.J., Beddor, P. and Ohala, M., 2007. Oxford University Press.
- Silver Medal in Speech Communication, Acoustical Society of America, 2015.
- Invited Plenary/Semi-plenary Talks
- "Experimental historical phonology." 1st International Conference on Historical Linguistics Edinburgh, Scotland, 2 - 7 Sept 1973.
- "Phonetic explanation in phonology." Chicago Linguistic Society, Parasession on Natural Phonology, Chicago, 18 Apr 1974.
- "Labio-velars and de Saussure's chess analogy." 9th International Congr. of Phonetic Sciences, Copenhagen, Denmark, 6 -11 Aug 1979.
- "The listener as a source of sound change." Chicago Linguistic Society, Parasession on Language and Behavior, Chicago, 1 May 1981.
- "The phonological end justifies any means." 13th Int. Cong. of Linguists, Tokyo. 29 Aug. - Sept. 1982.
- "The direction of sound change." 10th International Congr. of Phonetic Sciences, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1 - August 1983.
- "Explanation, evidence, and experiment in phonology." 5th Phonology Meeting, Eisenstadt, Austria, 25 - 28 June 1984.
- "Experimental phonology." Berkeley Linguistics Society, 13th Ann. Conference, Berkeley, 14 Feb 1987.
- "The phonetics and phonology of aspects of assimilation." First Conference on Laboratory Phonology, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 5-7 June 1987.
- "Sound change is drawn from a pool of synchronic variation." Symposium on "The causes of language change, do we know them yet?" University of Tromsö, Norway, 15-17 October 1987.
- "Segments: Primitive or derived?" 2nd International Laboratory Phonology Conference, Edinburgh. 30 June - 3 July 1989.
- "What's cognitive, what's not, in historical phonology." International Symposium on 'Diachrony within synchrony'. Univ of Duisburg (Germany). 26-28 Mar 1990.
- "Alternatives to the sonority hierarchy for explaining morpheme structure constraints". Chicago Linguistic Society Parasession on the Phonetics and Phonology of the Syllable. 26-28 April 1990.
- [Keynote Speech] "The integration of phonology and phonetics." 12th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Aix-en-Provence, France, 19-24 August 1991.
- [Keynote Speech]: "The acoustics of speech: a link between the behavioral and physical sciences." Annual Meeting of the Canadian Acoustical Association, Edmonton, Alberta, 9-10 Oct 1991.
- [With Manjari Ohala] "Nasals and nasalization in Hindi." 3rd International Symposium on Language and Linguistics: Pan-Asiatic Linguistics. Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, Thailand. 8-10 Jan 92.
- "A critique of autosegmental phonology." ESCOL [Eastern States Conference on Linguistics], SUNY Buffalo, 13-15 Nov 92.
- Series of 6 Lectures: "Le Lezioni comparettiane" (series founded by l'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in honor of Domenico Comparetti). Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa. 22-29 March 1993. [Topic "The physics and psychology of phonology."]
- "Emergent obstruents: phonetic and diachronic evidence." Symposium on Sound Change. Belgian Linguistics Society, 9-11 December 1993.
- "Speech perception is hearing sounds, not tongues," for a special session, "Speech recognition and perception from an articulatory point of view.": Spring Mtg, Acoust. Soc. Am., Cambridge, MA, 6-10 June 1994.
- "Smiles, sex, and the symbolic use of speech sounds." Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing, 18-22 Sep 1994, Yokohama.
- Commencement speaker, Spring 1995 Graduation ceremony, Department of Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley.
- 13th Int. Congr. Phonetic Sciences, Stockholm, 13-19 August 1995, organizer, semi-plenary: "Phonetic explanations for sound patterns," .
- Four plenary lectures. Phonetics in phonology, Aerodynamics of phonology, Emergent stops, Sound symbolism. Seoul International Conference on Linguistics, Seoul, Korea, 11-15 Aug 1997.
- Editorial Service
- Speech Communication, Permanent Advisory Committee, 1993-.
- Phonetica, Member, Editorial Board, 1978 - ; North American Editor 1986 - 1989.
- Journal of Phonetics, Advisory Editor, 1985 - present.
- Canadian Journal of Linguistics, Member, Editorial Board, 1983 -1985.
- Language Sciences, Associate Editor, 1979 - 1990.
- Phonology Yearbook, Member, Editorial Board, 1983 - 1991.
- Studia Phonetica Posnaniensia, Member, Editorial Board, 1985 -.
- Studies in Speech Science and Communication (Cambridge University Press monograph series), Member, Editorial Board, 1987 - 1992; Series co-editor 1992-
- Pergamon Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics. Section Editor: Speech Science and Phonetics. 1988-1994.
- Rivista di Linguistica, Editorial Board, 1996 --2001.
- Language Review Committee, Member (1981), Chair (1982).
- Netherlands Phonetic Archive (Foris); changed to: Speech Research (Mouton de Gruyter). Monograph series), Member, Editorial Board, 1990--1995.
- Links & Letters, (Universitat Autònoma, Barcelona) Editorial Board, 1997-
- Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. Consulting Editor 1997-1998.
- Consulting
- Berkeley Systems Works (aka: Berkeley Speech Technologies), Jan - Feb 1982; Spring 1989.
- Speech Plus, Inc., [Now Centigram Communications Corp] 4415 Fortran Ct., San Jose, CA 95143, Aug-Dec 1984.
- Hewlett Packard Labortories, Speech Research Department, 1501 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303. June 1985 - June 1986.
- Digital Sound Corporation, 2030 Alameda Padre Serra, Santa Barbara, CA 93103. April--December 1986.
- Rainoldi, Kerzner, & Radcliffe [Advertising Agency], The Hearst Building, 5 Third St., Suite 222, San Francisco, CA 94103. October 1986 - 1987.
- Infovox AB, Box 2503, S - 171 02 Solna, Sweden. October 1986.
- AGT, Ltd., Alberta, Canada. 1 Jan 91 - 31 Dec 92.
- International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, CA. Mar 1996 present; member of the ICSI Advisory Board.
- Professional
- Ohala, J. J., and Vanderslice, R. 1965. Photography of states of the glottis. UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 2, 58 - 59.
- Ohala, J. J. 1966. A new photoelectric glottograph. Working papers in phonetics (UCLA) 4.40-52.
- Ohala, J. J., and Hirano, M. 1967. Studes of pitch change in speech. UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 7, 80 - 84.
- Hirano, M., Ohala J. J., and Smith, T. 1967. Current techniques used in obtaining EMG data. UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 7, 20 - 24.
- Ohala, J. J., and Hirano, M. 1967. Control mechanisms for the sequencing of neuromuscular events in speech. Preprints of the 1967 Conference on Speech Communication and Processing M.I.T. (6-8 Nov., 1967) 164 - 169.
- Fromkin, V., and Ohala J. J. 1968. Laryngeal control and a model of speech production. Preprints of the Speech Symposium (C3:1 - 5), Kyoto, 1968. [Reprinted together with oral version in: UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics 10, 98 - 110 (1968).]
- Ohala, J. J., Hiki, S., Hubler, S., and Harshman, R. 1968. Photoelectric methods of transducing lip and jaw movements in speech. UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 10, 135 - 144.
- Hirano, M., Vennard, W., and Ohala, J. J. 1968. The function of laryngeal muscles in regulating fundamental frequency and intensity of phonation. UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 10, 111 - 125.
- Ohala, J. J., Hirano, M., and Vennard, W. 1969. An electromyographic study of laryngeal activity in speech and singing. In Y. Kohasi (ed.), Reports of the 6th International Congress on Acoustics Toky, 1968. B5 - B8.
- Hirano, M., Ohala, J. J., and Vennard, W. 1969. The function of laryngeal muscles in regulating fundamental frequency and intensity of phonation. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research 12, 616 - 628.
- Ohala, J. J., and Ladefoged, P. 1969. Further investigation of pitch regulation in speech. UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 14, 12 - 24.
- Hirano, M. & Ohala, J. J. 1969. Use of hooked-wire electrodes for electromyography of the intrinsic laryngeal muscles. J. Speech & Hearing Res. 12.362 - 73.
- Ohala, J. J. & Hirose, H. 1969. The function of the sternohyoid muscle in speech. Reports of the Autumn Meeting of the Acoust. Soc. of Japan, 359 - 360.
- Ohala, J. J. 1970. Aspects of the control and production of speech. UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 15, 192 pp. [Revision of Doctoral Dissertation, UCLA, 1969; University Microfilm No. 69-19,503.]
- Hirano, M., Vennard, W., and Ohala, J. J. 1970. Regulation of register, pitch and intensity of voice. Folia Phoniatrica, 22, 1 - 20.
- Vennard, W., Hirano, M., and Ohala, J. J. 1970. Laryngeal synergy in singing. The National Association of Teachers of Singing Bulletin, 27, 16 - 21.
- Vennard, W., Hirano, M., and Ohala, J. J. 1970. Chest, head, and falsetto. The National Association of Teachers of Singing Bulletin, 27, 30 - 37. [Reprinted in J. Large (ed.) Contributions of Voice Research to Singing Houston, TX: College-Hill Press. 165 - 184.]
- Ohala, J. J. 1971. Monitoring soft-palate movements in speech. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 50.140. [Abstract] [Full text: Project on Linguistic Analysis Reports (Berkeley) 13.JO1-JO15 (1971).]
- Ohala, J. J. 1971. The role of physiological and acoustic models in explaining the direction of sound change. Project on Linguistic Analysis Reports (Berkeley) 15.25-40.
- Ohala, J. J. 1972. Physical models in phonology. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Montreal. Vol. 1, pp. 1166 - 1171. [Reprinted in Project on Linguistic Analysis Reports (Berkeley), 15, 41 - 45 (1971).]
- Ohala, J. J. 1972. Some comments on the paper 'Timing control in speech production' by George Allen. Occasional Papers (Essex), 13, 202 - 203.
- Ohala, J. J. 1972. How is pitch lowered? J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 52.124. [Abstract] Ms. written in 1973, expanding on this topic.
- Ohala, J. J. 1972. How to represent natural sound patterns. Project on Linguistic Analysis (Berkeley) 16.40-57.
- Ohala, J. J. 1972. The regulation of timing in speech. In 1972 Conference on Speech Communication and Processing, 144 - 147.
- Ohala, J. J. 1972. The physiology of tone. In: L. M. Hyman (ed.), Consonant types and tone. So. Calif. Occasional Papers in Linguistics (Univ. of So. Calif.) 1.1-14.
- Ohala, J. J. 1972. Comments on 'Some unsolved problems in generative phonology' by R. N. Srivastava. International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, 2, 274 - 277.
- Ohala, M. & Ohala, J. J. 1973. The problem of aspiration in Hindi phonetics. [In Hindi] In: Hindi Bhashavigyan Ank Hindi. Delhi: Central Hindi Directorate, Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, Govt. of India. 67 - 72. [Reprinted in English translation in: Project on Linguistic Analysis Reports (Berkeley) 16.63 - 70 (1972), and Ann. Rep., Res. Inst. of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (Univ. of Tokyo) 6.39 - 46 (1972).]
- Krones, R., Ewan, W. G., and Ohala, J. J. 1973. Measuring speech articulator movements. DECUS Proceedings, Fall 1973. Maynard: DECUS. 305 - 309.
- Ohala, J. J. 1973. Explanations for the intrinsic pitch of vowels. Unpub. Ms.
- Ohala, J. J. 1974. Experimental historical phonology. In: J. M. Anderson & C. Jones (eds.), Historical linguistics II. Theory and description in phonology. [Proc. of the 1st Int. Conf. on Historical Linguistics. Edinburgh, 2 - 7 Sept. 1973.] Amsterdam: North Holland. 353 - 389.
- Ohala, J. J. 1974. Phonetic explanation in phonology. In: A. Bruck, R. A. Fox, and M. W. LaGaly (eds.) Papers from the Parasession on Natural Phonology Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. 251 - 274.
- Ohala, J. J. 1975. Review of Suprasegmentals, by I. Lehiste. Language. 51, 736 - 740.
- Ferguson, C. A., Hyman, L. M., and Ohala, J. J. (eds.). 1975. Nasálfest: Papers from a symposium on nasals and nasalization. Stanford: Language Universals Project.
- Ohala, J. J. 1975. Phonetic explanations for nasal sound patterns. In: C. A. Ferguson, L. M. Hyman, & J. J. Ohala (eds.), Nasálfest: Papers from a symposium on nasals and nasalization. Stanford: Language Universals Project. 289 - 316.
- Ohala, J. J. 1975. A mathematical model of speech aerodynamics. In: G. Fant (ed.), Speech Communication. [Proc., Speech Comm. Seminar. Stockholm, 1 - 3 Aug. 1974.] Vol. 2: Speech production and synthesis by rule. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell. 65 - 72.
- Ohala, J. J. 1975. How a study of sound change can aid in automatic speech recognition. In G. Fant (ed.), Speech Communication. Vol. 3: Speech Perception and Automatic Recognition. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell. 299 - 302. [Proceedings of the Speech Communication Seminar, Stockholm, 1-3 August, 1974.]
- Ohala, J. J. 1975. The temporal regulation of speech. In: G. Fant & M. A. A. Tatham (eds.), Auditory analysis and the perception of speech. New York: Academic Press. 431 - 453. [preprint, dated 1973]
- Ohala, J. J. & Lyberg, B. 1976. Comments on 'Temporal interaction within a phrase and sentence context' [Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 56, 1258 - 1265 (1975)]. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 59.990 - 992.
- Ohala, J. J. (ed.). 1976. Report of the Phonology Laboratory (Berkeley), 1.
- Hombert, J.-M., Ohala, J. J., and Ewan, W. G. 1976. Tonogenesis: Theories and queries. Report of the Phonology Laboratory (Berkeley). 1, 48 - 77.
- Ohala, J. J. 1976. A model of speech aerodynamics. Report of the Phonology Laboratory (Berkeley). 1, 93 - 107.
- Ohala, J. J. 1977. Speculations on pitch regulation. Phonetica. 34, 310 - 312.
- Ohala, J. J. 1977. The physiology of stress. In: L. M. Hyman (ed.), Studies in stress and accent. [So. Calif. Occasional Papers in Linguistics (Univ. So. Calif.)] 4.145 -168.
- Ohala, J. J. & Lorentz, J. 1977. The story of [w]: an exercise in the phonetic explanation for sound patterns. Berkeley Ling. Soc., Proc., Ann. Meeting 3.577 - 599.
- Ohala, J. J., and Eukel, B. W. 1978. Explaining the intrinsic pitch of vowels. Report of the Phonology Laboratory (Berkeley). 2, 118 - 125.
- Ohala, J. J. 1978. Southern Bantu vs. the world: the case of palatalization of labials. Berkeley Ling. Soc., Proc., Ann. Meeting 4.370 - 386.
- Ohala, J. J. 1978. The production of tone. In: V. A. Fromkin (ed.), Tone: a linguistic survey. New York: Academic Press. 5 - 39.
- Ohala, J. J. (ed.). 1978. Report of the Phonology Laboratory (Berkeley), 2.
- Ohala, J. J., and Ohala, M. 1978. Testing hypotheses regarding the psychological manifestation of morpheme structure constraints. Report of the Phonology Laboratory (Berkeley). 2, 156 - 165.
- Ohala, J. J., and Ohala, M. 1978. Experimental methods in phonology. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia. 16, 229 - 230.
- Ohala, J. J. 1978. Phonological notations as models. In: W. U. Dressler and W. Meid (eds.), Proc., 12th Int. Cong. of Linguists, Vienna, Aug. 28 - Sept. 2, 1977. Innsbruck: Innsbrucker Beitrage zur Sprachwissenschaft. 811 - 816.
- Ohala, J. J. 1979. The contribution of acoustic phonetics to phonology. In: B. Lindblom & S. Öhman (eds.), Frontiers of speech communication research. London: Academic Press. 355 - 363.
- Ohala, J. J. 1979. Universals of labial velars and de Saussure's chess analogy. Proc., 9th Int. Cong. of Phonetic Sciences. Vol. 2. Copenhagen: Institute of Phonetics. 41 - 47.
- Ohala, J. J. 1979. Phonetic universals in phonological systems and their explanation. [Summary of symposium moderator's introduction.] Proc., 9th Int. Cong. of Phonetic Sciences. Vol. 2. Copenhagen: Institute of Phonetics. 5 - 8.
- Ohala, J. J. & Riordan, C. J. 1979. Passive vocal tract enlargement during voiced stops. In: J. J. Wolf & D. H. Klatt (eds.), Speech communication papers. New York: Acoust. Soc. of Am. 89 - 92. [Abstract: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 65.S23 (1978).]
- Hombert, J.-M., Ohala, J. J., & Ewan, W. G. 1979. Phonetic explanations for the development of tones. Language 55.37 - 58.
- Ohala, J. J. 1980. Moderator's summary of symposium on 'Phonetic universals in phonological systems and their explanation'. Proc., 9th Int. Cong. of Phonetic Sciences. Vol. 3. Copenhagen: Institute of Phonetics. 181 - 194.
- Ohala, J. J. 1980. Discussion. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Vol. 3. Copenhagen: Insitute of Phonetics. 31 - 32.
- Ohala, J. J. (ed.). 1980. Report of the Phonology Laboratory (Berkeley), 5.
- Ohala, J. J. 1980. The acoustic origin of the smile. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 68.S33. [Abstract]
- Ohala, J. J. 1980. Review of Speech and Language: Advances in Basic Research and Practice, Vol. 2, ed. by N. J. Lass. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 68, 1232 - 1233.
- Ohala, J. J. 1980. The application of phonological universals in speech pathology. In: N. J. Lass (ed.), Speech and language. Advances in basic research and practice. Vol. 3. New York: Academic Press. 75-97.
- Ohala, J. J. 1981. The nonlinguistic components of speech. In J. K. Darby (ed.), Speech Evaluation in Psychiatry. New York: Grune & Stratton. 39 - 49.
- Ohala, J. J., Riordan, C. J., and Kawasaki, H. 1980. Investigation of pulmonic activity in speech. Report of the Phonology Laboratory (Berkeley). 5, 89 - 95.
- Greenlee, M. & Ohala, J. J. 1980. Phonetically motivated parallels between child phonology and historical sound change. Language Sciences 2.283-308.
- Ohala, J. J. & Gilbert, J. B. 1981. Listeners' ability to identify languages by their prosody. In: P. Leon & M. Rossi (eds.), Problèmes de prosodie, Vol. II: Experimentations, modeles et fonctions. [Studia Phonetica 18]. Ottawa: Didier. 123-131.
- Ohala, J. J. 1981. Articulatory constraints on the cognitive representation of speech. In: T. Myers, J. Laver, & J. Anderson (eds.), The cognitive representation of speech. Amsterdam: North Holland. 111 - 122.
- Ohala, J. J. 1981. Discussion. In T. Myers, J. Laver, and J. Anderson (eds.), The Cognitive Representation of Speech. Amsterdam: North Holland. 373 & 399 - 400.
- Ohala, J. J. 1981. The listener as a source of sound change. In: C. S. Masek, R. A. Hendrick, & M. F. Miller (eds.), Papers from the Parasession on Language and Behavior. Chicago: Chicago Ling. Soc. 178 - 203.
- Ohala, J. J. 1981. The frequency code and its effects on certain forms of speech and facial expressions. In A. S. House (ed.), Proceedings of a Symposium on Acoustic Phonetics and Speech Modeling, 22 June-31 July 1981, Williamstown, Mass. Princeton: Institute for Defense Analysis. F23.1 - F23.31).
- Ohala, J. J. 1981. Speech timing as a tool in phonology. Phonetica 38.204-217.
- Hombert, J.-M., and Ohala, J. J. 1982. Historical development of tone patterns. In J. P. Maher, A. R. Bomhard, and E. F. K. Koerner (eds.), Papers from the 3rd International Conference on Historical Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 75 - 84.
- Ohala, J. J. 1982. Calibrated vocabularies. Proceedings of the Workshop on Standardization for Speech I/O Technology. Gaithersburg, MD: National Bureau of Standards. 81 - 85.
- Ohala, J. J. 1982. Physiological mechanisms underlying tone and intonation. In H. Fujisaki and E. Gårding (eds.), Preprints of the Working Group on Intonation, 13th International Congress of Linguists. Tokyo, 29 Aug.-4 Sept. 1982. 1 - 12.
- Ohala, J. J. 1982. Yuen Ren Chao [Obituary]. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 12, 113 - 114.
- Ohala, J. J. 1983. The phonological end justifies any means. In: S. Hattori & K. Inoue (eds.), Proc. of the XIIIth Int. Cong. of Linguists, Tokyo, 29 Aug. - 4 Sept. 1982. Tokyo. [Distributed by Sanseido Shoten.] 232 - 243.
- Ohala, J. J. 1983. The origin of sound patterns in vocal tract constraints. In: P. F. MacNeilage (ed.), The production of speech. New York: Springer-Verlag. 189 - 216.
- Ohala, J. J. 1983. Cross-language use of pitch: An ethological view. Phonetica 40, 1 - 18.
- Ohala, J. J. 1983. The direction of sound change. In A. Cohen and M. P. R. van den Broecke (eds.), Abstracts of the 10th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences Dordrecht: Foris. 253 - 258.
- Ohala, J. J. 1983. Yuen Ren Chao [Obituary]. The Phonetician. CL-37, 10.
- Ohala, J. J. 1983. Modern applied linguistics. In: Proceedings of the Arab School on Science and Technology, First Fall Session: Applied Arabic Linguistics and Signal and Information Processing. Damascus, Syria. 51 - 62.
- Ohala, J. J. 1984. An ethological perspective on common cross-language utilization of F0 of voice. Phonetica 41.1 - 16.
- Ohala, J. J. 1984. Chairman's summary of Symposium on Phonetic Explanation in Phonology. In: M. P. R. van den Broecke and A. Cohen (eds.), Proc., 10th Int. Congr. of Phonetic Sciences. Dordrecht: Foris. 175 - 182.
- Jaeger, J. J., and Ohala, J. J. 1984. On the structure of phonetic categories. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 10, 15 - 26.
- Ohala, J. J. & Kawasaki, H. 1984. Prosodic phonology and phonetics. Phonology Yearbook 1.113 - 127.
- Ohala, J. J. 1985. Around flat. In: V. Fromkin (ed.), Phonetic linguistics. Essays in honor of Peter Ladefoged. Orlando, FL: Academic Press. 223-41.
- Ohala, J. J. 1985. Linguistics and automatic speech processing. In R. De Mori and C.-Y. Suen (eds.), New Systems and Architecutres for Automatic Speech Recognition and Synthesis Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 447 - 475. [NATO ASI Series, Series F: Computer and System Sciences, Vol. 16.]
- van den Broecke, M. P. R., Lindblom, B., and Ohala, J. J. 1985. Editorial policy. Journal of Phonetics. 13, 265 - 266.
- Ohala, J. J. 1986. Phonological evidence for top-down processing in speech perception. In J. S. Perkell and D. H. Klatt (eds.), Invariance and Variability in Speech Processes. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 386 - 397.
- Ohala, J. J. 1986. Discussion. In J. S. Perkell and D. H. Klatt (eds.), Invariance and Variability in Speech Processes. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 104, 197 - 198, 401, & 457.
- Ohala, J. J., and Jaeger, J. J. (eds.) 1986. Experimental Phonology. Orlando, FL: Academic Press.
- Ohala, J. J. & Jaeger, J. J. 1986. Introduction. In J. J. Ohala & J. J. Jaeger (eds.), Experimental phonology. Orlando, FL: Academic Press. 1 - 12.
- Ohala, J. J. & Ohala, M. 1986. Testing hypotheses regarding the psychological manifestation of morpheme structure constraints. In J. J. Ohala & J. J. Jaeger (eds.), Experimental phonology. Orlando, FL: Academic Press. 239 - 252.
- Ohala, J. J. 1986. Against the direct realist view of speech perception. Journal of Phonetics 14.75 - 82.
- Ohala, J. J. (guest editor) 1986. Collection of 11 papers on 'The validation of phonological theories'. Phonology Yearbook. 3.
- Ohala, J. J. 1986. Consumer's guide to evidence in phonology. Phonology Yearbook 3.3 - 26.
- Ohala, J. J. 1987. Review of L. Boves, 'The Phonetic Basis of Perceptual Ratings of Running Speech'. Journal of Phonetics. 15, 105 - 107.
- Ohala, J. J. 1987. Experimental phonology. Proc. Ann. Meeting, Berkeley Ling. Soc. 13.207 - 222.
- Ohala, J. J. 1987. Explanation in phonology: Opinions and examples. In: W. U. Dressler, H. C. Luschützky, O. E. Pfeiffer, & J. R. Rennison (eds.), Phonologica 1984. Cambridge University Press. 215 - 225.
- Ohala, J. J. & Eukel, B. W. 1987. Explaining the intrinsic pitch of vowels. In: R. Channon & L. Shockey (eds.), In honor of Ilse Lehiste. Ilse Lehiste Pühendusteos. Dordrecht: Foris. 207 - 215.
- Ohala, M., and Ohala, J. J. 1987. Laboratory-induced speech errors in Hindi. Proceedings of the 11th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Vol. 2. Tallinn, Estonia. 49 - 52.
- Ohala, J. J., and Feder, D. 1987. Listeners' identification of speech sounds if influenced by adjacent 'restored' phonemes. Proceedings of the 11th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Vol 4. Tallinn, Estonia. 120 - 123.
- Greenlee, M., Ferguson, C. A., Huntington, D., Ohala, J. J., and Feder, D. 1987. The feature [flat] in cross-language perception. Proceedings of the 11th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Vol. 4. Tallinn, Estonia. 143 - 145.
- Ohala, M. and Ohala, J. 1987. Psycholinguistic probes of native speakers' phonological knowledge. In: W. U. Dressler, H. C. Luschützky, O. E. Pfeiffer, & J. R. Rennison (eds.), Phonologica 1984. Cambridge University Press. 227 - 233.
- Ohala, M., and Ohala, J. J. 1988. The scarcity of speech errors in Hindi. In L. M. Hyman and C. Li (eds.), Language, Speech, and Mind. Studies in Honour of Victoria A. Fromkin. London: Routledge. 239 -253.
- Ohala, J. J. 1988. Linguistics as an experimental discipline. [Position statement.] Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America [Ad Hoc Committee on "Linguistics in the Undergraduate Curriculum."]
- Ohala, J. J. 1989. Discussion of Lindblom's 'Phonetic invariance and the adaptive nature of speech'. In B. A. G. Elsendoorn & H. Bouma (eds.), Working models of human perception. London: Academic Press. 175 - 183.
- Ohala, J. J. 1989. Phonology. International Encyclopedia of Communication. Philadelphia: The Anneberg School of Commuications/Oxford University Press. 271 - 274.
- Ohala, J. J. (ed.) 1989. Theme issue: Stevens' "Quantal Theory of Speech". Journal of Phonetics. 17, #1 (including 'Introduction').
- Ohala, J. J. 1989. Sound change is drawn from a pool of synchronic variation. L. E. Breivik & E. H. Jahr (eds.), Language Change: Contributions to the study of its causes. [Series: Trends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs No. 43]. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 173 - 198.
- Ohala, J. J. 1990. Respiratory activity in speech. In W. J. Hardcastle & A. Marchal (eds.), Speech production and speech modelling. Dordrecht: Kluwer. 23 - 53.
- Ohala, J. J. 1990. There is no interface between phonetics and phonology. A personal view. Journal of Phonetics. 18. 153-171.
- Ohala, J. J. & Shriberg, E. E. 1990. Hyper-correction in speech perception. Proceedings, ICSLP 90 [International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Kobe 18 - 22 Nov 1990]. Vol. 1, pp. 405 - 408.
- Ohala, J. J. 1990. The phonetics and phonology of aspects of assimilation. [And: A response to Pierrehumbert's commentary] In J. Kingston & M. Beckman (eds.), Papers in Laboratory Phonology I: Between the grammar and the physics of speech. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 258 - 275; 280 - 282.
- Ohala, J. J. 1990. The generality of articulatory binding: Commentary on Kingston's paper. In J. Kingston & M. Beckman (eds.), Papers in Laboratory Phonology I: Between the grammar and the physics of speech. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 435 - 444.
- Ohala, J. J. 1991. What's Cognitive, What's Not, in Sound Change. Linguistic Agency, University of Duisburg. Paper A297 [48 pp.].
- Ohala, J. J. 1991. The integration of phonetics and phonology. Proceedings of the XIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Aix-en-Provence, 19 - 24 Aug 1991. Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 16.
- Solé, M. J., and Ohala, J. J., 1991. Differentiating between phonetic and phonological processes: The case of nasalization. Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Vol 2. Aix-en-Provence, 19-24 Aug. 1991. 110 - 113.
- Ohala, M. & Ohala, J. J. 1991. Epenthetic nasals in the historical phonology of Hindi. Proceedings of the XIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Aix-en-Provence, 19 - 24 Aug 1991. Vol. 3, pp. 126 - 129.
- Ohala, M. & Ohala, J. 1991. Nasal epenthesis in Hindi [plus: Ohala, J. J. & Ohala, M., Reply to commentators]. Phonetica 48.207 - 220; 271 - 274.
- Solé, M. J. and Ohala, J. J. 1991. The phonological representation of reduced forms. ESCA Workshop on the Phonetics and Phonology of Speaking Styles: Reduction and Elaboration in Speech Communication. Barcelona, Spain, 49.1 - 49.5.
- Ohala, J. J. 1992. Alternatives to the sonority hierarchy for explaining the shape or morphemes. Papers from the 26th Annual Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: The Parasession on the Syllable in Phonetics & Phonology. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. 319 - 338.
- Ohala, J. J. 1992. The segment: Primitive or derived? in: Gerard J. Docherty & D. Robert Ladd (eds.), Papers in Laboratory Phonology II: Gesture, segment, prosody. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 166 - 183.
- Ohala, J. J. 1992. Discussion of papers by Marslen-Wilson and Lahiri, and by Nolan. In Gerard J. Docherty & D. Robert Ladd (eds.), Papers in Laboratory Phonology II: Gesture, segment, prosody. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Ohala, J. J. 1992. What is the input to the speech production mechanism? in: Y. Tohkura, E. Vatikiotis-Bateson, Y. Sagisaka (eds.), Speech perception, production, and linguistic structure. Tokyo: Ohmsha. 297 - 311. [Reprinted in Speech Communication 11.369 - 378 (1992)]
- Ohala, J. J., and Ohala, M. 1992. Nasals and nasalization in Hindi. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Language and Linguistics: Pan-Asiatic Linguistics, Vol. 3. Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, Thailand. 8-10 Jan 92.
- Ohala, J. J. 1992. What's cognitive, what's not, in sound change. In Günter Kellermann & Michael D. Morrissey (eds.), Diachrony within synchrony: Language history and cognition. [Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft 14] Frankfurt/M: Peter Lang Verlag. 309 - 355.
- Ohala, J. J. 1992. Alternatives to the sonority hierarchy for explaining the shape of morphemes. Papers from the Parasession on the Syllable. Chicago Linguistic Society. Chicago. 319 - 338.
- Ohala, M. & Ohala, J. J. 1992. Phonetic universals and Hindi segment duration. In Ohala, J. J., Nearey, T., Derwing, B., Hodge, M., & Wiebe, G. (eds.) Proceedings, International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Banff, 12 - 16 Oct 1992. Edmonton: University of Alberta. 831 - 834.
- Ohala, J. J. 1992. The costs and benefits of phonological analysis. In P. Downing, S. D. Lima, & M. Noonan (eds.), The Linguistics of literacy. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: J. Benjamins Pub. Co. 211 - 237.
- Ohala, J. J. 1993. The phonetics of sound change. In C. Jones (ed.) Historical Linguistics: Problems and Perspectives. London: Longman Academics.
- Ohala, J. J. 1993. Coarticulation and Phonology. Language & Speech 36 155-170.
- Ohala, J. J. 1993. The phonetics of sound change. In Charles Jones (ed.), Historical Linguistics: Problems and Perspectives. London: Longman. 237 - 278.
- Ohala, J. J. & Ohala, M. 1993. The phonetics of nasal phonology: theorems and data. M. K. Huffman & R. A. Krakow (eds.), Nasals, nasalization, and the velum. [Phonetics and Phonology Series, Vol. 5] San Diego, CA: Academic Press. 225 - 249.
- Ohala, J. J. 1993. Sound change as nature's speech perception experiment. Speech Communication. 13.155 - 161. [Also reprinted in: G. Fant, K. Hirose, and S. Kiritani (eds.), 1996. Analysis, perception and processing of spoken language. Festschrift for Hiroya Fujisaki. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 155-161.]
- Ohala, J. J. 1994. Towards a universal, phonetically-based, theory of vowel harmony, ICSLP 3, Yokohama, pp. 491-494.
- Ohala, J. J. 1994. Phonetics. [pp. 3051 - 3053] In R. E. Asher and J. M. Y. Simpson (eds), The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Oxford: Pergamon.
- Ohala, J. J. & Feder, D. 1994. Listeners' identification of speech sounds is influenced by adjacent "restored" phonemes. Phonetica 51.111 - 118.
- Ohala, J. J. 1994. Acoustic study of clear speech: a test of the contrastive hypothesis. Proceedings, International Symposium on Prosody, September 18, 1994, Pacific Convention Plaza Yokohama. 75 - 89.
- Ohala, J. J. 1994. Hierarchies of environments for sound variation; plus implications for 'neutral' vowels in vowel harmony. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 27.371 - 382.
- Ohala, J. J. 1994. The frequency codes underlies the sound symbolic use of voice pitch. In L. Hinton, J. Nichols, & J. J. Ohala (eds.), Sound symbolism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 325-347.
- Ohala, J. J. 1995. Experimental phonology. In John A. Goldsmith (ed.), A Handbook of Phonological Theory. Oxford: Blackwell. 713 - 722.
- Ohala, J. J. 1995. A probable case of clicks influencing the sound patterns of some European languages. Phonetica 52.160-170.
- Ohala, J. J. 1995. The phonetics of phonology. G. Bloothooft, V. Hazan, D. Huber, & J. Llisterri (eds.), European studies in phonetics and speech communication. Utrecht: OTS Publications. 85-89.
- Ohala, J. J. & Ohala, M. 1995. Speech perception and lexical representation: The role of vowel nasalization in Hindi and English. B. Connell & A. Arvaniti (eds.), Phonology and Phonetic Evidence. Papers in Laboratory Phonology IV. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 41-60
- Ohala, J. J. & Busà, M. G. 1995. Nasal loss before voiceless fricatives: a perceptually-based sound change. [Special issue on The Phonetic basis of Sound Change, ed. by Carol A. Fowler] Rivista di Linguistica 7.125-144. [preprint]
- Lang, C. E. & Ohala, J. J. 1996. Temporal cues for vowels and universals of vowel inventories, In ICSLP 4, Philadelphia. Pp. 434-437.
- Ohala, J. J. 1996. Speech perception is hearing sounds, not tongues. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 99.1718-1725.
- Ohala, J. J. 1996. Ethological theory and the expression of emotion in the voice. Proc. ICSLP 96, October 3-6, 1996. [4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Philadelphia]. Wilmington: University of Delaware. Vol. 3, pp. 1812-1815.
- Ohala, John J. & Kawasaki-Fukumori, Haruko. 1997 Alternatives to the sonority hierarchy for explaining segmental sequential constraints. In Stig Eliasson & Ernst Håkon Jahr (eds.), Language And Its Ecology: Essays In Memory Of Einar Haugen. Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs, Vol. 100. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 343-365
- Ohala, J. J. 1997. Comparison of speech sounds: Distance vs. cost metrics. In S. Kiritani, H. Hirose, & H. Fujisaki (eds.), Speech Production and Language. In honor of Osamu Fujimura. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 261 - 270.
- Ohala, J. J. 1997. Phonetics in phonology. Proc. 4th Seoul International Conference on Linguistics [SICOL] 11-15 Aug 1997. 45-50. [Also published in: Linguistics in the Morning Calm 4,: Selected Papers from SICOL--97, ed. by the Linguistic Society of Korea. 1999. pp. 105-113.]
- Ohala, J. J. 1997. Aerodynamics of phonology. Proc. 4th Seoul International Conference on Linguistics [SICOL] 11-15 Aug 1997. 92-97.
- Ohala, J. J. 1997. Emergent stops. Proc. 4th Seoul International Conference on Linguistics [SICOL] 11-15 Aug 1997. 84-91.
- Ohala, J. J. 1997. Sound symbolism. Proc. 4th Seoul International Conference on Linguistics [SICOL] 11-15 Aug 1997. 98-103.
- Ohala, M. & Ohala, J. J. 1998. Correlation between consonantal VC transitions and degree of perceptual confusion of place contrast in Hindi. ICSLP 5, Sydney. pp. 2795-2798.
- Ohala, J. J. 2000. Phonetics in the Free Market of Scientific Ideas and Results. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 2000, 30. 25-29
- Ohala, J. J. 2000. Irrelevance of the lowered larynx in modern Man for the development of speech. Evolution of Speech - ENST. Paris.
- Chang, S., Plauché, M. C., & Ohala, J. J.. 2001. Markedness and consonant confusion asymmetries. In E. Hume & K. Johnson (eds.), The role of speech perception in phonology. San Diego CA: Academic Press. 79-101.
- Ohala, M. & Ohala, J. J.. 2001. Acoustic VC transitions correlate with degree of perceptual confusion of place contrast in Hindi. Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Copenhague. 31.265-284.
- Ohala, J. J. 2004. Phonetics and phonology then, and then, and now. In H. Quene & V. van Heuven (eds.), On speech and language: Studies for Sieb G. Nooteboom. LOT Occasional Series 2. 133-140.
- Ohala, J. J., A. Dunn, & R. Sprouse. 2004. Prosody and Phonology. Speech Prosody 2004, Nara, Japan. ISCA Archive.
- Ohala, J. J. 2005. Phonetic explanations for sound patterns. Implications for grammars of competence. In W. J. Hardcastle & J. M. Beck (eds.) A figure of speech. A festschrift for John Laver. London: Erlbaum. 23-38.
- Ohala, J. J. 2005. The marriage of phonetics and phonology. J. Acoust. Soc. Japan 2005, 26:5, 418-422. [Japanese version].
- Hinton, L., Nichols, J. and Ohala, J.J. eds., 2006. Sound symbolism. Cambridge University Press.
- Ohala, J.J., 2007. Moving phonological science from paper to the laboratory: The case of nasals and nasalization. In Proceedings of the 16th (pp. 267-270).
- Ohala, J.J., 2007. Methods in phonology. In Solé, M.J., Beddor, P. and Ohala, M., eds. Experimental approaches to phonology, pp.2-6.
- Sprouse, R.L., Solé, M.J. and Ohala, J.J., 2008. Oral cavity enlargement in retroflex stops. UC Berkeley PhonLab Annual Report, 4(4).
- Ohala, J.J., 2008. The ethological basis of certain signals of affect and emotion. UC Berkeley PhonLab Annual Report, 4(4).
- Ohala, J.J., 2008. Understanding variability in speech: A brief survey over 2.5 millennia. UC Berkeley PhonLab Annual Report, 4(4).
- Solé, M.J., Sprouse, R. and Ohala, J.J., 2008. Voicing control and nasalization. LabPhon 11 abstracts, Wellington, N. Z, pp.129-130.
- Ohala, J.J., 2009. Languages’ sound inventories: the devil in the details. Approaches to phonological complexity, 16, p.47.
- Ohala, J., 2009. Signaling with the eyebrows–commentary on Huron, Dahl, and Johnson. Empirical Musicology Review 4:3, 101 - 102.
- Ohala, J.J., 2010. The emergent syllable. In The syllable in speech production (pp. 215-222). Taylor & Francis.
- Ohala, J.J., 2010. The relation between phonetics and phonology. The handbook of phonetic sciences, pp.653-677.
- Ohala, J.J., 2010. What's behind the smile?. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 33(6), pp.456-457.
- Ohala, J.J. and Solé, M.J., 2010. Turbulence and phonology. Turbulent sounds. An interdisciplinary guide, pp.37-97.
- Solé, M.J. and Ohala, J.J., 2010. What is and what is not under the control of the speaker: intrinsic vowel duration. Papers in laboratory phonology, 10, pp.607-655.
- Ohala, J.J., 2011. Accommodation to the Aerodynamic Voicing Constraint and its Phonological Relevance. In ICPhS (pp. 64-67).
- Ohala, J.J., 2011. Christian Gottlieb Kratzenstein: Pioneer in Speech Synthesis. In ICPhS (pp. 156-159).
- Ohala, J.J., 2011. Hermann Grassmann: his contributions to historical linguistics and speech acoustics. In From Past to Future: Graßmann's Work in Context (pp. 345-352). Springer, Basel.
- Ohala, J.J. 2012. The relation between phonetics and phonology. In Hardcastle, W.J., Laver, J. and Gibbon, F.E. eds., 2012. The handbook of phonetic sciences (Vol. 119). John Wiley & Sons. 653 - 677.
- Ohala, J.J., 2017. Phonetics and historical phonology. The handbook of historical linguistics, pp.667-686.
- Ohala, J.J., 2018. The aerodynamic voicing constraint and its phonological implications. Revealing structure: papers in honor of Larry M. Hyman. Stanford: CSLI Publications.
- Weiss, B., Trouvain, Barkat-Defradas, M, and Ohala, J.J., 2020. Voice Atrractiveness: Studies on Sexy, Likable, and Charismatic Speakers. Singapore: Springer Nature.