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Line 18: Line 18:
| ƭaaf || || || [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parinari_curatellifolia P. curatellifolia] || ||
| ƭaaf || || || [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parinari_curatellifolia P. curatellifolia] || ||
| ɗaap || b || redevance || fee || ||
| ɗaap || || redevance || fee || ||
| || taax || coussinet [du] tête || head pad || ||
| || taax || coussinet [du] tête || head pad || ||

Revision as of 15:39, 23 January 2013

Below is a selected inventory of Sereer Siin lexical items, taken from Fal (1980). This is intended for use by people who want to expand the currently recorded Sereer Saloum lexicon. If you've elicited a word and gotten its Sereer Saloum equivalent, please check off the rightmost column in the table whether retrieving the form was successful or not. Faytak 19:48, 21 January 2013 (UTC)


Note that Fal only lists stems (and not noun class morphology) in the sections discussing phonology, where the majority of the data here comes from. Noun class morphology is as such not included, with the assumption that it will be easy to fill in.

Siin sg Siin pl French English elicited? (x)
tof rôniers ronier palms
piic feuille de rônier ronier palm leaf
fiic aiguille needle
ɗaaf fruit of P. curatellifolia
ƭaaf P. curatellifolia
ɗaap redevance fee
taax coussinet [du] tête head pad
mbat pat cerf deer
pom rat rat
lup danse de possession possession dance (?)
luk noyau pit, stone
dak bonnet cap
bat baptême baptism (?)
par cruche à ouverture large wide-mouthed pitcher
boop cavité dans laquelle se loge la graine de mil cavity the millet grain lodges in (?)
boob herbe grass
mbaac paac genre de bovidé bovine sp.
maac gros mil whole millet
ndap grenier attic (?)
ndam honneur honor
lap veau veal
lam héritier heir
tax sève sap
sax espèce de serpent snake sp.
mbot bourse grant, award
saax pays country
mbos un arbre (Gardenia) Gardenia tree sp
ɓit clôture enclosure
koon fruit du pommier du Cayor, séchés dried Cayor apple
ƭak sol dur et fertile hard, fertile ground
maak planche plank
maat royaume realm, kingdom
ndox tox incendie fire (conflagration)
tut cérémonie de circoncision circumcision ceremony
tud épervier sparrowhawk (?)
cat bout end
cal des rires laughs
sal pieu stake, post
sir écorce de baobab baobab bark
kiis mil granulé millet in granules
tan terre salée sacred ground
mbet surprise surprise
fiit être effronté be impertinent
coos pioche pickaxe, mattock
caar diarrhée bovine bovine diarrhea (?!)
bej pointe point
mbej toute petite pointe point, dim.
ñal grelot bell
caaw action de faire cuire act of cooking
ñaaw haricots long beans
kañ feu de branchettes fire of twigs (?)
xam crème fraîche crème fraîche (?)
rak cuisse thigh
kas flèche arrow
tok entrée entrance
toq charge (à porter sur la tête) load (borne on head)
coq action de piler act of pounding
ceq action de tailler act of carving
keew argile clay
geew assemblée assembly
gidi kidi fusil gun
tog calebasse calabash
sug cuiller en bois wooden spoon
kar arrivée arrival
ɗak motte de terre clod of earth
a b c d
a b c d
a b c d
a b c d
a b c d


Siin French English elicited? (x)
paax bon (be) good
dab aller trouver to find
ɓis apporter bring (along)
tam sourd (be) deaf
joos râper to grate
jaar pécher à la ligne to line-fish
fiij arroser le couscous avec de l'eau rinse couscous with water
rax chasser hunt, chase
ŋar braire bray
a b c d
a b c d


Siin French English elicited? (x)
a b c d
a b c d