Nominal Morphology

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Nominal Morphology

Nouns can be divided into patterns (classes/genders?).

Gloss Noun (sg.) Sg. article Noun (pl.) Pl. article Noun (pl.2) Pl.2 article
Fence a-ɗiŋg alɛ a-ɗiŋg akɛ
Elephant 0-faɲiik 0-paɲiik a-paɲiik akɛ
Cat 0-muus 0-muus
Horn o-ɟan olɛ ha-can ahɛ
Tongue 0-ɗɛlɛm a-ƭɛlɛm akɛ
Stove 0-ⁿdɛɛn 0-tɛɛn ?
Person o-kiin ohɛ 0-ʋiin ʋɛ

Negation of a noun is indicated by the free morphology word [ɟɛgɛ]. It's unclear if this element can function verbally or if it can only negate nouns.


Gloss Singular Noun Diminutive of SN Plural Noun Diminutive of PN Notes
drum famb ombamboŋga apamb
field qool oɴɢooloŋga
sugar suukar ɲɟuukar suukar did not elicit dim. of pl.


Gloss Singular Noun Augmentative of SN Plural Noun Augmentative of PN Notes
cat muus gamuusala

Word/clitic status of "articles"

The "articles" discussed above are apparently not suffixal, as one might assume, making them either independent (and mobile) words or clitics (which attach to the right edge of a DP?).

For instance, note that the agreement for the article in haˈƥɛk ˈsuuˌkaraˌhɛ 'the pieces of sugar (sugarcubes)' matches that of haˈƥɛkaˌhɛ 'the pieces', rather than the agreement seen in ˈsuuˌkarfɛ 'the sugar': the article agrees with haˈƥɛk despite not being immediately adjacent to it.

It is also unclear at this point precisely what semantic function they serve. Some specifying and/or deictic function seems to be involved.