American English Pronunciation Workbook

Stress pattern 20100

The stress pattern is: secondary (2), unstressed (0), primary (1), unstressed (0), unstressed (0)

1.  [pɚsn̩ælɪdi]  just his personality and his his

2.  [ɛnθɹəpɑləʤi]  um i mean i'm taking an anthropology course right now

3.  [baɪɛlɑʤɛkl̩]  is actual like some biological function

4.  [kɚʃʧiænɪɾi]  the christianity uh

5.  [junəvɚsti]  of the university here

6.  [jɪnɪtɚɪ]  the unitarian church

7.  [ɪnɛbɪlɪɾi]  or inability of a

8.  [dɪsəbɪləɾi]  um the disability is

9.  [ɔɾɪtoʊɹim̩]  took all the kids in the auditorium and said

10.  [junəvɚsɪɾi]  did you teach at university level

11.  [kɑndəmɪnim̩]  a condominium or something

12.  [pɚsənælɪɾi]  her forceful personality too

13.  [tsaɪkəlɑʤɪkl̩]  plus it was a fun psychological experiment just

14.  [mɛʧɚpɑləsn̩]  at least the metropolitan areas of the state

15.  [nɛsɪsɛɹəli]  i don't know if that necessarily makes them a better school

16.  [pɑsəbɪləɾi]  i'm not saying that that's not a possibility but

17.  [kjuɹiɑsəɾi]  i have the curiosity that something whack is

18.  [nɛsɪsɛɹəli]  fairly powerful but i don't think that's necessarily a bad thing

19.  [kɑntɪnuɪɾi]  a greater degree of continuity from episode to episode

20.  [dɪsəbɪɾl̩i]  based upon age or disability or being out of town

21.  [baɪəlɑʤɪkl̩]  when politicians start talking about like biological functions

© 2011 Keith Johnson & Erin Diehm