Talker Uniqueness

This HIT is a study being performed by researchers in the UC Berkeley Department of Linguistics. The researchers who have requested your participation will not link your Amazon Worker ID to the data that you provide. There is a questionnaire at the end of the task, which you must complete in order to be compensated. See a screen shot of the questionnaire here.

In this study, you will be presented with English sentences spoken by different people. Listen closely and then judge how unique the talker sounds.

You enter your judgement as a number between 1 and 7, where 1 means "unremarkable" and 7 means "very memorable".
There will be about 125 sentences to judge.

Please do this experiment in one sitting, without taking any breaks.

Sound requirements:

Do the audio check:
    Type the word here:

Consent form:

Please read the linked consent form. Do you consent to participate in this study?