Index of sounds
Advanced Tongue Root | Breathy voice | Clicks | Clusters | Coronal | Creaky voice | Dorsal, | Double Articulations | Ejectives | Fortis/Lenis Consonants | Glottal | Implosives | Labial | Laryngealization | Laterals | Length | Mora | Murmur (breathy voice) | Nasal consonants | Nasalized vowels | Pharyngeal, | Place of Articulation | Pressed voice | Rhotics | Secondary Articulations | Semivowels | Sibilants | Tones | Trills | VOT (Voice Onset Time) | Vowels |
Advanced Tongue Root
ATR vowels in Akan
ATR vowels in Ijo
Breathy voice (Murmur)
Breathy voiced nasals in Marathi
Breathy voiced nasals in Newari
Breathy voiced nasals in Tsonga
Breathy voiced stops in Hindi
Breathy voiced stops in Igbo
Breathy voiced stops in Nepali
Breathy voiced stops in Sindhi
Breathy vowels in !Xóõ
Breathy vowels in Gujarati
Breathy vowels in Mazatec
Clicks in Nama
Clicks in Xhosa
Clicks in !Xóõ
Clicks in Zhu|hõasi
Clicks in Zulu
Clusters in Tsou
Clusters in Polish
Voiced+voiceless clusters in Zhu|hõasi
Interdental fricatives in Greek
Dental & alveolar laterals in Kaititj
Dental & alveolar stops in Nunggubuyu
Dental & alveolar stops in Temne
Alveolar & postalveolar fricatives (12) in Ubykh
Retroflex stops in Hindi
Retroflex stops in Javanese
Retroflex stops in Sindhi
Palatals and alveolars in Italian
Palatals in Hungarian
Palatal and velars in Ngwo
Palatals and velars in Margi
Velar fricatives in Greek
Uvular, pharyngeal and glottal consonants in Hebrew
Uvular consonants in Aleut
Uvular and velar stops in Kekchi
Uvular and velar stops in Quechua
Uvular rhotics in French
Ejectives in Montana Salish
Ejectives in Kekchi
Ejectives in Lakhota
Ejectives in Navajo
Ejectives in Quechua
Fortis/Lenis Consonants
Fortis/lenis obstruents in Korean
Glottal consonants in Gimi
Glottal consonants in Hebrew
Implosives in Sindhi
Voiceless and voiced implosives in Igbo
Bilabial & labiodental fricatives in Ewe
Bilabial & labiodental fricatives in Venda
Labiodental fricative and approximant in Isoko
Linguo-labials in Venen Taut
Labial-velar stops in Idoma
Labial-velar stops in Yoruba
Labial-velars in Bura
Laryngealized vowels in Mazatec
Laryngealization in Hausa
Laryngealized semi-vowels in Bura
Laryngealized vowels in Bruu
Laryngealized vowels in Mpi
Dental & alveolar laterals in Kaititj
Laterally released stops in Navajo
Laterals (4) in Bura
Laterals (4) in Zulu
Palatal laterals in Italian
Velar laterals in Melpa
Velar laterals in Mid-Waghi
Voiced & voiceless laterals (4) in Toda
Vowel length in Danish
Vowel length in Swedish
Vowel length in Icelandic
Initial long consonants in Malay
Morae in Japanese
Nasal consonants
Breathy voiced nasals in Marathi
Breathy voiced nasals in Newari
Breathy voiced nasals in Tsonga
Nasals (6 places of articulation) in Malayalam
Nasals (6 places of articulation) in Wangurri
Nasals (7 places of articulation) in Yanyuwa
Prenasalization in Kele
Prenasalization in Titan
Voiceless nasals in Burmese
Voiceless nasals in Angami
Nasalized vowels in Ijo
Nasalized vowels in French
Nasal spreading in Sundanese
Uvular, pharyngeal and glottal consonants in Hebrew
Pharyngeal fricatives in Agul
Epiglottal obstruents in Agul
5 places of articulation (stops) in Hindi
5 places of articulation (stops) in Sindhi
6 places of articulation (nasals) in Malayalam
6 places of articulation (nasals) in Wangurri
7 places of articulation in Yanyuwa
7 places of articulation (fricatives) in Toda
Sibilants (3 places of articulation) in Polish
Sibilants (4 places of articulation) in Toda
Sibilants (4 places of articulation) in Ubykh
Semivowels in French
Rhotics in Edo
Trills (3) in Toda
Trills (2) in Finnish
Uvular rhotics in French
Tones (3) in Ibibio
Tones (4) in Chinese, Standard
Tones (5) in Thai
Tones (6) in Mpi
Tones (7) in Hmong
Tones (9) in Cantonese
Bilabial trills in Kele
Bilabial trills in Titan
Bilabial trills in Oro Win
Trills (3) in Toda
Trills (2) in Finnish
Trills in Icelandic
Trills in Russian
Secondary articulations
Labialization in Bura
Palatalized consonants in Russian
Pharyngealization in Arabic
VOT in Armenian
VOT in Hindi
VOT in Igbo
VOT in Korean
VOT in Lakohta
VOT in Navajo
VOT in Sindhi
VOT in Thai
Preaspirated stops in Icelandic
Back over-rounded vowels in Assamese
Back unrounded vowels in Gaelic
Back unrounded vowels in Turkish
Back unrounded vowels in Vietnamese
Front rounded vowels in Dutch
Front rounded vowels in French
Front rounded vowels in German
Front rounded vowels in Norwegian
Front rounded vowels in Turkish
ATR vowels in Akan
ATR vowels in Ijo
Retroflex vowels in Badaga
Nasalized vowels in Chinantec
Nasalized vowels in Ijo
Nasalized vowels in French
Nasal spreading in Sundanese