A Course in Phonetics UC Berkeley Linguistics

Getting the most from the audio examples

There are hundreds of example soundfiles in this website, and they are generally presented in tables like this one.

With each sound file there are three actions you can take.
(1) click to listen to the audio,
(2) right click to see the spectrogram of the audio file,
(3) alt right click to open the file in a new browser window (if popups are allowed).

The spectrograms were made with the ESPS routines sgram() and image() in wideband mode. These settings can be approximated in Praat with the following setttings:

      window length: 0.014 
      dynamic range: 24

      time steps 400
      freq steps 200
      max dB 84
      pre-emph 4
      dynamic compression 0.3

Some teachers (and maybe also students) find it helpful to be able to download the sound files for further acoustic analysis or demonstration.