
CogNetwork is an interdisciplinary weekly forum focused on discussing ongoing research in language and cognition; both theoretical and experimental approaches are welcomed.

It features presentations of works in progress by members of the UC Berkeley Linguistics Department and other campus departments as well as invited visitors.

A major goal of the forum is to foster cross-department and cross-disciplinary communication and contact.

when & where

Friday 12:00- 13:30
1229 Dwinelle Hall

contact information

February 17, 2017

Simon Todd (Stanford) (website)
Connecting Speech Perception and Sound Change: A Computational Model of Push-Chains (abstract)

March 17, 2017

Oana David (UC Merced) (website)
Constructional Annotation Net (CAN): A database of metaphors, frames and grammatical constructions (abstract)

April 7, 2017

Jackson Tolins (UC Santa Cruz) (website)
Collaborative Effects in Dialogue Comprehension: Addressee Responses and Grounding affect Overhearing (abstract)