Meas formants

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Revision as of 11:35, 8 October 2013 by Ronald (talk | contribs) (Created page with " <nowiki> #!/usr/bin/env python # Measure formants. Read input textgrids, call ifcformant on associated audio file, # and output measurements to a .meas file. Usage = 'meas_for…")
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#!/usr/bin/env python

# Measure formants. Read input textgrids, call ifcformant on associated audio file,
# and output measurements to a .meas file.

Usage = 'meas_formants speaker file1.TextGrid [file2.TextGrid] ... [fileN.TextGrid]'

import audiolabel
import os, sys, subprocess
import re
import numpy as np

# Do minimal checking to ensure the script was called with appropriate
# arguments.
    if not (sys.argv[1] == 'male' or
            sys.argv[1] == 'female' or
            sys.argv[1] == 'child'): raise
    sys.argv[2] != None
    raise Exception('Usage: ' + Usage)

# Regular expression used to identify vowels.
vre = re.compile(

# The output header line.
head = '\t'.join(('t1 t2 lintime ifctime idx vowel stress \
                   rms f1 f2 f3 f4 f0 word context'
                 ).split()) + '\n'

# Format string used for output.
fmt = '\t'.join(["{t1:0.4f}", "{t2:0.4f}", "{lintime:0.4f}", "{ifctime:0.4f}",
                "{idx:d}", "{vowel}", "{stress}", "{rms}", "{f1}", "{f2}",
                "{f3}", "{f4}", "{f0}", "{word}", "{context}\n"

# Name to use for ifcformant output file.
tempifc = '__temp.ifc'

speaker = sys.argv[1]

ifc_args = ['ifcformant',
           '--speaker=' + speaker,
           '-e', 'gain -n -3 sinc -t 10 60 contrast',
           '--output=' + tempifc]

# Loop over all the input files specified on the command line.
for tg in sys.argv[2:]:
    fname = os.path.splitext(tg)[0]  # get filename without extension
    with open(fname + '.meas', 'w') as out:

        # Praat LabelManager.
        pm = audiolabel.LabelManager(fromFile=tg, fromType='praat')

        # Create ifcformant results and read into ifc LabelManager.
        proc = subprocess.Popen(ifc_args + [fname + '.wav'], stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        if proc.returncode != 0:
            for line in proc.stderr:
                sys.stderr.write(line + '\n')
            raise Exception("ifcformant exited with status: {0}".format(proc.returncode))
        #ifc = audiolabel.LabelManager(fromFile=tempifc, fromType='ifcformant')
        ifc = audiolabel.LabelManager(fromFile=tempifc, fromType='table', t1Col='sec')


        # Loop over all the vowel labels in the tier named 'phone'.
        for v, m in pm.tier('phone').search(vre, returnMatch=True):
            if v.duration() > 1 and v.t1() != 0:

            # Safer to use center of a label as reference point than an edge.
            word = pm.tier('word').labelAt(
            context = pm.tier('context').labelAt(

            # Take measurements at start and end of vowel and at five
            # equally-spaced intervals in between them.
            for idx, t in enumerate(np.linspace(v.t1(), v.t2(), num=7)):
                meas = ifc.labelsAt(t)
                out.write(fmt.format(t1=v.t1(), t2=v.t2(), lintime=t, ifctime=meas.f1.t1(),
                                 rms=meas.rms.text, f1=meas.f1.text,
                                 f2=meas.f2.text, f3=meas.f3.text, f4=meas.f4.text,
                                 f0=meas.f0.text, word=word.text,