Serer lexicon

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Gloss Singular Plural OAD KC MF Session Sound1 Sound 2 notes
dog obox habox OAD_001
cat mu:s mu:s OAD_001
bird ndi:t ti:t OAD_001
pig ru:hl athu:l OAD_001
insect jejet jejet OAD_001
spider apohulech apoholac OAD_001
ant ni:nax ni:nax OAD_001
butterfly ofid hapid OAD_001
fruit obi: obi: OAD_001
person MF_002
man MF_002
fire 'fidɛl JM_004
tree 'ndaχar 'taχar JM_004
town, village 'satɪ 'satɪkɛ, 'ʧ’atɪkɛ JM_004 ɪ~ɛ~e
city 'satɪ fa'ma:k 'satɪ 'ma:kɛ JM_004
beard o'ratam 'χata,tam JM_004
light lɛ:r JM_004
fence a'ɗiŋk a'ɗiŋk JM_004
tongue, language 'ɗelem a'ɗelem JM_004
name gʊn a'kʊn JM_004
sap go:n JM_004
drum famb a'pamb JM_004
song a'kjim a'kjim JM_004
salt o'ɉɪm ha'cɛm JM_004


Gloss form OAD KC MF Session Sound1 Sound 2
one MF_002
two MF_002
three MF_002
four MF_002
five MF_002
six MF_002
seven MF_002
eight MF_002
nine MF_002
ten MF_002


Gloss form OAD KC MF Session Sound1 Sound 2
greeting MF_002
greeting (contracted) MF_002
thank you MF_002
response to thanks MF_002
response to greeting MF_002