Talk:Serer lexicon

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How many sections do we want for nouns, and do we have principled reasons for dividing the sortable lists into multiple parts? This actually seems like it might hinder analysis at this point. Faytak 07:38, 24 September 2012 (UTC)

I actually agree with Matt here -- it seems that the priority should be on keeping all of the nouns and verbs together. If you want to make a particular category identifiable by a semantic field, add a separate column where you can put sortable semantic information (body parts, abstract nouns, etc). --jenks 16:05, 24 September 2012 (UTC)


A second point is about the verbs: I think that the verbs should probably be arranged so that each verb gets one entry row, with different inflected forms in different columns. This allows the whole paradigm to be seen side by side for each verb. --jenks 16:05, 24 September 2012 (UTC)

Comments and alternate transcriptions

Is anyone else actually going to use a column to give dissenting transcriptions? Should this just be merged into one column where anyone can provide extra interpretations? Jevon is next to me and says the one-column idea seems better. Faytak 19:12, 25 September 2012 (UTC)