Minimal Pair List

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The list below shows some minimal or near minimal pairs.


word gloss
ˈtadikʰ - three
ⁿdiitˈ - bird
word gloss
ŋɡol - finger
oŋɡool - moon
word gloss
famb - drum
faaɓ - frog
word gloss
fidɛl - fire
ˈʔambɛ:l - lake
word gloss
ƥa̰:k - baobab tree
ɓa:k - baobab fruit
word gloss
oˈɟɛm - salt
ˈɟimb - transplant
word gloss
ˈɟimb - transplant
ˈcimb - seedling
aˈkim - song
word gloss
oˈqol - field
oˈkol - glue (Fr.)
word gloss
aˈnaaq - branch
aˈnaaχaha - senile, negligent
word gloss
mbɪnd - house (sg)
pɪnd - house (pl)
word gloss
suk - boat
sug - pound millet
word gloss
suk - boat
ɗuk - tackle
word gloss
okor - man
okol - glue (Fr.)
word gloss
fiɗel - fire (sg)
piɗel - fire (pl)
word gloss
ndaχar - tree
taχar - tree (pl)
word gloss
mbaal - sheep (sg)
paal - sheep (pl)
word gloss
mbof - tied bundle (pl)
pof - tied bundle (pl)
word gloss
ndeen - stove (sg)
teen - stove (pl)
word gloss
ndiig - rainy season (sg)
tiig - rainy season (pl)
word gloss
nɟɔŋg - bed (sg)
cɔŋg - bed (pl)
word gloss
nduus - knife (sg)
ruus - knife (pl)
word gloss
gin - egg
giɲ - (be) full
word gloss
lug - gangrene (?)
luɗ - borrow
word gloss
atɛƥ - rain
atɛɓ - small (class x)
word gloss
atɛɓ - small (class x)
adɛɓ - small (class y)
word gloss
χal - make a mistake, misspeak
kal - a mistake
word gloss
(mɛhɛ) χɔ:χa - 'I'm cultivating'
(inwɛ) ɴɢɔ:χa - 'We're cultivating'
word gloss
fa:ɲik - elephant (sg)
pa:ɲik - elephant (pl)
word gloss
ʄu:d - thunder
ɗu:d - swallow
word gloss
ɗat - pick fruit
ƭat - (be) right
word gloss
ɗat - pick fruit
ɗap - wash laundry
word gloss
dam - hold sth. for
daɓ - bellybutton
word gloss
ɗaj - happiness
ɓaj - blow
word gloss
gar - come
gaʔ - see
word gloss
naf - hit
nag - pick up
word gloss
rɛf - be
gɛf - crack, break
word gloss
tok - on, on top of
ɓok - (be) pigeon-toed
word gloss
aʄɛwa - He gets water from a well
aƈɛwa - They get water from a well
word gloss
afo:la - He jumps
ambo:la - They jump
word gloss
abuga - He loves
ambuga - They love
word gloss
awa:ɗa - He looks for
amba:ɗa - They look for
word gloss
ɟik - buy
ɗik - two
word gloss
aɟika - He buys
aɲɟika - They buy
word gloss
ɓood - to crawl
ƥood - snake (lit. 'crawler')
word gloss
qɔχ - bulls
ɴɢɔχ - a bull
word gloss
laac - to ask for
laƈ - a limp
laʄ - to limp


word gloss
daɓ - belly button
deɓ - rain
word gloss
faɗ - to slap
fiɓ - to sift
word gloss
naf - to hit
nof - ear
word gloss
sak - to hold something
suk - boat
word gloss
gen - to live
gin - egg
gon - name
gum - to have a mouth full of water
word gloss
liƥ - fish
luƥ - a borrowing
word gloss
log - to have a mouth full of food
lug - abscess
word gloss
xas - to scold
xaas - to fart
word gloss
ten - he/she/it
teen - breast
word gloss
gin - egg
giiñ - to swear an oath
word gloss
liƥ - fish
liiɓ - to measure
word gloss
χooχ - to cultivate
χoχ - head
word gloss
luƥ - a borrowing
aluuƥ - a flute
word gloss
poj - tomb
paj - sarong