
Proseminar in Syntax | Ling 226 | Fall 2012
Monday & Wednesday, 2-3:45 | The Cave

Amy Rose Deal

Course Description

This course will focus on binding, a topic at the syntax-semantics interface. We will explore why and how theories of binding have evolved, and what sorts of factors constrain the theory of binding today.

Schedule (Subject to evolution)

Week(s) Topic Readings Homeworks and Handouts
Part 1. The classic binding theory
1 Preliminary binding conditions Lees and Klima 1963
HW 1: Pronominalization (due 10/8)
2 Transformation and interpretation
Binding in GB theory
Wasow 1979 ch 2
Chomsky 1986 ch 3 (excerpt)
3 Binding in GB theory (con't)
Lasnik 1988 HW 2: Sorting out a first range of theories (due 10/22)
Part 2. Binding and coreference
4 A restatement of the anaphora questions
Reinhart 1983
Grodzinsky and Reinhart 1993
5 Developing the Reinhartian analysis Heim 1993 HW 3: Working through Heim 1993
6 Heim's conditions: final version (Monday)
Whatever happened to Condition C? (Wednesday)
Davis, Waldie and Wojdak 2007
Lasnik 1989
Part 3. Non-complementarity between pronouns and reflexives
7 Exempt anaphora
Pollard and Sag 1992
HW 4
8 Reflexivity theory
Reinhart and Reuland 1993
Part 4. Binding theory today
9 Primitives of binding Reuland 2001 HW 5
10 Binding Book Club! Safir 2004 Final papers due 12/14

Student contributions

Responsibilities of enrolled students are:

  • Weekly readings
  • Homeworks
  • A final project
  • Meeting with me as necessary throughout the term

Course resources