American English Pronunciation Workbook

Stress pattern 2010

The stress pattern is: secondary (2), unstressed (0), primary (1), unstressed (0)

1.  [pɑltiʃɪn]  any politician is

2.  [ɛləmɛnʧɹi]  an elementary school

3.  [ʒɪnɚɹeɪʃɪn]  which is my daughter's generation and uh

4.  [sɪʧueɪʃɪn]  my ideal situation would be

5.  [wətsoʊɛvɚ]  do you have like any friendly animals whatsoever in

6.  [mɛɾɪkeɪʃɪn]  on the influence of medication or

7.  [ɪnfɚmeɪʃən]  he needs to know this piece of information at the same

8.  [ɪnəpɛɾɛʔt]  she's like an independent contractor for them

9.  [pɑpjəleɪʃn̩]  with a lot of people population and everything

10.  [ɛʤəkeɪʃɪn]  wrong with like the education system in general

11.  [jɚpiɪn]  whatever of this european thing you're

12.  [daɪəbiɾis]  she had diabetes um

13.  [kɑnvɚseɪʃn̩]  we just had a whole conversation come on now

14.  [ɪnfɚmeɪʃən]  giving the information aren't ready to accept it then

15.  [fənɪmɛnəl]  real fundamental belief is that

16.  [ɛʤɪkeɪʃn̩]  a college education doesn't guarantee you

17.  [kɑɚseɪʃn̩]  yknow in conversation talking about oh yeah i

18.  [ʤɛnɚeɪʃɪn]  is the generation that had woodstock

19.  [sɪmpəθɛɾɪk]  hard to be sympathetic for

20.  [ɛnʧɚmeɪʃn̩]  because they'd spilled bunches of information into it

21.  [ɛmɛniʃn̩]  and they set the ammunition on fire

22.  [ɪnɚækʃən]  they saw the interaction with the elderly people

23.  [ɔɾəmæɾɪk]  some of that the automatic assigning and

24.  [kɑʃiɛnʃəs]  yknow conscientious that there are

25.  [junəvɚsl̩]  like universal negative things about this

26.  [pɑpjɪleɪʃɛn]  put one part of the population in

27.  [ɹɛkɪŋnəʃʊn]  think were getting more recognition but

28.  [saɪəntɪfɪk]  what i remember was more of a scientific approach

29.  [ɛkspɛkteɪʃn̩]  with the expectation of their being mobilized

30.  [vɪzɪteɪʃən]  real strict visitation policies things like that

31.  [ɛʤɪkeɪʃɪn]  i'm for education in schools but

32.  [ɑtɪmɪstɪk]  just incredibly optimistic i mean i really

33.  [ɹəkɹɚeɪʃɪn]  as a recreation type of thing yknow not as a uh

34.  [sɪmpəθɛɾɪk]  yeah just lot more sympathetic to people collecting data

35.  [sələbɹeɪʃn̩]  yknow the celebration type stuff well that's not

36.  [dɛfn̩ɪʃɛn]  the state of ohio's definition of

37.  [ɛvəluʃɪn]  uh in evolution at this time tell you the truth

38.  [kɑnʧɚbjuʃɪn]  that i think is a major contribution of the past generation

39.  [ɪndəpɛnɪʔt]  it's not that these girls aren't independent and can't do it on their

40.  [mɛɾɪkeɪʃn̩]  and some of that's controlled with medication now but

41.  [ɹɛvəluʃɪn]  there was a sexual revolution in the late sixties

42.  [ʤɚnl̩ɪstɪɡ]  my husband comes from a journalistic background and he'll be like

43.  [kɑmpɪtɪʃən]  won some competition a couple years ago about

44.  [kɑnfɪɾɛnʃl̩]  by federal law it was confidential we couldn't give it to them

45.  [kɑnʧɚvɚʃəl]  i don't know that's so controversial i mean

© 2011 Keith Johnson & Erin Diehm