About Us
The UC Berkeley PhonLab (Phonetics/Phonology Lab) focuses on documenting and explaining sound patterns in language. This includes physical studies of aerodynamic and articulatory factors in speech production, behavioral and neural imaging studies of speech perception, as well as linguistic studies of synchronic and diachronic language sound patterns.
Visit the Research page to learn more about ongoing research, including information about participating in ongoing studies. Current and historical involvement and collaborations in the lab can be found on the People page along with information for visiting scholars. Information about upcoming talks and events can be found below.

Meetings and Events

Phorum Monday 12:10-1:00 Dwinelle 1303
Invited Phonetics and Phonology Talks
Phonology Reading Group Monday 10:30-11:30 Dwinelle 1226
Fall 2019 Working Group on experimental phonology and artificial language learning
BLS Workshop February 7-8, 2020
BLS Workshop on Phonological Representations

The theme for this year's Berkeley Linguistics Society Workshop is Phonological Representations. Check out the website for more information.