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The allomorph ''-iina'' of the relative suffix appears when co-occuring with the tense/aspect suffixes ''-''' (past), ''-k'' (future), and ''-eeg'' (past imperfect).
The allomorph ''-iina'' of the relative suffix appears when co-occuring with the tense/aspect suffixes ''-''' (past), ''-k'' (future), and ''-eeg'' (past imperfect) (see below).
==Conditional marking==
==Conditional marking==

Revision as of 23:59, 28 April 2013

Subject Marking

Sereer verbs agree in person and number with their subject. The following person/number agreement morphemes are used by the language, depending on morphological factors discussed below:

Basic subject marking:
Gloss Sereer Gloss Sereer
1SG -(u)m 1PL i=
2SG -o/Ø 2PL nu=
3SG a= 3PL a=

The set of "strong" subject markers is used in contexts such as subordinate clauses, relative clauses, and switch-referent situations.

"Strong" subject marking:
Gloss Sereer Gloss Sereer
1SG in/=n, (u)m 1PL i=
2SG o= 2PL nu=
3SG te= 3PL de=

In addition to these suffixes and clitics, number agreement is indicated by initial consonant mutation, with unmutated verb forms agreeing with singular subjects, and nasal grade verb forms agreeing with plural subjects.


Negation is expressed by verbal suffixes of the form -ee(r), -i(r), -ii. These allomorphs are not strictly phonologically conditioned. The negative suffix appears closer to the root that subject or object marking suffixes. The negative marker co-occuring with the singular subject agreement morphemes are given below. In all cases, the plural form of negative-marked verbs differs from the third person singular only in the agreement proclitic, and initial consonant mutation

Negative marking:
Gloss Sereer
1SG -ii-m
2SG -ir-o
3SG a= -ee(r)

Non-finite forms

There are two types of non-finite verb forms; infinitives and progressive participles. The infinitive is the bare verb stem. The progressive participle is formed by affixing the suffix -aa to the stem, though when co-occuring with certain other suffixes, the allomorph -a appears. Though object, tense, and aspect suffixes can appear on the both types of non-finite verbs, subject agreement suffixes cannot. Subject agreement proclitics (both basic and strong) can occur on non-finite forms, for example in subordinate clauses. Non-finite forms always exhibit initial consonant mutation to agree with their subject, if one exists. Non-finite verb forms can serve as the subject or object of clauses. They are often preceded by the non-finite particle o, though not obligatorily.


Imperative forms exist for second person adressees only. The singular imperative is formed with the suffix -i, and the plural imperative with the suffixes -y-o. Note that object markers intervened between the suffixes -y and -o (see below).

Imperative marking:
Gloss Sereer
2SG -i
2PL -y-o

The forms discussed so far are given below for the verb fal "kick."

sg. pl.
Infinitive fal mbal
Prog. Part. falaa mbalaa
Imperative fali mbalyo
1 falaam i mbala
2 fala nu mbala
3 a fala a mbala
1 faliim i mbalee(r)
2 faliro nu mbalee(r)
3 falee(r) mbalee(r)

Object Marking

Incorporated object pronouns exist as affixes for singular objects. These affixes directly precede the subject suffixes, if any are present, though combinations of object suffixes and other suffixes are often highly idiosyncratic. Of especial note is the element -ax which appears in various combinations of 1st and/or 2nd singular participants. The first person singular object marker is -(a)am.

kick me
sg. pl.
Infinitive falaam mbalaam
Prog. Part. falaxam mbalaxam
Imperative falaam mbalyaamo
2 falaxamo nu mbalaxam
3 a falaxam a mbalaxam
2 faliraamo nu mbaliraam
3 faliraam mbaliraam

The second person singular object marker is -(o)ng.

kick you
sg. pl.
Infinitive falong mbalong
Prog. Part. falang mbalang
1 falaaxong i mbalaang
3 a falaang a mbalaang
1 falirong i mbalirang
3 falirang mbalirang

The third person singular object marker is -(i)n. Note the allomorphs of the imperative suffixes that occur when alongside this object marker.

kick him
sg. pl.
Infinitive falin mbalin
Prog. Part. falan falan
Imperative faleen (mbalyeeno)
1 falaanum i mbalaan
2 falaano nu mbalaan
3 a falaan a mbalaan
1 falinum i mbaliran
2 falino nu mbaliran
3 faliran mbaliran

Focus extraction marking

In cases of focus extraction, different forms of the verb appear. These are marked by the suffix -u, which has a zero allomorph when preceding a vowel-initial suffix. This suffix -u takes the place of the default vowel -a. In addition to subject marking, these extraction forms of the verb can include negative marking and object marking. In cases of subject extraction, the verb shows no agreement affixes (though it does exhibit the proper mutation for number agreement). The rows marked with "S" in the paradigms below indicate these subject-extraction forms. When some other element is extracted, the verb does exhibit subject agreement. Note that non-finite forms cannot take extraction morphology.

kick (w/ extraction)
sg. pl.
1 falum i mbalu
2 falo nu mbalu
3 a falu a mbalu
S falu mbalu
1 faleerum i mbaleeru
2 faleero nu mbaleeru
3 a faleeru a mbaleeru
S faleeru mbaleeru
kick me (w/ extraction)
sg. pl.
kick you (w/ extraction)
sg. pl.
S falong
kick him (w/ extraction)
sg. pl.
3 a falun a mbalun
S falun mbalun


The passive forms of the verb are formed with the suffix -(e)e(l). Object markers cannot appear on passive forms of the verb. Any object that is present must be expressed as a free pronoun or NP. Negative forms of passive verbs take the suffix -aand, which co-occurs with the passive suffix only in first and second plural forms.

be kicked
sg. pl.
Infinitive falel mbalel
Prog. Part. faleel mbaleel
Imperative ?? ??
1 faleem i mbale
2 falee nu mbale
3 a fale a mbale
1 falaandeem i mbalaand
2 falaandee nu mbalaand
3 falaand mbalaand

Relative marking

Relative Clauses include relativized forms of the verb, marked with the suffix -(ii)(n)a. This suffix combines with subject and object markers very idiosyncratically. These relative forms appear in two principle contexts: relative clauses, and following the word y- (e.g. ye, ya, yaaga) "when/while." In a subject-headed relative clause (e.g. 'the man that kicked'), no subject agreement is present. These forms are given in the tables below in the rows marked "S".

that (__) kick(s)
sg. pl.
1 faluuma i mbalna
2 faloona nu mbalna
3 te falna de mbalna
S falna mbalna
1 faleeruuma i mbaleerna
2 faleeroona nu mbaleerna
3 te faleerna de mbaleerna
S faleerna mbaleerna

Relative verb forms including object markers are given below:

that/when (__) kick(s) me
sg. pl.
2 falaxoona nu mbalaxama
3 te falaxama de mbalaxama
S falaxama mbalaxama
2 (faleeraxoona) (nu mbaleeraxama)
3 (te faleeraxama) (de mbaleeraxama)
S faleeraxama mbaleeraxama

that/when (__) kick(s) you
sg. pl.
1 in faloonga i mbaloonga
3 te faloonga de mbaloonga
S faloonga mbaloonga
1 (in faleeroonga) i mbaleeroonga
3 (te faleeroonga) (de mbaleeroonga)
S faleeroonga mbaleeroonga

that/when (__) kick(s) him
sg. pl.
1 falanuuma i mbaluuna
2 falanoona nu mbaluuna
3 te faluuna de mbaluuna
S faluuna mbaluuna
1 (faleeranuuma) (i mbaleeruuna)
2 (faleeranoona) (nu mbaleeruuna)
3 (te faleeruuna) (de mbaleeruuna)
S faleeruuna mbaleeruuna

Passive verb forms can also be relativized.

that/when (__) am/are/is kicked
sg. pl.
3 te faleena de mbaleena
S faleena mbaleena
3 te falaandeena de mbalaandeena
S falaandeena falaandeena

The allomorph -iina of the relative suffix appears when co-occuring with the tense/aspect suffixes -' (past), -k (future), and -eeg (past imperfect) (see below).

Conditional marking

if __ kick(s)
sg. pl.
1 falanga i mbalanga
2 o falanga nu mbalanga
3 a falanga a mbalanga
1 falangee i mbalangee
2 o falangee nu mbalangee
3 a falangee a mbalangee

Subject Marking

Sereer verbs agree with subject, even if a subject is overtly expressed elsewhere in the sentence. Singular and plural forms for first, second, and third person are all distinguished from each other. The only distinguishing characteristic between singular and plural third person, however, is the stem-initial consonant mutation of the verb stem. Initial consonant mutation occurs with all plural subjects, regardless of subject agreement type.

The following table shows the basic subject marking paradigm, which occurs when no pre-verbal morphology is present:

Basic subject marking:
Gloss Sereer Gloss Sereer
1SG -m 1PL i-[mut]
2SG -' 2PL nu-[mut]
3SG a- 3PL a-[mut]

This subject marking occurs with the proximal, past, and past progressive tenses (see Tense, below). For example, the proximal tense:

Gloss Sereer Gloss Sereer
1sg- 'I run' ʄuufaam 1pl- 'we run' uufaa
2sg- 'you run' ʄuufaa'' 2pl- 'you all run' nuƈuufaa
3sg- 'he runs' aʄuufaa 3pl- 'they run' uufaa

Subject agreement varies, however, and is conditioned (at least) by clause type, negation, focus, and presence or absence of auxiliaries. Most subject agreement morphemes within these paradigms are prefixes.

When the preverbal aspect marker xe/we 'progressive' is present, a different subject marking paradigm occurs:

Subject marking with xe/we:
Gloss Sereer Gloss Sereer
-xe -we
1SG me- 1PL in-
2SG we- 2PL nuun-
3SG a- 3PL a-

For example, with the verb ʄuuf, 'run':

Gloss Sereer Gloss Sereer
1sg- 'I am running' mexe ʄuufaa 1pl- 'we were running' inwe ƈuufaa
2sg- 'you are running' wexe ʄuufaa 2pl- 'you all were running' nunwe ƈuufaa
3sg 'he is running' axe ʄuufaa 3pl- 'they were running' awe ƈuufaa

With the auxiliary verb xan 'future', or special preverbal morph (clitic?) kan (which marks predicate focus), subject marking always occurs immediately before the verb stem:

Subject marking with xan or kan:
Gloss Sereer Gloss Sereer
1SG -m 1PL i-[mut]
2SG o- 2PL nu-[mut]
3SG a- 3PL a-[mut]

For example, ʄuuf, 'run':

Gloss Sereer Gloss Sereer
1sg- 'I will see him' xam ~ xan ga' in 1pl- 'we will see him' xani ng'a' in
2sg- 'you will see him' xano ga' in 2pl- 'you all will see him' xan nu nga' in
3sg 'he will see her' xana ga' in 3pl- 'they will see him' xan a nga' in

As seen in the paradigm, first person subject marker, -m, replaces the final /n/ of xan or kan, and alternates with a zero 1sg subject marker.

Object marking

Sereer object marking varies based on how the subject is marked (which in turn varies based on tense/aspect marking). When there is no pre-verbal morphology and the subject is 3S, 1P, 2P, or 3P, the 'basic' subject marking appears, which can the following objects:

Basic object marking:
Gloss Sereer Gloss Sereer
1SG -(ax)am 1PL (a) 'in
2SG -(o)ng 2P (a) nuun
3SG -(i)n 3P (a) den

The singular objects are syntactically clitics, but phonologically suffixes. That is, they display morphophonological interactions with subject-marking suffixes, but do not always occur in the same place relative to the verb. Plural object markers are clitics as well, but are less bound than singular object markers. Plural object pronouns never interact phonologically with subject suffixes. Likewise, they are always preceded by the object marker a, and other words can intervene between them and the verb. For example:

<gl fontsize=11> anafana a Jegaan a den \gll a= naf-an-a a Jegaan a den 3sg.sbj= hit-ben-fv obj Jegaan obj 3pl \trans He hits them for Jegan (130) </gl>

This is evidence that the plural object series is not bound as the singular object series is. However, there is strong evidence that both singular and plural object markers are syntactic clitics. First, pronominal object markers are in complementary distribution with full noun phrases. In subordinate clauses, object marker can appear attached to either the verb that is thematically associated with or the matrix clause verb:

<gl fontsize=11> bugaam owarong \gll bug-aam o-war-ong want-1sg.sbj infin-kill-2sg.obj \trans I want to kill you. (155) </gl>

<gl fontsize=11> bugaxong owar \gll bug-a-xong o-war want-fv-1sg>2sg infin-kill \trans I want to kill you. (155) </gl>

In (2), the object suffix appears on war 'kill', but in (3) it attaches to bug 'want'. This can also occur with the plural series:

<gl fontsize=11> buga (o)foon a in \gll bug-a o-foon a in want-2sg.sbj infin-kiss obj 1pl \trans You want to kiss us. (155) </gl>

<gl fontsize=11> buga (a) in owar \gll bug-a (a) in o-foon want-2sg.sbj obj 1pl infin-kiss \trans You want to kiss us. (155) </gl>

This clitic climbing cannot occur with a lexical object: *buga (a) Jegan ofoon 'You want to kiss Jegan'. Thus, we should conclude that both series are clitics that attach to their hosts in different ways. Plural object pronouns are less bound than singular object pronouns, which do not phonologically behave as clitics. This points to varying levels of grammaticalization and synchronic development between the two series of object markers.

Object pronoun allomorphy

Basic object marking is altered when the subject is 1sg or 2sg. This is because these subjects are marked as post-verbal suffixes, and so these suffixes interact with the the singular object suffixes:

Objects of a 1sg subject:
Gloss Sereer Gloss Sereer
1SG>2SG -xong 1SG>2P (a) nuun
1SG>3SG -num 1SG>3P (a) den

In -xong, the -x- is analyzable as a 1sg marker, and -ong as marking for 2sg. Likewise, in -num, -n could mark for 3sg, and -um could mark 1sg.

The 2sg subject::object paradigm has similarly analyzable parts:

Objects of a 2sg subject:
Gloss Sereer Gloss Sereer
2SG>1SG -xamo 2SG>1PL (a) 'in
2SG>3SG -no' 2SG>3P (a) den

The -xam- in -xamo marks for 1sg, and -o is a 2sg marker; -n in -no' marks for 3sg, and -o' marks for 2sg. For all of these markers, except -xong, 1sg>2sg, the object marking comes inside the subject marking. This is the opposite order than what is normally expected.


Reflexive verbs are always marked by xoox-, which is synchronically or diachronically derived from the word xoox- ‘head’. When it acts as a reflexive pronoun, xoox- displays no consonant alternations between singular and plural forms (which is not the case for the normal noun), and is always marked for person with the regular nominal possessive markers:

Reflexive pronouns:
Gloss Sereer Gloss Sereer
1SG xooxes 1P xoox'in
2SG xooxof 2P xooxnun
3SG xooxum 3P xooxden

Tense and aspect


Matrix verbs are obligatorily marked for either tense or aspect in Sereer, and are often marked for both. The three tense markers are suffixes:

Typical subject marking:
Gloss Sereer
Simple past -'a
Proximal -aa
Progressive past -eega

The proximal tense marks events that happened temporally close to the speech act, which includes the present or recent past. Events outside of the recent past-present time frame cannot be marked with -aa.

The future aspect when marked with xan, however, can take -aa marking to indicate future progressive. xan can also appear by itself without any suffix aspect marking, and is glossed as the simple future. Note: Another pre-verbal morph, kan, behaves similarly to xan with regards to subject marking and position relative to the verb, but whose semantic applications are quite different. So far, the best gloss of kan is as a marker of predicate focus.

The proclitic progressive aspect marker xe/we must co-occur with either proximal tense or progressive past tense. With proximal tense -aa, xe/we is glossed as present progressive, and is past progressive with -eega. xe/we has special person marking; see the section on subject marking above.

Proximal Tense

Sample proximal tense verbal paradigm:

Proximal tense:
Gloss Sereer Gloss Sereer
1sg- 'I run' ʄuufaam 1pl- 'we run' uufaa
2sg- 'you run' ʄuufaa' 2pl- 'you all run' nuƈuufaa
3sg- 'he runs' aʄuufaa 3pl- 'they run' uufaa

Past Tense

Sample past tense verbal paradigm:

Past tense:
Gloss Sereer Gloss Sereer
1sg- 'I ran' ʄuuf'aam 1pl- 'we ran' uuf'aa
2sg- 'you ran' ʄuuf'aa' 2pl- 'you all ran' nuƈuuf'aa
3sg 'he ran' ʄuuf'aa 3pl- 'they ran' uuf'aa

Past Progressive Tense

Sample past progressive tense paradigm:

Past progressive tense:
Gloss Sereer Gloss Sereer
1sg- 'I was running' ʄuufeegam 1pl- 'we were running' uufeega
2sg- 'you were running' ʄuufeega' 2pl- 'you all were running' nuƈuufeega
3sg 'he was running' ʄuufeegaa 3pl- 'they were running' uufeega


Two auxiliary verbs, xe/we 'progressive', and xan 'future', mark aspect in Sereer. The auxiliary xe/we takes special subject marking (see the section on Subject marking), and can occur with the proximal or past progressive tense. The auxiliary xan takes a different type of exceptional person marking, and can occur without a tense suffix or with the proximal tense suffix (for a future progressive reading).

Future aspect

Sample future aspect paradigm:

Future aspect:
Gloss Sereer Gloss Sereer
1sg- 'I will see him' xam ga' in 1pl- 'we will see him' xani ng'a' in
2sg- 'you will see him' xano ga' in 2pl- 'you all will see him' xan nu nga' in
3sg 'he will see her' xana ga' in 3pl- 'they will see him' xan a nga' in

Progressive aspect

Sample progressive aspect paradigm:

Progressive aspect:
Gloss Sereer Gloss Sereer
1sg- 'I am running' mexe ʄuufaa 1pl- 'we were running' inwe ƈuufaa
2sg- 'you are running' wexe ʄuufaa 2pl- 'you all were running' nunwe ƈuufaa
3sg 'he is running' axe ʄuufaa 3pl- 'they were running' awe ƈuufaa

TAM Combinations

The suffixal tenses and pre-verbal auxiliary aspects can be combined in the following ways:

TAM combinations:
Pre-verbal Root Post-verbal Gloss
_ -aa proximal
_ -'a past
_ -eega progressive past
xe/we _ -aa present progressive
xe/we _ -eega progressive past
xan _ future
xan _ -aa future progressive

Examples of TAM combinations

The following are examples of each attested TAM combination in Sereer thus far:

Present progressive: <gl fontsize=11> mexe laca \gll me-xe lac-aa 1s-PRG ask-PROX \trans I’m asking (065) </gl>

Proximal: <gl fontsize=11> ŋasaam \gll ŋas-aa-m play-PROX-1S \trans I play (096) </gl>

Future progressive: <gl fontsize=11> \gll xan nafaa aJegaan xan naf-aa a-Jegaan FUT hit-PROX OBJ-Jegan \trans I will be hitting Jegan repeatedly (108) </gl>

Future: <gl fontsize=11> \gll xan naf aJegaan xan naf a-Jegaan FUT hit OBJ-Jegan \trans I will hit Jegan (once) (108) </gl>

Past: <gl fontsize=11> \gll sob 'am sob ’a-m be.clumsy PST-1s \trans I was clumsy (068) </gl>

Progressive past (1): <gl fontsize=11> \gll feceegam fec-eega-m dance-PRG.PST-1s \trans I used to dance (133) </gl>

Progressive past (2): <gl fontsize=11> \gll mexe fooleega me-xe fool-eega 1s-prg. jump-pst.prg \trans I was jumping (repeatedly) (108) </gl>


Sereer allows a proclitic ka- to appear with tense and aspect morphology. The exact semantics of ka- are yet to be determined. Ka- often occurs with the progressive aspect -aa. However, it is not inherently linked to the progressive semantics like as the auxiliary "xe/we" is when combined with the proximal "-aa" suffix. Similarly, though, ka- also takes special subject marking (See section on Subject Marking).

Progressive KA- reading: <gl fontsize=11> \gll kam labaa ka-m lab-aa KA-1S drown-PROX \trans I'm drowning (166) </gl>

Non-progressive KA- reading: <gl fontsize=11> \gll kam lab ka-m lab KA-1S drown \trans I (already) drowned (166) </gl>

However, this progressive/non-progressive reading distinction only occurs with atelic verbs. The exact function of ka- is yet to be determined. This morpheme could also have focus/extraction function (See note in Focus section)

Stem-initial consonant mutation

See Phonological Alternations.