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Line 20: Line 20:
| ant || ɲɪ:ɲaχ || ɲɪ:ɲaχ || || || || OAD_001 || [[Media:Ant_03.wav|Ant_03.wav]] || [[Media:Ant_04.wav|Ant_04.wav]] ||
| ant || ɲɪ:ɲaχ || ɲɪ:ɲaχ || || || || OAD_001 || [[Media:Ant_03.wav|Ant_03.wav]] || [[Media:Ant_04.wav|Ant_04.wav]] ||
| butterfly || oˈfɪd || ˈχapid || || || || OAD_001 || [[Media:Butterfly_01.wav|Butterfly_01.wav]] || [[Media:Butterfly_02.wav|Butterfly_02.wav]]
| butterfly || oˈfɪd || ˈχapid || || || oˈfɪɗ || OAD_001 || [[Media:Butterfly_01.wav|Butterfly_01.wav]] || [[Media:Butterfly_02.wav|Butterfly_02.wav]]
| fruit || oˈɓi: || χaˈɓi: || || || || OAD_001 || ||
| fruit || oˈɓi: || χaˈɓi: || || || || OAD_001 || ||
| person || ʔɔˈkiːn || βiːn, ɥiːn || || || --- || MF_002 || [[Media:Person_03.wav|Person_03.wav]] || [[Media:People_01.wav|People_01.wav]], [[Media:People_05.wav|People_05.wav]]
| person || ʔɔˈkiːn || βiːn, ɥiːn || || || --- || MF_002 || [[Media:Person_03.wav|Person_03.wav]] || [[Media:People_01.wav|People_01.wav]], [[Media:People_05.wav|People_05.wav]]
Line 66: Line 66:
| boat || sukʰ || || || || || JH_005 || || || Did not elicit plural
| boat || sukʰ || || || || || JH_005 || || || Did not elicit plural
| feather || (ʔ)aˈnaf || N/A || || || || JH_005, MF_013 || || ||
| feather || aˈnaf || N/A || || || || JH_005, MF_013 || || ||
| year || oˈhi:d || χaˈki:d || || || || VW_006 || || ||
| year || oˈhi:d || χaˈki:d || || || || VW_006 || || ||

Revision as of 01:29, 24 September 2012


General Nouns

Gloss Singular Plural OAD KC MF Session Sound token 1 Sound token 2 notes
dog ʔoɓˈoχ ɦaʔˈɓoχ OAD_001 Dog_02.wav, Dogs_01.wav Dog_03.wav, Dogs_03.wav
cat mu:s mu:s(k'ɛ) OAD_001 Cat_01.wav, Cats_01.wav Cat_02.wav, Cats_03.wav
bird ⁿdi:t̚ ti:t' OAD_001 Bird_03.wav, Birds_02.wav Bird_04.wav, Birds_03.wav
pig ru:l ʔaˈtu:l OAD_001 Pig_02.wav, Pigs_01.wav Pig_03.wav, Media:Pigs_02.wav
insect ˈjejɛt ˈjejɛt OAD_001 Media:Insect_01.wav Media:Insect_02.wav
spider ˈapɔˈhɔlæʧ ˈapɔˈhɔlaʧ OAD_001 Media:Spider_03.wav Media:Spider_04.wav
ant ɲɪ:ɲaχ ɲɪ:ɲaχ OAD_001 Ant_03.wav Ant_04.wav
butterfly oˈfɪd ˈχapid oˈfɪɗ OAD_001 Butterfly_01.wav Butterfly_02.wav
fruit oˈɓi: χaˈɓi: OAD_001
person ʔɔˈkiːn βiːn, ɥiːn --- MF_002 Person_03.wav People_01.wav, People_05.wav
man ɔˈkʷɔːɾ, ɔˈkʷɔːr goːɾ --- MF_002 Man_01.wav Men_02.wav
fire 'fidɛl JM_004
tree 'ndaχar 'taχar JM_004
town, village 'satɪ 'satɪkɛ, 'ʧ’atɪkɛ JM_004 ɪ~ɛ~e, ˈsaatɛ
city 'satɪ fa'ma:k 'satɪ 'ma:kɛ JM_004
light lɛ:r JM_004
fence a'ɗiŋk a'ɗiŋk JM_004 presence/voicing of final stop?
name gʊn a'kʊn JM_004 ʊ~o, ɡon - VW
sap go:n JM_004
drum famb a'pamb JM_004 a~ʌ
song a'kjim a'kjim JM_004 how do you make superscripts? (j)
salt o'ɉɪm ha'cɛm JM_004 voicing of palatal stop in pl? ɪ~ɛ
rumor ˈonan ˈxanan JH_005 lit. 'instance of hearing'
dance ˈoᵐbɛtʃ ˈhaƥɛtʃ JH_005
gift tʃʰɪtʰ tʃʰɪtʰ JH_005
fish lɪƥ ˈlɪƥkɛ JH_005 No regular plural
scale aˈʋas haˈbas JH_005
tail las, ʔaˈlas ˈχalas JH_005, MF_013
fin, spine aˈƈor JH_005 Did not elicit plural
boat sukʰ JH_005 Did not elicit plural
feather aˈnaf N/A JH_005, MF_013
year oˈhi:d χaˈki:d VW_006
husband oˈkor VW_006
baobab tree ƥa̰:k JH_012 No plural elicited
baobab fruit ɓa:k JH_012 No plural elicited
shell, rind ˈɔχɔƥ ˈhaqoƥ JH_012 Also (tree) bark
forest aˈqoƥ JH_012 No plural elicited; see also TextGrid 013
branch aˈna:qʰ JH_012 No plural elicited
root aˈƥaƈ JH_012 No plural elicited
yam haƥ JH_012 No plural elicited
moss ˈna:ʋos JH_012 No plural
wind aˈƥaɪ ED_017
milk ˈʔɔsis ˈχasis --- MF_013
tear ʔoˈɡoːniːtʰ ˈhakoːniːtʰ --- MF_013 as in crying
phlegm, mucus ˈχaːqɔχ --- MF_013
urine ˈʔasaiːd̥ʰ N/A --- MF_013 derived from V "urinate"
feces ɗuŋk --- MF_013 did not check for plural
feces (pol.) ˈɲaʄlɔχ --- MF_013 may be more than one word
manure (1) ˈnɛːfaɾɛʔ --- MF_013
manure (2) ʔaˈtʌs --- MF_013 may be derived from some verb [tʌs]
mouse ƈɔːχ ƈɔːχ (maju) --- MF_013 initial C contrast with "perceive from far off"
meat ˈndawaɭ ˈtawaɭ --- MF_013
fat (as on meat) ɡɾɛːs, ɡɹɛːs --- MF_013 Fr. "graisse"
horn ʔoˈʤæn ˈχaʧæn --- MF_013
hoof ʔoˈfɔχɔs ˈχapɔχɔs --- MF_013
wing ʔaˈkant N/A --- MF_013
bracelet nˈɟara VW_011
woman ɔˈtɛw rɛw KC_003
water ˈfɔɔfiʔ KC_003
river ˈomaag ˈχamaag KC_003
ocean oˈmaag-oˌmaak KC_003
lake ˈʔambɛɛl KC_003
cream, oil ˈʔɔnɛw KC_003
dirt, sand laŋg KC_003
mud ˈloofin KC_003
clay ɗʊk' KC_003

Body Part Terms

Gloss Singular Plural OAD KC MF Session Sound token 1 Sound token 2 notes
hair ʋil aˈʋil ɥil ED_010
chest ŋgaŋg ED_010
blood fɔˈʔɔj ED_010
spit ˈdɔχɔ:ɲ ED_010
belly ɔˈfʊd ED_010
side ɔˈsa:χ ED_010
bellybutton daɓ at'aɓ ED_010
leg, foot ɔˈɟaf aˈc'af ED_010
hip aˈƥɛk aˈƥɛk ED_010
hand, arm oˈɓaɪ χaʔˈɓaɪ ED_017
head χɔχ aˈqɔχ ED_017
nose oˈɲis ˈχaɲis ED_017
beard o'ratam 'χata,tam JM_004
tongue, language 'ɗelem a'ɗelem JM_004 implosive? 'dɛlɛm?
bone ˈohi:ƈ ˈaki:ƈ (pl) ˈhaki:ƈ JH_005
mouth, beak ˈodon ˈχatɵn (sg) ˈodɵn JH_005, MF_013
shoulder aˈkaⁿd JH_005 Did not elicit plural; may be same word as "wing"
arm, hand oˈɓay haʔˈɓay VW_006
hand oˈɓay haʔˈɓay VW_006
elbow ˈnonoŋɡ χaˈnonoŋɡ VW_006
finger ˈnɡol ko̰l VW_006
head χɔ:χ ˈakɔχ VW_006
eye ˈakid, aˈkid ˈakid, aˈkid VW_006
nose oˈɲis ˈχaɲis VW_006
lip nˈɟapʼko ˈtʃapʼkoʔ VW_006
mouth oˈdon haʔˈton VW_006
ear nɔf ˈnɔf, ˈnɔfkɛ, nɔf ˈmayu VW_006
eyelid, eyelash ˈɲo:ror VW_006
eyebrow oˈɗi:ɗi:k haʔˈɗi:kɗi:k VW_006
forehead aˈtaɡɪd ˈakɔχ VW_006
finger ŋgol ƙol JH_012
butt fuƭ ˈapuƭ JH_012 Also (tree) trunk
skin, hide ɗo:l JH_012 No plural
breast ƭɛːn N/A --- MF_013
muscle ˈɗɔːlɛʔ N/A --- MF_013
biceps ʔʌˈʄɔːχ χaˈʔʄɔːχ --- MF_013
nail, claw ˈmbambaɲ(c) ˈpambaɲ --- MF_013
kneecap ˈroʔoi ˈhatoʔoi VW_011
knee ngubai VW_011 no good recording
ankle ngubaiˈɟara VW_011 lit: "knee bracelet"
stomach, intestine la:u VW_011
throat(s) aˈpɛ̰ɛ̰pʰ --- VW_011
neck oˈtʃokʰ ˈχatʃok VW_011
heart(s), lung(s) χɛɛɲ --- VW_011

Abstract nouns

Gloss form OAD KC MF Session Sound1 Sound 2 notes
love bugʰ --- OAD_008 Media:Love_01.wav Media:Love_02.wav
happiness ɗai --- OAD_008 Media:Happiness_01.wav Media:Happiness_03.wav
sadness judnɔχ --- OAD_008 Media:Sadness_01.wav Media:Sadness_02.wav, Media:Sadness_03.wav


Gloss form OAD KC MF Session Sound1 Sound 2 notes
one lɛŋk, lɛŋx --- MF_002 Media:One_01.wav Media:One_02.wav
two ƭikʰ, ɗikʰ --- MF_002 Media:Two_02.wav Media:Two_03.wav
three ˈtadikʰ --- MF_002 Media:Three_07.wav
four ˈnaɦikʰ, ˈnaɦeɪkʰ --- MF_002 Media:Four_01.wav Media:Four_04.wav 2nd vowel changes, see session 006
five ˈƥɛtʰikʰ, ˈɓɛtʰikʰ --- MF_002 Media:Five_02.wav Media:Five_05.wav
six ɓɛˈtʰu ˈfɔ lɛŋ --- MF_002 Media:Six_03.wav
seven ɓɛˈtʰu ˈʔɗikʰ --- MF_002 Media:Seven_01.wav
eight ɓɛˈtʰu ˈtadikʰ --- MF_002 Media:Eight_03.wav
nine ɓɛˈtʰu ˈnaɦekʰ --- MF_002 Media:Nine_02.wav
ten ˈhaɾˈɓɐɦaj, ˈhaɾɓɦaj --- MF_002 Media:Ten_02.wav Media:Ten_07.wav


Gloss form OAD KC MF Session Sound1 Sound 2 notes
invincible χɔχ VW_006
a lot ˈmayu VW_006
spoiled (food) aˈfɔt JH_012
dank aˈho:ɲa JH_012
strong, tough ˈsaʔɗkuʔ --- MF_013 mod. of "meat," means "sinew" or "gristle"; derived from related V
small nɛw KC_003
big ˈmagin KC_003
big ˈomaak KC_003


Gloss form OAD KC MF Session Sound1 Sound 2 notes
to dance fɛtʃ JH_005
to give tʃʰɪʔ JH_005
to measure li:ƥ JH_005
to hit naf JH_005
to cultivate χɔɔχ VW_006, ED_017
to urinate said̥ʰ --- MF_013
to go tɛtʰ --- MF_013 in euphemism "go to the woods," see 013 TextGrid
to perceive from far off ʄɔːkʰ --- MF_013 any sensory input seems to work
to be strong, tough saʔɗikʰ --- MF_013 see derived ADJ
to blow (wind) ɓaɪ ED_017
to see gaʔ OAD_008 Media:to_see_01.wav
to drink jɛr OAD_008 Media:to_drink_01.wav
to eat ɲa:m OAD_008 Media:to_eat_01.wav
to sit mo:f OAD_008 Media:to_sit_01.wav
to look ɗɛ:t OAD_008 Media:to_look_01.wav


Gloss form OAD KC MF Session Sound1 Sound 2 notes
I see you. ga a hoŋg OAD_008 Media:I_see_you_01.wav Media:I_see_you_03.wav
You see me. ga a hamoʔ OAD_008 Media:you_see_me_01.wav Media:you_see_me_02.wav
She saw Peter. ʔa ga ʔa Peter. OAD_008 Media:she_saw_peter_01.wav
She/he saw it/her/him. a gaʔ an OAD_008 Media:she_sees_him_03.wav
See here! See this! gaʔ i OAD_008 Media:see_this_01.wav
Look at it. ɗɛt i tɛ:ti OAD_008 Media:look_at_it_02.wav
I love/like you bugʔa hoŋg OAD_008 Media:I_love_you_01.wav
I like water bugʔam fo:fi OAD_008 Media:I_like_water_01.wav
I sit. mo:fam OAD_008 Media:I_sit_01.wav
You(sg) sit. mo: fa OAD_008 Media:you_sg_sit_01.wav
He/she/it sits. a mo: fa OAD_008 Media:she_he_sits_01.wav Media:she_he_sits_02.wav
We sit. i mo:fa OAD_008 Media:we_sit_01.wav
You (pl) sit. nu mo:fa OAD_008 Media:you_pl_sit_01.wav
They sit. a mo:fa OAD_008 same as 3sg
I drink jeram OAD_008 Media:I_drink_01.wav
You drink jeraʔ OAD_008 Media:you_sg_drink_02.wav
He/she/it drinks a jeraʔ OAD_008
We drink i jeraʔ OAD_008
You (pl) drink. nu jeraʔ OAD_008
They drink. a jera OAD_008 same as 3sg
I eat. ɲa:mam OAD_008
You (sg) eat. ɲa:ma OAD_008
He/she/it eats. aʔ ɲa:ma OAD_008
We eat i ɲa:ma OAD_008
You (pl) eat. nu ɲa:ma OAD_008
They eat. aʔ ɲa:ma OAD_008


Gloss form OAD KC MF Session Sound1 Sound 2
I miʔ OAD_008 Media:I_01.wav
you.sg woʔ OAD_008 Media:you_sg_01.wav, Media:you_sg_02.wav
he, she, it tɛn tɛnt (?) OAD_008 Media:she_he_01.wav
we inoʔ OAD_008 Media:we_01.wav, Media:we_03.wav
you.pl nu:n OAD_008 Media:you_pl_01.wav, Media:you_pl_02.wav
they den, denɔʔ OAD_008 Media:they_01.wav, Media:they_02.wav


Gloss form OAD KC MF Session Sound1 Sound 2
greeting ˈnam ˈfiɔʔ --- MF_002 Media:Hello_02.wav
greeting (contracted) ˈnamɔʔ --- MF_002 Media:Hello_short_03.wav
thank you ˈʤoː kɐˈɲɟɐl, -ɺə --- MF_002 Media:Thankyou_03.wav Media:Thankyou_04.wav
response to thanks ʔɪˈnʌ ˈmbogʷʊn, -ɣʷ- --- MF_002 Media:Youre_welcome_05.wav Media:Youre_welcome_04.wav
response to greeting mɛˈɦɛ ˈmɛn --- MF_002 Media:Response_to_hello_04.wav
yes i: , i:jo OAD_008
no haʔa OAD_008