Serer lexicon

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Gloss Singular Plural Sem. Dom. Alt. Trans. Session Singular Tokens Plural Tokens notes
dog ʔoɓˈoχ ɦaʔˈɓoχ OAD_001 Dog_02.wav, Dogs_01.wav Dog_03.wav, Dogs_03.wav
cat mu:s mu:s(k'ɛ) OAD_001 Cat_01.wav, Cats_01.wav Cat_02.wav, Cats_03.wav
bird ⁿdi:t̚ ti:t' ndiiƭ OAD_001 Bird_03.wav, Birds_02.wav Bird_04.wav, Birds_03.wav
pig ru:l ʔaˈtu:l OAD_001 Pig_02.wav, Pigs_01.wav Pig_03.wav, Media:Pigs_02.wav
insect ˈjɛ:jɛt ˈjɛ:jɛt OAD_001 Media:Insect_01.wav Media:Insect_02.wav
spider ˈapɔˈhɔlæʧ ˈapɔˈhɔlaʧ aˈpɔhɔˈlaʧ OAD_001 Media:Spider_03.wav Media:Spider_04.wav
ant ɲɪ:ɲaχ ɲɪ:ɲaχ ɲiinaχ OAD_001 Ant_03.wav Ant_04.wav
butterfly oˈfɪd ˈχapid oˈfɪɗ OAD_001 Butterfly_01.wav Butterfly_02.wav
fruit oˈɓi: χaˈɓi: OAD_001 Media:fruit_sg1.wav, Media:fruit_sg2.wav, Media:fruit_sg3.wav Media:fruit_pl1.wav, Media:fruit_pl2.wav, Media:fruit_pl3.wav
person ʔɔˈkiːn βiːn, ɥiːn MF_002 Person_03.wav People_01.wav, People_05.wav
man ɔˈkʷɔːɾ, ɔˈkʷɔːr goːɾ MF_002, ED_033 Man_01.wav Men_02.wav
fire 'fiɗel 'piɗel JM_004
tree 'ndaχar 'taχar JM_004
town, village 'saatɛ 'saatɛ kɛ, 'ʧaatɛ kɛ JM_004, VW_038 ɪ~ɛ
city 'saatɛ fa'maak 'saatɛ maak kɛ JM_004, VW_038
light lɛ:r JM_004
fence a'ƭiŋg a'ƭiŋg JM_004 Media:040fence_01.wav presence/voicing of final stop? aʔˈɗig - VW 040
name gon a'kon JM_004, VW_038 ʊ~o
sap go:n JM_004, VW_038
drum famb a'pamb JM_004, VW_038 a~ʌ
song a'kim a'kim JM_004, VW_038
salt o'ɟɛm ha'cɛm JM_004, VW_038
rumor ˈonan ˈxanan JH_005 lit. 'instance of hearing'
dance ˈoᵐbɛtʃ ˈhaƥɛtʃ JH_005 is this really implosive? We should check -JM
gift tʃʰɪtʰ tʃʰɪtʰ JH_005
fish lɪƥ ˈlɪƥkɛ JH_005 No regular plural
scale aˈʋas haˈbas JH_005
tail las, ʔaˈlas ˈχalas JH_005, MF_013
fin, spine aˈƈor JH_005, MF_022 Did not elicit plural
boat sukʰ JH_005 Did not elicit plural
feather, wing aˈnaf aˈnaf JH_005, MF_013, JM_014
year oˈhi:d χaˈqi:d VW_006
husband oˈkor gor VW_006, ?
baobab tree ƥa̰:k ƥa̰:k JH_012, MF_045 Media:045-baobab_01.wav
baobab fruit ɓaak ʔaˈƥaak JH_012, MF_045 Media:045-baobab_fruit_02.wav Media:045-baobab_fruits_02.wav
shell, rind ˈɔχɔƥ ˈhaqoƥ JH_012, KC_007 shell_rind_01, shell_rind_02 Also (tree) bark
forest aˈqoƥ JH_012 No plural elicited; see also TextGrid 013
branch aˈnaaq JH_012, VW_038 Media:038branch_01.wav No plural elicited
root aˈƥaƈ aˈƥaƈ JH_012, MF_045 Media:045-root_03.wav
yam haƥ haˈqaƥ JH_012, MF_045 Media:045-yam_01.wav Media:045-yams_01.wav
moss ˈna:ʋos JH_012 No plural
wind aˈƥaɪ ED_017
milk ˈʔɔsis ˈχasis MF_013 Media:013_milk_01.wav Media:013_milks_03.wav
tear ʔoˈɡoːniːtʰ ˈhakoːniːtʰ MF_013 Media:013_tear_03.wav Media:013_tears_02.wav as in crying
phlegm, mucus ˈχaːqɔχ MF_013 Media:013_phlegm_02.wav
urine ˈʔasaiːd̥ʰ MF_013 Media:013_urine_01.wav derived from "urinate", did not elicit PL
feces ɗuŋk MF_013 Media:013_feces_01.wav did not check for plural
feces (pol.) ˈɲaʄlɔχ MF_013 Media:013_feces_polite_03.wav may be more than one word
manure (1) ˈnɛːfaɾɛʔ MF_013 Media:013_manure_02.wav
manure (2) ʔaˈtɔs a'tos MF_013 Media:013_manure_2_02.wav may be derived from some verb [tʌs]
mouse ƈɔːχ ƈɔːχ (maju) MF_013 Media:013-mouse_02.wav initial C contrast with "perceive from far off"
meat ˈndawaɭ ˈtawaɭ MF_013 Media:013_meat_02.wav Media:013_meats_01.wav
fat (as on meat) ɡɾɛːs, ɡɹɛːs MF_013 Media:013_fat_01.wav Media:013_fat_02.wav Fr. "graisse"
horn ʔoˈʤæn ˈχaʧæn MF_013 Media:013_horn_02.wav Media:013_horns_01.wav Also word for side handles on a pot.
hoof ʔoˈfɔχɔs ˈχapɔχɔs MF_013 Media:013_hoof_01.wav Media:013_hooves_01.wav
wing ʔaˈkant ʔaˈkant MF_013, ED_033 Media:013_wing_01.wav see "shoulder"
bracelet nˈɟara VW_011
woman ɔˈtɛw rɛw KC_003 woman_01
water ˈfɔɔfiʔ ˈpɔɔfiʔ KC_003 water_01 also the fluid in a blister
river ˈoma:g ˈχama:g KC_003 river_01 rivers_01
ocean oˈmaag-oˌmaak χaˈmaag-χaˌmaak KC_003, VW_038 ocean_01
lake ˈʔambɛɛl pɛɛl KC_003 lake_01
cream, oil ˈʔɔnɛw ˈχɔnɛw KC_003 oil_cream_01
cream, oil oˈɗuum ˈχaʔɗuum KC_003 oil_cream_01
dirt, sand, land laŋg laŋke KC_003, KC_041 DirtSandLand_01 DirtsSandsLands_01
mud ˈlo:fin ˈlofin KC_003 mud_01
clay ɗʊk' ɗok KC_003 clay_01
domesticated animals mũːˈmin KN_015 "general" term for livestock/domesticated animals of any type; singular not elicited.
pets ˈcɛgɛl KN_015 "personal" term for livestock/domesticated animals; singular not elicited.
lion ˈɲɟogoj ˈcogoj KN_015 masc. and fem. forms formed with words for "man" and "woman"
sheep mbaːl paːl KN_015 irregular masc. form; fem. formed with word for "woman"; homophonous with 'fishing net'
ram suk mbaːl suk' paːl KN_015
ewe ˈmbaːlndɛw KN_015
fishing net mbaːl paːl KN_015 homophonous with word for 'sheep'
vomit ˈʔatɛkʰ MF_022 Media:022-vomit_01.wav
blister jaːf ˈʔajaːf MF_022 Media:022-blister_02.wav Media:022-blisters_02.wav
thing used to swim bɛˈʄir MF_022 Media:022-thing_for_swimming_01.wav see "to swim"; pl. not elicited
bruise, tender spot ˈdiɾig̊ʰ ˈʔatiɾig̊ʰ MF_022 Media:022-bruise_02.wav Media:022-bruises_01.wav
(big) swelling ʔuːtʰ ˈʔaʔuːtʰ MF_022 Media:022-swelling_01.wav Media:022-swellings_01.wav
wound ɗʌj ʔaʔɗ̥ʌj, ʔaƭʌj MF_022 Media:022-wound_02.wav Media:022-wounds_03.wav E.g. knife wound. Stress varies between initial and final.
break, crack ʔɔˈɡɛf ʔaˈkɛf MF_022 Media:022-crack_01.wav Media:022-cracks_03.wav as in a plate or a piece of wood
cough ʔɔˈqɔtɔːχ MF_022 Media:022-to_cough_a_cough_01.wav same as the verb stem, pl. not elicited
snake ˈfaŋgoːɫ ˈpaŋgoːɫ KN_020
rabbit ndoːɭ toːɭ KN_020
worm aˈloːtʰitʰ aˈloːtʰitʰ KN_020
bee ˈŋguːran ˈkuːran KN_020, ED_033
duck aˈkanaːɾaʔ KN_020 no distinct plural form; from Fr. **canard**
elephant ˈfaɲiːkʰ ˈpaɲiːkʰ KN_020
mosquito ƥoːk ƥoːk KN_020
frog faːɓ ˈhapaːɓ KN_020
sun ɲɟɛc' NB_009
moon/month oɴɢɔɔl xaqɔɔl NB_009
day ɲa:l NB_009
week ɲa:l/kɔm ndako:hi:du ɲa:l/kɔm tako:hi:du NB_009
rain ˈatɛɓ̥ NB_009, KC_003
lightning (bolt) ˈoxi:ɲ xaki:ɲ NB_009 singular refers to a single bolt of lightning, plural several
house mbɪnd pɪnd NB_009
window oˡfalantɛ:r xaˡpalantɛ:r NB_009 Fr. loan word, **fênetre**
door ˡɔdɔn oma:x ˡxaton oma:x NB_009 lit. 'mouth of the yard'
room andɔk tɔk NB_018
kitchen ambaw paw NB_018
hair ʋil aˈʋil pl. a'bil ɥil ED_010 hair_01
chest ŋgaŋg ED_010, ED_033
blood fɔˈʔɔj ED_010
spit ˈdɔχɔ:ɲ ED_010
belly ɔˈfʊd ED_010
side, rib(s) ɔˈsa:χ ED_010
belly button daɓ at'aɓ ED_010
leg, foot ɔˈɟaf aˈc'af ED_010
hip aˈƥɛk aˈƥɛk ED_010
head χoχ aˈqoχ VW_006, ED_017 q ~ k, o~ɔ - VW
nose oˈɲis ˈχaɲis ED_017
beard o'ratam χatatam JM_004
tongue, language 'ɗelem a'ƭelem JM_004
bone ˈohi:ƈ ˈaki:ƈ (pl) ˈhaki:ƈ JH_005
mouth, beak ˈodon, oˈdon ˈχatɵn, χaʔˈton (sg) ˈodɵn JH_005, MF_013, ED_017, VW_006
shoulder aˈkaⁿd JH_005 Did not elicit plural; may be same word as "wing"
hand, arm oˈɓaɪ, oˈɓay χaʔˈɓaɪ, χaʔˈɓay ED_017, VW_006
elbow ˈnonoŋɡ χaˈnonoŋɡ VW_006
eye ˈakid, aˈkid ˈakid, aˈkid VW_006, ED_017
nose oˈɲis ˈχaɲis VW_006
lip nˈɟapʼko ˈtʃapʼkoʔ VW_006, ED_017
ear nɔf ˈnɔf, ˈnɔfkɛ, nɔf ˈmayu VW_006, ED_017
eyelid, eyelash ˈɲo:ror VW_006, ED_017
eyebrow oˈɗi:ɗi:k haʔˈɗi:kɗi:k VW_006, ED_017
forehead aˈtaɡɪd ˈakɔχ VW_006
finger ŋgol ƙol qol (NB) JH_012, VW_038
finger, toe ˈnɡol ko̰l qol (NB) VW_006, ED_017, ED_033
butt fuƭ ˈapuƭ JH_012 Also (tree) trunk
skin, hide ɗo:l JH_012 No plural
breast ƭɛːn ƭɛːn MF_013 Media:013_breast_07.wav Media:013_breast_08.wav
muscle ˈɗɔːlɛʔ ˈɗɔːlɛʔ MF_013 Media:013_muscle_01.wav Media:013_muscle_04.wav
biceps ʔʌˈʄɔːχ χaˈʔʄɔːχ MF_013 Media:013_biceps_01.wav Media:013_biceps_pl_01.wav
nail, claw ˈmbambaɲ(c) ˈpambaɲ MF_013, ED_017 Media:013_nail_01.wav Media:013_nails_03.wav "nail" meaning fingernail/toenail
kneecap ˈroʔoi ˈhatoʔoi o'roʔoj VW_011
knee ngubai VW_011 no good recording
ankle ngubaiˈɟara VW_011 lit: "knee bracelet"
stomach, intestine la:u VW_011
throat(s) aˈpɛ̰ɛ̰pʰ --- VW_011
neck oˈtʃokʰ ˈχatʃok VW_011
heart(s), lung(s) χɛɛɲ --- VW_011
heel oˈfaaɗ ˈχaƥaaɗ ED_017
love bugʰ OAD_008 Media:Love_01.wav Media:Love_02.wav note the final stop in "urine"/"urinate" as well
happiness ɗai OAD_008 Media:Happiness_01.wav Media:Happiness_03.wav
sadness judnɔχ OAD_008 Media:Sadness_01.wav Media:Sadness_02.wav, Media:Sadness_03.wav
swim (n) ʔaˈbɛʄ ʔaˈbɛƈ MF_022 Media:022-swim_03.wav "an instance of swimming"
young lady oˈtoog JH_023 Age 15-22
old person oˈnogoj JH_023
seedling ˈcimb VW_038
child onˈdɛɓ, onˌdɛɓanˈdoŋɡ VW_038 no difference found yet
field oˈqol ˈhaqɔl VW_038, KC_007 Media:038field1_01.wav, Media:038field1_02.wav fields_01
glue ˈkol VW_038 Fr. loan
food/life o’ɲoow χa’ɲoow JM_014, MF_029 Media:029-food_life_02.wav
food ‘ɲamel ‘ɲamel JM_014
game faŋas faŋas JM_014
bath ɓɔgɔχ ɓɔgɔχ JM_014
bed nɟɔŋg coŋg JM_014
road aƭat JM_014, VW_038 Media:038road_01.wav, Media:038road_02.wav
chair/bench dumbul atumbul JM_014
something to sit on omoofan JM_014
Sereer person oseereer seereer JM_014
Wolof person oʔolof olof JM_014
Fula person opulaane fulaane JM_014
Jola person oƈoola ʄoola JM_014 check voicing of implosive in pl.
Sose person osoose soose JM_014
place ombiɲ JM_021
wall myyr myyr JM_021
wall ta'baχ JM_021, VW_038 no known diff from maχ
wall maχ JM_021, VW_038 no known diff from taˈbaχ
yard maaχ JM_021
termite maχ JM_021
tomb ‘amboj poj JM_021 I would gloss as 'grave'-KC
hyena oˈmoon hamoon JH_039 same as 'bottle'
bottle oˈmoon hamoon JH_039 same as 'hyena'
friend ˈharit ˈkarit JH_039
enemy oˈnoon noon JH_039
stranger oˈkenar genar JH_039
peer oˈkeⁿd geⁿd JH_039
fellow traveler oˈjoon JH_039 also companion, accompanier; did not elicit plural
leader oˈjaal JH_039 did not elicit plural
trap ᵐbog pog JH_039
thief oˈkuuƭ guuƭ JH_039
thief oˈkuuguuɗ guuguuɗ JH_039
chief oˈmaad JH_039 did not elicit plural
baby oˈŋgek χakek JH_039
foreskin oˈsool JH_039 did not elicit plural
apprentice, learner oˈcaaɟaŋg JH_039
teacher oˈcaaɟaŋgin JH_039
stove/cooking place ndeen teen JM_021
table ataabul JM_021
book a'teere a'teere JM_021
religious book a'kaamir a'kaamir JM_021
shore, beach tefes tefes JM_021
line apiis apiis JM_021
(chess) piece apis JM_021
dead person oqon χon MF_29, JM_030
corpse odal χatal JM_030
corpse ondal χandal JM_030
witch/sorcerer onaq JM_030
cow naak naak animals JM_030 k or q?
time ɉaf acaf JM_030 “Time” as in 1 time, 2 times, etc. (Sp. vez)
dry season ƈiid ƈiid JM_030
rainy season ndiig tiig JM_030
pot ˌakaˈlɛɛra ˌakaˈlɛɛra VW_038, VW_040, MF_045 Media:045-pot_01.wav
beach ˈtɛfɛs VW_038
blanket ᵐbaiɟ VW_024
turtle χɔmb ʔaˈqɔmb animals KN_031
bat aˈɗɛɓ aˈɗɛɓ KN_031
paper kaˈitʰ OAD_026
bottle omo:n OAD_026
rope oˈƥakʰ ˈχaƥak OAD_026, MF_045 Media:045-rope_03.wav Media:045-ropes_01.wav
clothes ˈniraχ clothing ˈɲiraχ KC_025 Clothes_01
sarong paj 'haʔɓaj clothing KC_025 Sarong_01, Sarong_02 Sarongs_01 tense p in singular may be ɓ̥
shirt 'ndookiʔ 'tookiʔ clothing 'ndokiʔ, 'tokiʔ KC_007, JM_062 Shirt_01 Shirts_01 plural of shirt may be synonymous with clothes ? Pretty sure vowel is short -JM
shoes '(o)ɲafaʄ̥ 'haɲafaʄ̥ clothing oˈɲafaƭ KC_007 Shoe_01, Shoe_02 ? last voiceless consonant
pants ˈoombaɓ̥ paɓ̥ clothing ˈombap, pap KC_007 PantsSG_01, PantsSG_02 PantsPL_01
hat 'oomaˌhandaʔ ˈhamaˌhandaʔ, ˈχamaˌhandaʔ clothing KC_007 Hat_01, Hat_02 Hats_01
sock ˈ(o)kaʋas ˈhakaʋas clothing KC_007 sock_01, sock_02 socks_01 possible loanword from Wolof or other language
earring ˈ(o)lɔɔŋlɔɔŋ ˈhalɔɔŋlɔɔŋ clothing -lɔŋlɔŋ KC_007 earring_01, earring_02 earrings_01
necklace t͡ʃɛk t͡ʃɛk clothing KC_007 necklace_01 homophonous with chicken, though chicken requires "an article, a-"
chicken ˈat͡ʃɛk animals KC_007 chicken_01 homophonous with necklace, though chicken requires "an article, a-"
tomorrow ˈofɛɛt time ˈofɛɛƭ KC_025 Tomorrow_01
egg gɪn ˈakɪn animals KC_007 egg_01 eggs_01
seed ʔaχ ʔaχ plants KC_007 seed_01
thorn 1 ŋgiʄ̥ kiʄ̥ plants ŋgiiƈ, kiiƈ KC_007 thorn_01.wav, thorn_02 thorns_01 final C is voiceless palatal implosive stop?
thorn 2 oχi:ƈ ki:ƈ plants OAD_056 this may be a third version of 'thorns'
field ˈosaaʋiit ˈχasaaʋiit KC_007 fieldALT_01 fieldsALT_01 alternative to oqol
chaperone oⁿdiik VW_040
outside ˈtafil VW_040 also P "outside of"
wooden bowl, pot oˈroon ˈχaʔtoon pl. ˈχatoon VW_040, KC_041 WoodenBowl_01 WoodenBowls_01, WoodenBowls_02, bigger bowl. do the plural C's sound retroflex?
wooden bowl, pot aˈsaχal VW_040 WoodenBowl2_01 smaller bowl. sg same as pl
spoon ˈoɓaŋg ˈχaʔɓaŋg KC_041 Spoon_01 Spoons_01 made from a halved hard tree fruit
spoon aˈkuɗuʔ KC_041 Spoon2_01 different from one made from halved hard tree fruit? pl needs to be checked
plate, cover ˈafnir ˈaʔafnir? KC_041 Plate_01 Plates_01 the plural may be just a classifer plus word initial a?
feast mbuut puut mbuud, puud KC_041 Feast_01 Feasts_01 no voicing, tense t final c? retroflex?
famine ŋgɛχ ŋgɛɛχ KC_041 Famine_01 no plural, semantically odd, 'when people are starving'
poverty? oɲak KC_041 Poverty_01 'when you don't have anything, when poor'
bucket aˈsiʋoʔ aˈsiʋoʔ KC_041 Bucket_01 french loanwoard
handle ˈdamir oˈdamir sg. ˈtamir KC_041 Handle_01 Handles_01 bucket handle. VOT suggests [d] instead of unaspirated [t]
tied bundle mbof pof KC_041 tied_bundle_01 tied_bundles_01 related to V fof that means to hold in ones shirt,clothes extend out? N like a hobo's bundle with corners tied. Elicited instead of 'bag(s)'
ashes ndaʋ taʋ KC_041 AshesSG_01 AshesPL_01 plural also is debt for item not paid for in full
mountain, stone ɓɪl ˈʔaʔɓɪl KC_041 MtnStone_01 MtnsStones_01 mountain = stone
braid maar haˈmaar bodyparts KC_041 Braid_01 Braids_01
cotton ligitʰ clothing KC_041 Cotton_01
forest burnage oɲaaj JM_048 Not “a forest fire” but an abstract concept
money χaalis χaalis JM_048
cow walker oteefanke deefanke JM_048 Someone hired to walk cows from one place to another after a sale. ke is part of the word, not an article
wood/timber ateχ ateχ JM_048
medicine teχ teχ JM_048
firewood oɉuƭ χacuƭ JM_048
lone tree trunk aqool aqool JM_048 Entire trunk with no branches. I've heard that people use these for storage Faytak 07:05, 5 October 2012 (UTC)
bow (weapon) aqali JM_048 doesn’t include arrow
traditional drink oɴɢalaχ χaχalaχ JM_048 made with millet, peanuts, baobab fruit, sugar
a trip, going atet atet MF_013, JM_048 in euph. "go to the woods," see 013 TextGrid
slap ombaƭ JM_046
cup (1) ʔoˈkop MF_045 Media:045-cup_02.wav Fr. coupe
cup (2) ʔoˈkas MF_045 Media:045-cup(2)_05.wav Fr. tasse (t > k??)
fish hatchling ʔoˈɓak ˈχaƥak MF_045 Media:045-fish_hatchling_02.wav Media:045-fish_hatchlings_03.wav
knife (1) ˈʤapil MF_045 Media:045-knife(1)_02.wav no pl. elicited
knife (2) nduus MF_045 Media:045-knife(2)_01.wav "shaver," from ruus "to shave"
mango (1) ʔɔˈmaŋɡo MF_045 Media:045-mango(1)_01.wav no pl. elicited
mango (2) ʔɔˈmaŋɡaɾoʔ MF_045 Media:045-mango(2)_04.wav no pl. elicited
mortar ʔoˈfaƥ ˈχapaƥ MF_045 Media:045-mortar_01.wav Media:045-mortars_01.wav for crushing millet; large, kept outdoors
pestle ʔaˈʔun ʔaˈʔun MF_045 Media:045-pestle_02.wav for crushing millet; large, kept outdoors
sieve (1) taˈmɛʔ MF_045 Media:045-sieve(1)_01.wav Fr. tamis, no pl. elicited
sieve, sifter (2) ˈfiɗir MF_045 Media:045-sieve(2)_02.wav no pl. elicited
Péthié peʧ MF_045 Media:045-pethie_01.wav ML's home village; spelling provided by ML
worker oca:ɟal ɟa:ɟal OAD_042 Media:worker_1.wav
reader, studier oca:ɟaŋg ɟa:ɟaŋg OAD_042 Media:studier_01.wav
stealer 1 oku:ɗ̥ oku:guɗ OAD_042 Media:stealer_1_1.wav
stealer 2 gu:ɗ gu:guɗ OAD_042 Media:stealer_2_1.wav
mohawk (circular) duf OAD_042 Media:mohawk_1.wav
planter (1) otu:duf du:duf OAD_042 Media:farmer_1_1.wav
planter (2) oqo:χoχ χo:χoχ OAD_042 Media:farmer_2_1.wav
net mba:l OAD_042 Media:net_1.wav
goat (male) suk fambɛ s. ˈfambɛʔ OAD_042 Media:male_goat_1.wav
goat (female) fambɛ reu ˈfambɛʔ r. OAD_042 Media:female_goat_1.wav
sheep (male) suk mba:l OAD_042 Media:male_sheep_1.wav
sheep (female) mba:l reu OAD_042 Media:female_sheep_1.wav
childless goat odiŋg fambɛ o. ˈfambɛʔ OAD_042 Media:childless_goat_1.wav
baby goat/sheep ombotɛ χapotɛ OAD_042 Media:baby_sheep_1.wav
pebble gac χakac OAD_042 Media:pebble_1.wav
bird ogac χakac OAD_042 Media:special_bird_sg_and_pl.wav a special kind of bird that appears during rainy season (yellow and black feathers)
ring oχɛɗ χaqɛɗ OAD_042 Media:ring_1.wav Media:rings_1.wav
crocodile fano:χ apano:χ OAD_042 Media:crocodile_1.wav Media:crocodiles_1.wav
gorilla ako:ŋg ako:ŋg OAD_042 Media:gorilla_1.wav
monkey aʔkoj aʔkoj OAD_042 Media:monkey_1.wav
big male monkey aɗaŋgin ataŋgin OAD_042 Media:male_monkey_1.wav Media:male_monkeys_1.wav
footpad daŋg NB_051 bottom of the foot of a dog or canine
hyena oˈmo:n xaˈmo:n NB_051
ax ɓa:x NB_051
hammer omaxto NB_051 Fr. loanword
hammer (o)daɟir (xa)taɟir NB_051 The forms without the prefixes were judged to be indefinite, or at least not definite. The unprefixed pl., taɟir was judged to be either sg or pl (i.e. not strictly pl). The prefixed forms were the ones that must be used with a postposed article.
hammer (o)daɟtir (xa)taɟtir NB_051 Smth for beating/hammering something appart, where (o)daɟir is for putting something together. Judgements the same as (o)daɟir/(xa)taɟir
watermelon χaal aˈqaal ED_055
a mistake kal ED_055
farming aˈqɔχ ED_055
inlet aˈqal ED_055
mangrove ɲɟas cas ED_055
mangrove seed ɔˈfulɔχ χaˈpulɔχ ED_055
firewood ɟuuƭ χaˈcuuƭ ED_055
a bull ɴɢɔɔχ qɔɔχ ED_055
camel ŋgɛlɛm kɛlɛm ED_055
black pepper ˈpɔɔbar MF_047 Media:047-black_pepper_03.wav Fr. poivre, no pl. elicited
coffee ˈkafɛ ˈkafɛ MF_047 Media:047-coffee_01.wav Fr. café
millet dehusking process sɔk MF_047 Media:047-dehusking_process_01.wav cf. "dehusk millet", no pl. elicited
garlic laaʤ laaʤ MF_047 Media:047-garlic_01.wav word refers to whole head
goat ˈfambɛʔ ˈpambɛʔ MF_047 Media:047-goat_02.wav Media:047-goats_01.wav
grille, grate for open fire ˈʤuɗir ˈʧuɗir MF_047 grille grilles
hot pepper ˈkaanɛʔ ˈkaanɛʔ MF_047 Media:047-hot_pepper_01.wav
onion ˈsɔblɛʔ ˈsɔblɛʔ MF_047 Media:047-onion_01.wav
overly energetic person (1) sɔb MF_047 Media:047-overly_energetic_person_01.wav no pl. elicited
overly energetic person (2) ˈfɔdaˌƭar MF_047 Media:047-overly_energetic_person_03.wav no pl. elicited; will re-elicit to clarify second stop's voicing
tea (drink) ʔaˈtaaja MF_047 Media:047-tea_01.wav no pl. elicited
tea (leaves) ˈwaɾɡa MF_047 Media:047-tea_leaves_01.wav no pl. elicited
doctor opan fan KC_055
hole ojuul hajuul KC_055
hole (in ground) asɛmb KC_055
big hole (in ground) ŋgamb kamp KC_055 I need to check voicing on final C. once file is uploaded.
sickness ɟiir aciir KC_055
wave ajand KC_055
family ƥasil ƥasil KC_055
knot dug aƭug KC_055
chick oɲu:c ? OAD_056
jujube (berry) oχi:c χaki:c OAD_056
wind 1 aɓai aɓai OAD_056
wind 2 ngɛɲ ? OAD_056
cough (n) oqotaχ oqotaχ OAD_056
sneeze (n) disoχ ? OAD_056
coarse millet ki:s ? OAD_056
finding (n) ngis ? OAD_056
news oqas JM_062
stick oɗong χaƭong JM_062
large pile of peanuts ngaƭ kaƭ JM_062
small pile of peanuts ofokat χapokat JM_062
little brother ondeɓ p JM_062 also sister??
snake ('crawler') ƥood ED_058


Gloss form Alt. Trans. Sem. Dom Session Sound1 Sound 2 notes
one lɛŋk, lɛŋx MF_002 Media:One_01.wav Media:One_02.wav
two ƭikʰ, ɗikʰ MF_002 Media:Two_02.wav Media:Two_03.wav ƭikʰ is counting form; initial voices when quant. certain N
three ˈtadikʰ MF_002 Media:Three_07.wav
four ˈnaɦikʰ, ˈnaɦeɪkʰ MF_002 Media:Four_01.wav Media:Four_04.wav 2nd vowel changes, see session 006
five ˈƥɛtʰikʰ, ˈɓɛtʰikʰ MF_002 Media:Five_02.wav Media:Five_05.wav
six ɓɛˈtʰu ˈfɔ lɛŋ MF_002 Media:Six_03.wav
seven ɓɛˈtʰu ˈʔɗikʰ MF_002 Media:Seven_01.wav
eight ɓɛˈtʰu ˈtadikʰ MF_002 Media:Eight_03.wav
nine ɓɛˈtʰu ˈnaɦekʰ MF_002 Media:Nine_02.wav
ten ˈhaɾˈɓɐɦaj, ˈhaɾɓɦaj MF_002 Media:Ten_02.wav Media:Ten_07.wav

Adjectives and Adverbs

Gloss form Alt. Trans. Sem. Dom. Session Sound1 Sound 2 notes
invincible χɔχ VW_006
a lot ˈmaju VW_006 ALot_01
spoiled (food) aˈfɔt JH_012
dank aˈho:ɲa JH_012
strong, tough ˈsaƭkuʔ saƭko MF_013 tough_01, tough_04 mod. of "meat," means "sinew" or "gristle"; derived from related V
small nɛʋ KC_003 small_01
big ˈmagin KC_003 big_01
big ˈmaak KC_003 see ocean
black ɓa̰ːl KN_015
dead ʔɔˈhɔnuʔ MF_022 as modifies "person"
old 'nogoju JH_023
pretty 'mosu JH_037 "the pretty butterfly" ofiiɗ omosu le
ugly 'parɟu JH_037 "the ugly insect" jeejet parɟu kɛ
red 'jaχgu JH_037
white 'ran JH_037
senile a'naaχaha VW_038
cold (to touch) aɓuuɓa VW_038 Media:038cold(totouch)_01.wav not clear on diff from aɓuta
cold (feeling) ɟoɡon VW_038
cold (to touch) aˈɓuta VW_038 not clear on diff from aɓuuɓa
delicious felu OAD_028
very, a lot aɓaχ aˈƥaχ OAD_026
bitter χaɗ χaaɗ OAD_028
delicious fɛlu OAD_028
it's correct/right/normal aƭato JM_014 not sure of POS
a little bit oⁿdik VW_040
hot asuˈma VW_040
young ⁿdɛb VW_040
today ‘χaje JM_014
tomorrow (o)feet JM_014
yesterday faak JM_014
here meek JM_014
there (closer) maana JM_014
there (far away) maaga JM_014
now ndiiki JM_014, VW_040
second ɗikander JM_030
small teɓ JM_030 same as "young" above?


Gloss Variant 1 Variant 2 Session Sound1 Sound 2 notes
cow sound mbu: mba:
sheep sound mbɛ:


Gloss Form Alt. Trans. Session Sound1 Sound 2 notes
dance fɛtʃ JH_005
give tʃʰɪʔ JH_005
measure liiƥ JH_005
lead, be in front doχ JH_039
share fog JH_039
steal guuɗ JH_039
attend, be present maad JH_039
kill ʋar JH_039
be sick ɟir JH_039
circumcise/be circumcised hucoχ JH_039 Don't know which meaning
enter rok JH_039
hit naf JH_005, ED_033
cultivate χɔɔχ VW_006, ED_017
urinate said̥ʰ MF_013
perceive from far off ʄɔːkʰ MF_013 Media:013_to_perceive_03.wav any sensory input seems to work
be strong, tough saʔɗikʰ 'saƭik MF_013 Media:013_be_strong_01.wav see derived ADJ
blow (wind) ɓaɪ ED_017
see gaʔ OAD_008 Media:to_see_01.wav
drink jɛr OAD_008 Media:to_drink_01.wav
eat ɲa:m OAD_008 Media:to_eat_01.wav
sit mo:f OAD_008, JM_014 Media:to_sit_01.wav
look ɗɛ:t OAD_008 Media:to_look_01.wav
swim β̞ɛʄ MF_022 Media:022-to_swim_03.wav often with excrescent final vowel
cough ʔɔˈqɔtɔːχ MF_022 cough_01
vomit ˈdɛkɔχ MF_022 Media:022-to_vomit_01.wav
cut dɛɡ̊ʰ MF_022 Media:022-to_cut_01.wav final is likely /g/
crack, break, explode (intr) ɡɛf MF_022 crack_explode_01
chop (wood) ɡod̥ʰ MF_022 Media:022-to_chop_01.wav final is likely /d/
sleep ˈɗaːn KN_015, MF_029 Media:029-to_sleep_03.wav
transplant a seedling ˈɟimb VW_038
pick (a fruit) ɗat JM_014
play ŋas JM_014
have ɉeg JM_014
draw a line piis JM_021
pick up naq JM_030 q or k? (I think q)
fence (in) ɗing JM_030
rain deɓ JM_030
deshell, shell χobid JM_030, MF_045 Media:045-to_shell_03.wav e.g., of a nut
strip away bark χoƥit JM_030
take a big bite χaƥit JM_030
chew ʄah JM_030
come gar JM_014, OAD_042 Media:chew_3.wav
draw water from well ʄew ɲʄɛw JM_030, KN_031
go toward ɟof VW_038
be crooked aˈkam ED_033
cry lɔɔl ɭɔɔɭ ED_033, MF_029 Media:029-to_cry_01.wav
defecate χɔɔm KN_031
run ɲːʄuf KN_031
wash (laundry) ɗap KC_025 ToWashLaundry_01
wash ˈlahaad KC_025 ToWash_01 washing other things than body, but including hands
wash (body) ɓog KC_025 ToWashBody_01 ToWashBody_02 clip 2 features aspiration on g
cook ɟaʋ KC_027, MF_045 tocook_01.wav Media:045-to_cook_02.wav I originally wrote dʒaʋ
dream ɗaad MF_029 Media:029-to_dream_03.wav
hunt χaʄlooχ JM_046
jump fool JM_046
climb ŋaaj JM_046
descend fudooχ JM_046
be pregnant fud JM_046
be invincible/impregnable, etc. χoχ JM_046
slap faɗ JM_046
look for/search waaƭ JM_046
buy ɉik JM_046
sell ɉikooχ JM_046
look for, look around ʋid VW_040
go along (e.g. a road) ɓɛɛr VW_040
follow rɛɛf VW_040
be rɛf VW_040
stick to ƭap VW_040
hold in shirt,clothes fof KC_041 ToCarryInShirt_01 ToCarryInShirt_02 related to mbof, pof 'tied bundle(s)'
be spicy/burn ɲaaj JM_048
burn (intr.) ɗoχ JM_048
give cit JM_048 means the same as ciʔ
see ɗeet JM_048
notice ɗeetlooχ JM_048
go ret JM_048
spit doχoɲ JM_048
spit repeatedly doχoɲooχ JM_048
land a boat/arrive teer JM_048
wait for someone teerooχ JM_048
turn on/light kaƥin JM_048 of lights, appliances, fire, etc.
turn on/light, blow wuɗ JM_048
be ruined by termites wuɗ JM_048 said of wood
burn (intr.) kaƥ JM_048 said of fire, “the fire burns”
say laj JM_048
go home χad JM_048
be clean χool JM_048
make a mistake χal JM_048
argue 'χasir MF_029 Media:029-to_argue_02.wav
scold χas MF_029 Media:029-to_scold_02.wav
fart χaas MF_029 Media:029-to_fart_03.wav
burp 'χaraɓ MF_029 Media:029-to_burp_01.wav
sneeze 'disɔɔχ MF_029, OAD_056 Media:029-to_sneeze_02.wav
yawn 'χaɓas MF_029 Media:029-to_yawn_02.wav
be alive ɲɔɔw MF_029 Media:029-to_be_alive_04.wav
die, be dead χɔn χon MF_029, OAD_042 Media:029-to_die_02.wav, Media:die_1.wav
boil (intr.) waʄ MF_045 Media:045-to_boil_01.wav
boil (trans.) waˈʄin MF_045 Media:045-to_make_boil_01.wav
fry ˈrɔsiʔ MF_045 Media:045-to_fry_02.wav
land, be blown ashore ˈɓakɔɔχ MF_045 Media:045-to_land_02.wav as would a boat; possibly not transitive; may be derived from ɓak "push aside" in the sense that the boat is blown off course
peel ɗɛl MF_045 Media:045-to_peel_05.wav as in removing a hard rind that adheres to the flesh; contrast with (de)shell above
push aside ɓak MF_045 Media:045-to_push_to_side_02.wav usu. of food on a plate
shave ruus MF_045 Media:045-to_shave_03.wav see "knife (2)"
sift, sieve fiɗ MF_045 Media:045-to_sift_03.wav
farm, plant duf OAD_042 Media:farm_1.wav
chew ɟaχ OAD_042 Media:chew_1.wav
tangle (trans.) liw MF_047 no good sound file
untangle ˈliɥit ˈliwit MF_047 Media:047-to_untangle_01.wav
be tangled, tangle (intrans.) ˈliwɔɔχ MF_047 Media:047-to_be_tangled_02.wav
dip, dunk hɔɔʄ MF_047 Media:047-to_dip_03.wav pl. stem -ɴɢɔɔʄ-
sink (1) mud MF_047 Media:047-to_sink_01.wav
submerge, make sink muˈdin MF_047 Media:047-to_submerge_03.wav also throwing or putting into water, e.g. a river
drown lab MF_047 Media:047-to_drown_01.wav can be used for both struggling to swim and dying as a result
mix (intr.), to combine ˈʤaχas MF-047 Media:047-to_mix_01.wav
mix (trans.) ˈʤaχaˌsir MF-047 Media:047-to_mix_up_03.wav
be mixed up, tangled ˈʤaχasiˌrɔɔχ MF-047 Media:047-to_be_tangled_01.wav as in cables or rope balled up
cast, scatter ɥis wis MF-047 Media:047-to_cast_01.wav as in throwing seeds or salt
cook over fire ʤuɗ MF-047 Media:047-to_cook_over_fire_02.wav on a grill or rack
dehusk millet sɔχ MF-047 Media:047-to_dehusk_millet_02.wav achieved by grinding
grind millet ʔuˈna MF-047 Media:047-to_grind_millet_02.wav cf. "mortar for grinding millet"
pound millet seed heads sug MF-047 Media:047-to_pound_millet_seeds_01.wav in order to remove seeds from seed head
grind ɗɔk MF-047 Media:047-to_grind_03.wav grinding things other than millet, in small mortar and pestle, indoors
put something in jip MF-047 Media:047-to_put_into_st_02.wav into a container
sprinkle suuj MF-047 Media:047-to_sprinkle_01.wav let particulate matter or liquid fall from hand
tie to, up, around χum hum MF-047 Media:047-to_tie(1)_01.wav e.g. a horse to a fence
tie dug MF-047 Media:047-to_tie(2)_02.wav e.g. a rope to itself, in a knot
to make mistake χal ED_055
to weed χal ED_055
to bend tuƭ ED_055
to rub duum KC_055
to fly jɛt OAD_056
to use OAD_056 there is no generic verb for 'use'
to make, to do ofi OAD_056
to know and OAD_056
to believe, to sing gim OAD_056
to think 1 ji:f OAD_056
to think 2 χalat OAD_056 Wolof word, but more often used than ji:f
to pass, to hand co:χ OAD_056
to elongate ɟok jok OAD_056
to pass nearby ɟo:ŋ OAD_056
find something on the ground gis OAD_056
puff out cheeks gum JM_062 with water or air
dig gas JM_062 Wolof borrowing
carry on shoulders gadooχ JM_062
take offense and leave χaadooχ JM_062
stay somewhere a few days gaaɗooχ JM_062 on the way to somewhere else
combine piles of peanuts gaɗ JM_062
be ref JM_062
be something refin JM_062
follow someone reefin JM_062
ride/run (tr.) ʄufin JM_062 of a horse: causative of ʄuf ‘run’
walk (tr.) ɲaaɉin JM_062 of a horse: causative of ɲaaɉ ‘walk’
walk ɲaaɉ JM_062
crawl ɓood ED_058
be slippery ˈɓodaχ ED_058
bow ʄuug ED_058
lean ɟaj ED_058
swing ˈɟaajɔɔχ ED_058


Gloss form Alt. Trans. Sem. Dom. Session Sound 1 Sound 2
I miʔ OAD_008 Media:I_01.wav woʔ OAD_008 Media:you_sg_01.wav, Media:you_sg_02.wav
he, she, it tɛn tɛnt (?) OAD_008 Media:she_he_01.wav
we inoʔ OAD_008 Media:we_01.wav, Media:we_03.wav nu:n OAD_008 Media:you_pl_01.wav, Media:you_pl_02.wav
they den, denɔʔ OAD_008 Media:they_01.wav, Media:they_02.wav


Gloss form Alt. Trans. Post? Session Sound 1 Sound2 Notes
at onga yes JM_021
behind/after aciⁿɉ JM_021, VW_040
amidst/between/surrounded by/inside ⁿdɛɛr VW_024
in front of mbaambir JM_021
over/above/on/up tok JM_021, VW_040 used also as adv. "up"
under ɗoχang ɗoχaᵑɡ, ɗoχaŋ JM_021
in/inside kam JM_021, VW_040
near/by/next to paam pam JM_021, VW_040
behind ka'taa VW_040
around kɛˈʋidna VW_040
outside ˈtafil VW_040 also N "outside"
inside/in between/in the middle a'ndeer JM_012, VW_040
at non VW_024
toward ɟof, ɟofin, ɟofna VW_024
near to mɛmaʔna VW_024
far from mɛgotna VW_024


Gloss form Alt. Trans. Sem. Dom. Session Sound 1 Sound 2
greeting ˈnam ˈfiɔʔ MF_002 Media:Hello_02.wav
greeting (contracted) ˈnamɔʔ MF_002 Media:Hello_short_03.wav
thank you ˈʤoː kɐˈɲɟɐl, -ɺə MF_002 Media:Thankyou_03.wav Media:Thankyou_04.wav
response to thanks ʔɪˈnʌ ˈmbogʷʊn, -ɣʷ- MF_002 Media:Youre_welcome_05.wav Media:Youre_welcome_04.wav
response to greeting mɛˈɦɛ ˈmɛn MF_002 Media:Response_to_hello_04.wav
yes i: , i:jo OAD_008
no haʔa OAD_008