Spectrograms and Audio Samples of Consonants
This page provides sample spectrograms and audio clips for the consonants found in Serer.
The following labial plosives all appear in word-initial position:
- ᵐb
- p
- ɓ
(Note the disruption in the voicing immediately after the release.)
- ƥ
(Note the distortion in the voicing immediately after the release. While this disruption is less pronounced than that of /ɓ/, it is more noticeable when compared to the lack of disruption or distortion in /p/.)
Coming soon: Faytak 23:52, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
Initial [t] from [tiit] "birds": Media:Birds_03.wav (first token)
Initial [d] from [diɾig] "bruise": Media:022-bruise_02.wav
Initial [ƭ] from [ƭɛɛn] "breast": Media:013_breast_07.wav
Initial [ɗ] from [ɗɔɔlɛʔ] "muscle": Media:013_muscle_01.wav
Initial [nd] from [ndawal] "meat": Media:013_meat_02.wav