Derivational Verbal Morphology

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Sereer seems to have at least some verbal derivational morphology. So far, we've seen:

  • -uʔ / -oʔ, a suffix that takes a stative verb and turns it into an adjective (e.g. saɗik "to be strong, tough" -> saɗkuʔ "strong, tough"; maj "to be many" -> majuʔ "many")
  • -ir, a suffix that makes instrument-type nouns from verb stems (e.g. βɛʄ "to swim" --> bɛʄir "thing used to swim")
  • -ir, a suffix that might be reciprocal (?) (e.g. χas "to scold, berate" --> χasir "to argue")
  • -in, a suffix that could be called causative (e.g. gɛf "to break, explode (intr.)" --> gɛfin "break it", translation unclear)
  • -ooχ, of unclear meaning (examples needed)

Verb pairs demonstrating V to V derivation

Suffix involved Unsuffixed Gloss Suffixed Gloss Session notes
-ɔɔχ ɟik to buy ɟikɔɔχ to sell JM_046
-ɔɔχ ɗeet to see ɗeetlɔɔχ to notice JM_048 suffix is -lɔɔχ rather than -ɔɔχ
-ɔɔχ dɔχɔɲ to spit dɔχɔɲɔɔχ to spit repeatedly JM_048
-ɔɔχ tɛɛr to land a boat, arrive tɛɛrɔɔχ to await a guest JM_048
-ir χas to scold, berate χasir to argue MF_029
-in waʄ to boil (intr.) waʄin to boil (trans.) MF_045
-in mud to sink mudin to make sink, to throw/put into water MF_047
-ɔɔχ mud to sink mudɔɔχ to swim down on purpose MF_047
-ɔɔχ χɔɔʄ to dip, dunk χɔɔʄɔɔχ to dip, dunk into ?? MF_047 translation imprecise; seeking clarification