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Tables for verb paradigms

Sample progressive aspect paradigm:

to kick
sg. pl.
Infinitive A D
Present Participle B E
Imperative C F
1 A D
2 B E
3 C F
1 A D
2 B E
3 C F
kick me
sg. pl.
Infinitive A D
Present Participle B E
Imperative C F
1 A D
2 B E
3 C F
1 A D
2 B E
3 C F

Sentence list for group elicitation

Sentence Suffix pair
Come listen carefully! -aƭ, -iid
on the way carefully -aƭ, -loox
??? -and, -t (rev)
??? -and, -n
??? -oox, -ɗ (?)
??? -t (ins), -t (loc)

Bigrams for new, tense-y affixes

Sentence Suffix pair
I untie the goat again. -atin, -t (rev)
I ride the horse again. -atin, -n
I run again carefully. -atin, -aƭ
I run again badly. -atin, -aƭar
I dry the goat again. -atin, -and
I [make him jump] again. -atin, -noor +scope
I make him [jump again]. -atin, -noor +scope
We hit each other again. -atin, -r
I hit him again with a stick. -atin, -t (ins)
I hit him again in the restaurant. -atin, -t (loc)
I bathed again for the doctor. -atin, -an
I go swim again. -atin, -k
I open the windows all at once again. -atin, -andoor
I run on my own again. -atin, -ood
A goat died on him again. -atin, -ɗ
I ran here again. -atin, -iid
I ate again for no reason. -atin, -loox
I untie for now. -aful -t (rev)
I ride a horse for now. -aful, -n
I hang my clothes to dry for now. -aful, -and
I run carefully for now. -aful, -aƭ
I run badly for now. -aful, -aƭar
I make him [jump for now]. -aful, -noor
I [make him jump] for now. -aful, -noor
We hit each other for now. -aful, -r
I eat at the restaurant for now. -aful, -t (loc)
I eat with a spoon for now. -aful, -t (ins)
I cook for mother for now. -aful, -an
I go to [swim for now]. -aful, -k
I [go to swim] for now. -aful, -k
I bathe myself for now. -aful, -oox
I close all the windows at once for now. -aful, -andoor
I eat on my own for now. -aful, -ood
I suffer the death of my goats for now. -aful, -ɗ (?)
I come here to sleep for now. -aful, -iid
I eat on the side for now. -aful, -loox
I eat again for now. -aful, -atin (?)
I eat anew for now. -aful, -axin (?)
I make the horse walk anew. -axin, -n
I am untied anew. -axin, -t (rev)
I run carefully anew. -axin, -aƭ
I run crazy anew. -axin, -aƭar
I hang out (liil) the clothes anew. -axin, -and
I make him [cook anew]. -axin, -noor +scope
I [make him cook] anew. -axin, -noor +scope
We argue anew. -axin, -r
I walk with a stick anew. -axin, -t (ins)
I walk to the restaurant anew. -axin, -t (loc)
I cook for mother anew. -axin, -an
I go swimming anew. -axin, -k
I shower myself anew. -axin, -oox
I close them all at once anew. -axin, -andoor
I go on my own anew. -axin, -ood
His motor works on him anew. -axin, -ɗ
He sleeps here anew. -axin, -iid
He swims on the way anew. -axin, -loox
He eats for now anew. -axin, -aful (?)
He eats again anew. -axin, -atin (?)