
Dakota Robinson.

Mingyu Yuan.

Fomer PhD students

Ruthe Foushee, 2020, Self-directed learning in language development: Interactions of linguistic complexity, learner attention, and language socialization. Now in the Department of Psychology at The New School for Social Research. (Chairs: Fei Xu, Mahesh Srinivasan, Department of Psychology.)

Alice Shen, 2020, Costs and cues in the auditory comprehension of code- switching. (Co-chair, with Keith Johnson)

Yukie Toyama, 2019, What Makes Reading Difficult? An Investigation of the Contribution of Passage-, Task- and Reader-Characteristics on Item Difficulty Using Explanatory Item Response Models. (Chair: Mark Wilson, Graduate School of Education)

Jevon Heath, 2017, Causes and Consequences of Convergence. Now at University of Pittsburgh. (Chair: Keith Johnson)

Emily Cibelli, 2015, Aspects of articulatory and perceptual learning in novel phoneme acquisition. Now at Ingenuity, before that at Northwestern University. (Chair: Keith Johnson)

Shinae Kang, 2015, Relationship between perceptual accuracy and information measures: A cross-linguistic study. Now at George Washington University. (Chair: Keith Johnson)

Greg Finley, 2015, Accounting for the phonetic value of nonspeech sounds. Now at the University of Minnesota. (Chair: Keith Johnson)

Clara Cohen, 2014, Incorporating Abstract and Usage-based Information: The Effect of Probability on the Production of Morphemes. Now at University of Glasgow. (Co-chair, with Keith Johnson)

Melinda Fricke, 2013, Phonological encoding and phonetic duration. Now at University of Pittsburgh. (Chair: Keith Johnson)

Yao Yao, 2011, The effects of phonological neighborhoods on pronunciation variation in conversational speech. Now at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. (Co-chair, with Keith Johnson)

Elena Dukhovny, 2011, Phonological Encoding in Aided Augmentative and Alternative Communication . (UCB-SFSU Joint Program in Special Education, Chair: Gloria Soto, SFSU)

Jacquelyn M. Urbani, 2011, Implementing a Dialogic Reading Intervention: The Experiences of Teachers of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students (UCB-SFSU Joint Program in Special Education, Co-chairs: David Pearson, Philip Prinz). Now at Mills College.


Philip Dilts, 2013, Modelling phonetic reduction in a corpus of spoken English using Random Forests and Mixed-Effects Regression, (University of Alberta. (External Examiner; Chair: Ben Tucker)

Mark Pluymaekers, 2007, Affix reduction in spoken Dutch: Probabilistic effects in production and perception,Radboud University / Max-Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, The Netherlands. (External Examiner; Chair: Mirjam Ernestus)