Get dur

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The get_dur script illustrates basic usage of the audiolabel library. It reads a Praat textgrid and reports time values for labels that match a set of target labels.

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Simple script to measure phone durations.

Usage = "meas_dur file.TextGrid"

import sys
import audiolabel

# Get the textgrid name from the input arguments and create a LabelManager object.
    tg = sys.argv[1]
    lm = audiolabel.LabelManager(from_file=tg, from_type="praat")
except IndexError:
    print "Usage: " + Usage

# List of labels for which we want duration measurements.
phones = ["P", "T", "K", "B", "D", "G"]

# Print the header line.
print "phone\tword\tt1\tt2\tduration"

# Loop over all the labels in the 'phone' tier.
for plab in lm.tier('phone'):
    # Check to see if the current label text is one of our target phones.
    if plab.text in phones:
        # Grab the corresponding label from the 'word' tier.
        wlab = lm.tier('word').label_at(
        # Print values from the phone label and corresponding word label.
        print "{:s}\t{:s}\t{:1.4f}\t{:1.4f}\t{:1.4f}".format(
            plab.text, wlab.text, plab.t1, plab.t2, plab.duration