Karuk Sentences and Texts
Click on one of the following for sentences or texts related to a given theme:
- Characters: Bear | Black Oak | Bluejay | Bullhead | Buzzard | Chipmunk | Coyote | Crane | Crow Woman | Deer | Doe | Doodle Bug | Duck Hawk | Eel | Fire | Frog | Grizzly Bear | Hookbill | Horsefly | Hummingbird | Lizard | Madrone | Maul Oak | Mockingbird | Mourning Dove | Mouse | Old Man Rain | Owl | Pelican | Pine | Pygmy Owl | Racer | Salmon | Skunk | Slug | Spider | Steelhead | Sucker | Swamp Robin | Tan Oak | Tick | Towhee | Turtle | Weasel | Wildcat | ducks | ground squirrels |
Click here to see a complete list of all texts and transcribed sentence collections.
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