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Our project is a collaboration between the Karuk Tribe and the Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, UC Berkeley. The Karuk dictionary is the work of William Bright and Susan Gehr, with additional contributions, editing, and computer coding by Berkeley project participants. The Karuk texts have been put into their online format at Berkeley, based on published editions by William Bright, J. P. Harrington, and others.
Project participants, collaborators, and contributors include Andrew Garrett and Erik Maier (UC Berkeley); Susan Gehr (College of the Redwoods, Karuk tribal linguist and archivist); Clare Sandy (San Francisco State University, San José State University); Karuk master speakers, including Sonny Davis and the late Lucille Albers, Charlie Thom, and Vina Smith; and Karuk language activists and teachers, including LuLu Alexander, Tamara Alexander, Julian Lang, Crystal Richardson, and Florrine Super. Those who have participated at Berkeley also include Line Mikkelsen and many current and former graduate students (including Nicholas Baier, Kayla Carpenter, Erin Donnelly, Matthew Faytak, Kelsey Neely, Melanie Redeye, and Tammy Stark) and undergraduate students (including Shane Bilowitz, Anna Currey, Kouros Falati, Nina Gliozzo, Morgan Jacobs, Karie Moorman, Olga Pipko, Jeff Spingeld, and Whitney White). (Some of our work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1065620; opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. We have also received financial support from UC Berkeley and generous logistical support from the Karuk Tribe.)
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