Faculty and Staff

Graduate Students

Allied Faculty

Eddie Chang
UCSF Neurosurgery
Justin Davidson
Spanish and Portuguese
John Houde
UCSF Radiology
Matthew Leonard
UCSF Neurosurgery


The UC Berkeley Department of Linguistics provides a very rich environment for visiting scholars. Faculty from other universities around the world come to Berkeley to spend part of a sabbatical term with us, conducting research, sitting in on classes, and generally participating in the life of the lab. Their active participation adds significantly to the intellectual climate of the lab.

Students from other universities may apply to be visiting students at Berkeley. As a visiting student you can attend classes, use the university library, and make use of the facilities of the PhonLab. Unfortunately, we don't have funding for visiting students, but the students who do find a way to visit are a great addition to the lab!

If you would like to visit, please contact Keith Johnson

Phonlab Leadership Throughout History

Thomas Talbot WatermanAnthropology and instrumental phonetics.1910-1921
Yuen Ren Chao Phonology and instrumental phonetics.1947-1963
William S-Y. WangPhonology Lab founder and director.1967-1975
John OhalaPhonology Lab director.1975-2004
Keith JohnsonPhonLab director.2005-present

Photos from past years