Individual session wordlists
Review wordlists from individual sessions here to avoid repeated elicitation. Remember to post whether your session is group or individual, and try to indicate roughly when it will be happening so that later sessions can adjust their lists to avoid duplicating the work of earlier sessions if they wish.
The old Bari vocab can be found here if you want to transfer wordlists to this page.
IE & GE for Tuesday Oct. 2
edited post session, sharing results.
- bag(s) ---- no word save for French
- basket(s) ---French
- ash(es) --- yes, sg and plural
- mountain(s) --- yes, same as stone, sg and plural
- what are sarong's made of? (traditional women's clothing) --- Sereer word for cotton
- braid (noun and verb) -- yes, sg and pl
- what do you call what you eat with? plates, etc. --- water containers big and small, handles same as horn?, spoon made from a hard fruit? sg and pl, plate same as cover sg and pl
- party, feast --- yes, sg and pl
- famine, when people are starving (same sg and pl, odd to think of pl) - related to I am hungry, also elicited. "when you don't have anything" (poverty?) also elicited.
The following I didn't get to - up for grabs! Doubles check with other recent lists though
- doctor ---
- sickness, disease
- ripple(s)
- waterfall(s)
- desert ?
- baby(s)
- toddler(s)
- young man/men ? (young woman is listed)
- money
- bead(s)
- star(s)
- rainbow(s)
- family(s)
- leader(s)
- wood, firewood
- metal
- paint
- what kind of games do you play?
--Kayla 08:04, 1 October 2012 (UTC) My goal is to elicit as many nouns as possible in the allotted time that seem to be missing from lexicon, and these lists.
plurals I've neglected or noticed not in the lexicon
- lakes
- oceans
- rains ?
- creams/oils
- waters ?
- pots
IE & GE for Tuesday Sept. 25
. --Kayla 17:34, 25 September 2012 (UTC)
- How do you say, "x"?
- Can you say it again?
Verbs - Imperatives and Future Tense
- come here
- come here (2+more)
- wash your hair
- wash your hair (2+more)
- wash your hands
- wash your hands (2+more)
- wash your clothes
- wash your clothes (2+more)
- wash yourself until clean
- I will wash my clothes tomorrow
- I am going to wash myself clean
- swim!
- shut/close (it)!
- swim! (two or more)
- I will swim
- You will swim
- He/She/It will swim
- They will swim
- You all will swim.
Verb Paradigms - To Cook
- to cook
- you cook (imperative)
- you cook (imperative two or more)
- will you cook?
- are you cooking?
- I will cook
- You will cook
- You will cook (2+)
- They will cook
- We will cook
- He/she/it will cook
- I cooked
- You cooked
- He/She/It cooked
- They cooked
- I cooked yesterday
- I cooked today
- I am cooking
- I am cooking right now
IE on September 18, 2012, posted post session
- shirt(s)
- shoe(s)
- pant(s)
- hat(s)
- sock(s)
- sarong(s) (no skirt, dress)
- earring(s)
- necklace(s)
- a lot
- egg(s)
- eggshell(s)
- seed(s)
- thorn(s)
- field(s)
GE September 13, 2012
- water, drinking water
- river(s)
- ocean
- lake
- rain
- soup (skipped, there are individual soups with various names)
- grease, oil, cream
- dirt/sand
- clay
- mud
IE (and GE) Tues. Oct. 2, 2012
- kill
- follow
- weave
- tired, energetic
- stingy, generous
- old, young
- ugly, beautiful
- buy
- sell
- chew
- smell
- swallow
- taste
Singular and plural of:
- bottle, branch, bracelet, beach, day, eyelid, field, boat, stone
Some clarifications re: plurals from previous sessions, and diminutives
GE Thurs. Sept. 13, 001
- dog, dogs
- cat, cats
- bird, birds
- pig, pigs
- insect, insects
- spider, spiders
- ant, ants
- butterfly, butterflies
- fruit, fruit
IE Tues. Sept. 18, 2012, 00?
I am curious about pronouns, so I will elicit a couple of verbs (love, see) with a combination of subject and direct object pronouns.
- I love you, you love me, she loves him, he loves her, I see you, you see me, etc.
sept 26: looked at voiceless/voiced implosive contrast. found out that some words we had as one type of stop were actually the other. Found cool morphophonological alternation between voiced and voiceless implosives in verbs (sg. vs pl. subject). Confirmed that [q] is just an allophone of /k/. Word for '2' shows cool alternation; voiced implosive after some nouns, voiceless after others (depending on noun class).
Individual 029 (W. Sept. 26, 10:00)
In my individual session I found that the verb "to break, explode" (intr), [gef], has a transitive version, [gefin]. This may or may not automatically encode a third-person object ("(to) break it" was Malick's translation). I encourage people working on verbal morphology to take a look at this and similar verbs:
- to break (something)
- to burn (intransitive, transitive)
- to open (intransitive, transitive)
- to close (intransitive, transitive)
Group 04? (T. Oct. 2, in class)
I plan to elicit food vocabulary in an attempt to expand the noun and verb corpus. Some of these have been partially elicited before, and I will be checking for plurals.
- baobab tree, pl
- baobab fruit, pl
- root, pl. (aˈƥaƈ sg)
- yam, pl (haƥ sg)
- pot, pl
The rest are new.
- spoon
- knife
- fork
- mortar
- pestle
- bowl
- plate
- cup
- goat
- onion
- pepper (black)
- pepper (chile)
- rice
- bean
- tea
- coffee
- bread
- to bake (in the ndeen)
- to roast (in a pit?)
- to fry
- to boil
- to steep/soak/marinate
- to skin/peel
- to sift
- to sprinkle
- to grind (in mortar+pestle or otherwise)
- to pound (in mortar+pestle or otherwise)
- to mix
- to cut (up)
- to dice/mince/cut into little pieces
Finally, I intend to ask for examples of some open categories that we don't really know much about as non-Senegalese (fruits, edible roots, spices, etc). Work on this list will probably continue through my individual session on Wednesday at 10:00 AM.
IE 9/26/2012
I'm going to try to get the paradigms for three verbs that are giving me trouble wiht their initial consonants:
- swallow
- take fruit off from a tree
- paint, spread paste on something
GE 9/18/2012
This is the list I'm planning to start with for the next group session.
- world
- sun
- moon
- sunrise
- sunset
- day, days
- morning
- afternoon
- night
- week, weeks
- month, months
- year, years
- sky
- rain
- (rain)storm
- lightning
- thunder
- book, books
- house, houses
- window, windows
- door, doors
- roof, roofs
- wall, walls
- floor, floors
Nouns that I've thought up to add to lists, but if anyone wants to use them feel free!
- child, children
- woman, women
- room, rooms
- kitchen, kitchens
- table, tables
- chair, chairs
- bed, beds
- well, wells
- field, fields
- ladder, ladders
- boat, boats
- road, roads
- animal, animals (general term)
- goat, goats
- chicken, chickens
- rooster, roosters
- fish, (fishes)
- cow, cows
- bull, bulls
- horse, horses
- donkey, donkeys
- monkey, monkeys
- wolf, wolves
- money
- gift, gifts
GE 9/18/2012
- hair(s)
- chest
- blood
- spit
- belly
- side
- bellybutton
- leg
- foot
- hip
IE 9/19/2012
I want to elicit more body part terms that we didn't cover in class, with plurals.
- hand
- head
- nose
- mouth
- finger (does each finger have its own name?)
- arm
- eye
- lips
- ear
- eyebrows
- eyelashes
- body hair
- toes
- fingernails
- palm of hand
- sole of foot
- joint
- knuckles
- shoulder
- elbow
IE 9/26/2012
I elicited some nouns that Nico and I wanted to check the pronunciation of, and then I started working on verbs. I elicited for the past, present, and future, plus all person markings for the verb 'to hit'.
- to hit
GE 9/27/2012
I didn't elicit for modality yesterday, so I want to elicit 'should', 'would' versions of 'to hit', with past, present, future. I'd also like to do some valency-changing with 'to hit': how do you say 'I got hit (by X)', 'I made X hit it', 'I hit X with it'?
If there's time, I want to start eliciting a verb paradigm for 'to cry' (ie, a less transitive verb), with the same TAM, person, and valency (where applicable) permutations as I've elicited with 'to hit'.
- to hit (continued)
- to cry
IE 9/19, GE 9/20, IE 9/26
- livestock (general term)
- lion/lions
- rat/rats (mouse/mice?)
- sheep/sheeps
- snake/snakes (venomous term?)
- rabbit/rabbits
- worm/worms
- bee/bees
- duck/ducks
- elephant/elephants
- mosquito/mosquitoes
- frog/frogs
- turtle/turtles
- bat/bats
- he runs
- he goes (to location)
- he jumps
- he sleeps
- he reads/studies/takes (ambitransitive?)
- he dies
- he eats (intrans variant?)
(I plan to continue chipping away at the verbal paradigm - all 6 person/number combos in present tense, plus I might throw in past tense if the session moves quickly enough).
- mother (sg/pl)
- father (sg/pl)
- wife (sg/pl)
- husband (sg/pl)
- sister (older/younger) (sg/pl)
- brother(older/younger) (sg/pl)
- son (sg/pl)
- daughter (sg/pl)
- aunt (sg/pl)
- uncle (sg/pl)
- cousin (sg/pl)
- grandmother(maternal/paternal) (sg/pl)
- grandfather(maternal/paternal) (sg/pl)
- music
- song (sg/pl)
- drum (sg/pl)
- dance(n.) (sg/pl)
- wedding (sg/pl)
- birthday (sg/pl)
- hot
- cold
- wet
- dry
- tall
- short
- old
- new
- good
- bad
- fast
- slow
- near
- far
- soft
- hard
- light/bright
- dark
- nice
- kind
- mean
- smart
- stupid
- high
- low
- tasty/delicious
- spicy
- sweet
- savory
- fat
- thin
- young
- clean
- dirty
- loud
- quiet
- happy
- funny
- sad
Carrier phrases:
- I said…
- You said…
- Did you say…?
- Where is…?
- It is…(adj).
I-005 (18 Sep)
First I got a couple of long sentences, to get a feel for the overall sentence-level prosody.
- I told your younger sister about the wrestler, but she didn't believe me.
- I visited six fruit sellers at the market and bought a melon from each one.
Then I re-elicited the following words, with a particular emphasis on stop quality.
- trees (taXar)
- rain (atep)
- three (tadik)
- two (Dik)
Then I elicited some new words. I elicited nouns with their plurals.
- rumor (= v. to hear)
- dance
- gift
- fish
- to measure
- (fish) scale
- (fish) tail
- (fish) fin
- boat
- bone
- (bird) wing (also woman's head scarf)
- to hit
- mouth
- shoulder (another word for wing)
G-012 (18 Sep)
- baobab
- baobab fruit
- finger/s
- butt/s
- bark/shell/rind
- skin/hide
- forest
- branch
- root
- yam
- moss
- spoiled (food/meat)
- dank
I-023 (25 Sep)
I was looking for gender/case:
- by the stove
- by the tomb
- over the beach/es
- on top of the cat/s, grave/s, fence/s
- over the person/people
- over the horn/s, claw/s, tongue/s
- by the mosquitos
- over the mosquitos
- by the elephant/s, frog/s
- I saw the fence
- I saw the person
- The person saw me
- young lady
- old person
G-037 (27 Sep)
- the (red) bird
- the (two) (red) birds
- the (black) pig
- the (three) (black) pigs
- the (white) elephant
- the (four) (white) elephants
- the (thirsty) dog
- the (five) (thirsty) dogs
- the (pretty) butterfly/ies
- the (ugly) insect/s
I-039 (02 Oct)
New nouns related to people:
- chief
- leader
- servant
- stranger
- friend
- enemy
- self
- other person
- rival
- partner
- thief
- murderer
- victim
- youth (as a group)
- childhood
- baby
- rite of passage
- apprentice
And some other words that just came up:
- hyena
- bottle
- trap
- foreskin
- to be in front
- to share
- to steal
- to attend/be present
- sickness
- circumcision
I-040 Oct 2
I will be eliciting some more phonological things trying to get minimal pairs, and then prepositional stuff if possible.
- from the child
- to the child
- toward the field
- toward the road
- toward the child
- in the cold water
- behind the blue house
- in front of the house
- on top of the house
- around the house
- inside of the house
- outside of the house
- for the bird
- without the bird
- around the bird
- inside the pot
- outside the pot
- on the wall
- on the small dog
- on the big table
- through the field
- along the beach
- far from the field
- close to the field
- above the field
If I get through these, I will start on temporal adpositions.
- throughout the day
- before the dawn
- after sunset
- during the night
- at midday
- until tomorrow
- since yesterday
G-038 Sept 27
I clarified some pronunciations and then elicited a number of new words (which I will have annotated and in the dictionary by Friday evening):
I-024 Sept 24
I elicited prepositional phrases from Jevon's list, above, repeated below. (I'm working on the textgrid now and will post them to the wiki soon)
- with the knife
- with the woman
- without the knife (translated lit. as "the knife is not part of it/with it)
- no knife (wd order was variable)
- I give the woman a knife (knife and woman can switch order)
- I give the dog a bone
- I am doing something for the woman
- for the women
- the dog's (X is owned by the dog) has a shorter fast speech version
- the women's (it's for the women)
- for the child
- I am walking toward the house
- at the house
- behind the house
- behind the tree
- behind the trees
- amidst the trees
- between, at the middle between the trees
- by/next to the tree
- by the trees
- at the tree (i.e the border of tree and grass)
- under the tree
- under the blanket
- toward the tree
- toward the trees
- face
- I am facing
- I am going towards/I am towards
- I am going
- near the tree
- far from the tree
- not close to the tree
I/G Session for Sept 12/18
In this interest of vowel quality, I'll be re-checking some vowels of words we already have, and eliciting new words as well as checking short phrases.
- red
- black
- white
- green
- blue
- yellow
- a
- the
For the group session, I will elicit body parts, hopefully these (with plurals):
- head
- mouth
- chin
- nose
- cheek
- eye
- eyebrow
- eyelash
- ear
- hair
- arm
- shoulder
- elbow
- hand
- finger
- back
- belly
- leg
- knee
- foot
- toe
- heart
- liver
- brain
- blood
- skin
- bone