Individual session wordlists
Review wordlists from individual sessions here to avoid repeated elicitation. Remember to post whether your session is group or individual, and try to indicate roughly when it will be happening so that later sessions can adjust their lists to avoid duplicating the work of earlier sessions.
Individual 008 (1:30pm Tuesday)
I'll be filling blanks for body part plurals and getting more body parts, like those below:
- heads
- mouths
- noses
- tongues
- bloods?
- lip
- lips
- jaw
- jaws
- neck
- necks
- chest
- chests
- belly
- bellies
- hip
- hips
- thigh
- thighs
- knee
- knees
- elbow
- elbows
- eyebrow
- eyebrows
- eyelash
- eyelashes
- eyelid
- eyelids
- nostril
- nostrils
- armpit
- armpits
- back
- backs
- buttock
- buttocks
Individual 007
I'm planning on just going back and filling in missing plurals until I get a sense of a pattern for singular/plural alternations. New (lexemes) are at the top.
- Man
- Men
- Cat
- Cats
- Village
- Villages
- Tribe/Nationality
- Tribes/Nationalities
- Girls
- Women (married)
- Women (unmarried)
- People
- Mothers
- Fathers
- Brothers
- Sisters
- Rivers
- Streams
- Riverbanks
- (Big) rocks
- Branches
- Sticks
- Roads
- Places
- Finger/Toe
- Arms
- Legs
Group 011
Not sure how many people will be doing individual elicitations before me on 9/4 (Tuesday); list is subject to change depending on what those people are doing in the morning. In my group elicitation I intend to do:
- name / names
- tail / tails
- claw / claws
- horn / horns
- feather / feathers
- yellow
- green
- blue
- long
- short
- wide
- narrow
- heavy
- light
- to walk
- to run
- to sit
- to sleep
- to burn (intr.)
- if time permits, various pleasantries we haven't asked for yet ("hi, how are you" etc.)
- water
- swamp/wetland
- rapids/falls
- air
- sky
- day
- night
- fire
- smoke
- ash(es)
- salt
- soup/stew
- meat
- bread
- egg
- milk
- antelope
- goat
- crocodile
- hippopotamus
- elephant
- insect/bug
- mosquito
- knife
- roof
- door
- wall
- white
- black
- red
- Carburetor
- Polar bear
- Elf
- Wheaties (etc.)