Individual session wordlists
Review wordlists from individual sessions here to avoid repeated elicitation. Remember to post whether your session is group or individual, and try to indicate roughly when it will be happening so that later sessions can adjust their lists to avoid duplicating the work of earlier sessions.
Individual 008 (1:30pm Tuesday)
I'll be filling blanks for body part plurals and getting more body parts, like those below:
- heads
- mouths
- noses
- tongues
- bloods?
- lip
- lips
- jaw
- jaws
- neck
- necks
- chest
- chests
- belly
- bellies
- hip
- hips
- thigh
- thighs
- knee
- knees
- elbow
- elbows
- eyebrow
- eyebrows
- eyelash
- eyelashes
- eyelid
- eyelids
- nostril
- nostrils
- armpit
- armpits
- back
- backs
- buttock
- buttocks
Individual 007
I'm planning on just going back and filling in missing plurals until I get a sense of a pattern for singular/plural alternations. New (lexemes) are at the top.
- Man
- Men
- Cat
- Cats
- Village
- Villages
- Tribe/Nationality
- Tribes/Nationalities
- Girls
- Women (married)
- Women (unmarried)
- People
- Mothers
- Fathers
- Brothers
- Sisters
- Rivers
- Streams
- Riverbanks
- (Big) rocks
- Branches
- Sticks
- Roads
- Places
- Finger/Toe
- Arms
- Legs
Group 001 (Th. Sept. 13)
In the group elicitation for Seereer I intend to do:
- Hello
- Thank You
- numbers 1 - 10
- person/human
- man (adult)
- woman (adult)
- boy
- girl
- Proper nouns, as time permits (consultant's name, autodemonym, name of language, name of hometown, etc.)
- water
- swamp/wetland
- rapids/falls
- air
- sky
- day
- night
- fire
- smoke
- ash(es)
- salt
- soup/stew
- meat
- bread
- egg
- milk
- antelope
- goat
- crocodile
- hippopotamus
- elephant
- insect/bug
- mosquito
- knife
- roof
- door
- wall
- white
- black
- red
- hot
- cold
- wet
- dry
- old
- new
- fast
- slow
- near
- far
- happy
- funny
- sad
- soft
- hard
- light/bright
- dark
- nice
- kind
- mean
- smart
- stupid
- high
- low
- tasty/delicious
- spicy
- sweet
- savory
Words for elicitation tomorrow, September 13, 2012 on Seerreer --Kayla 03:53, 13 September 2012 (UTC)
- water, drinking water
- river
- spring, stream
- ocean
- lake
- rain
- soup
- grease, oil
- blood
- urine
- snot
- tear(s)
- sweat (noun)
- spit (noun)
- dirt
- sand
- riverbank
- shore
- beach
- ground
- mud
- earth/world
- mountain
- hole
- rock
- boulder
- pebble
--Kayla 18:11, 4 September 2012 (UTC)
All of these words are up for grabs now.--Kayla 03:53, 13 September 2012 (UTC)
- seed(s)
- thorn(s)
- field(s)
- house(s)
- fence(s)
- boat(s)
- bridge(s)
- car(s)
- bike(s)
- village(s)
- school(s)
- shirt(s)
- shoe(s)
- hat(s)
- pant(s)
- sock(s)
- skirt(s)
- bag(s)
- belt(s)
- earring(s)
- necklace(s)
- good
- bad
- short (being)
- tall (being)
- skinny
- fat
- old
- young
- pretty
- ugly
- clean
- dirty
For GE on Tuesday 9/04
- child, children
- person, people
- god, gods
- bride
- groom
- animal, animals
- pig, pigs
- fox, foxes
- insect, insects
- worm, worms
- tail, tails
- fur
- claw, claws
- feather, feathers
- food
- drink, beverage
- milk
- egg, eggs
- fruit, fruit (pl)
- leaf, leaves
- root, roots
For IE on Tuesday 9/04
At 2:30-3:30 pm.
- Verb paradigms for past tense: go, walk, run (if time allows, mostly to get the verb stem and some morphology and the pronouns)
Kayla has the following list, which we may get through as well:
- ant, ants
- beetle, beetles
- louse, lice
- grasshopper, grasshoppers
- fly, flies
- butterfly, butterflies
- bee, bees
- snake, snakes
- mouse, mice
- lizard, lizards
- elephant, elephants
- gazelle, gazelles
- flower, flowers
- seed, seeds
- thorn, thorns
- pitch, tree juice, gum
- firewood
- eyelash
- eyebrow
- nostril
- nose
- throat
- knee
- elbow
- cheek
- forehead
- wrist
- navel
Individual Elicitation 9/5/2012
- world
- sunrise
- sunset
- morning
- afternoon
- night
- week, weeks
- month, months
- year, years
- rain
- (rain)storm
- lightning
- thunder
- sky
- full moon
- book, books
- horse, horses (male and female)
- donkey, donkeys (male/female)
- monkey, monkeys (male/female)
- wolf, wolves
- bird, birds
GE 8/28
- one
- two
- three
- four
- five
- six
- seven
- eight
- nine
- ten
- unmarried woman
- small boy
- small girl
- wife, married woman
- child
for IE 9/5
- questions I had from various GEs:
- can you say /na/ by itself?
- can you say /aser/ or /jaser/ or /ŋaser/ by itself?
- can you say /tȋ/ by itself?
- can you say /lustanti/ or /lusan/ by itself?
- new lexical items:
- grease (ie, cooking fat)
- plain, flat area of land
- mountain
- hill
- jungle
- forest
- desert
- valley
- country (ie, a nation)
- stinky
- rotten
- unripe (as in fruit)
- over-ripe (if different from rotten)
- maggot
- round (shape)
- dream (n)
- rope
- healer, doctor (are there different words for traditional vs. modern healers?)
- priest (guessing this will be borrowed- is there a non-borrowed word?)
- monsoon/rainy season (what are the seasons, and what are they like? what are their names?)
- Carburetor
- Polar bear
- Elf
- Wheaties (etc.)