Selected Publications
Shih, Stephanie and Sharon Inkelas. "Autosegmental aims in surface optimizing phonology." Linguistic Inquiry.50:137-196. Prepublication version available on lingbuzz.2018
Inkelas, Sharon. "Under- and overexponence in morphology". 2018. In Revealing structure: Finding patterns in grammars and using grammatical patterns to elucidate language, A festschrift to honor Larry M. Hyman, ed. by Gene Buckley, Thera Crane, and Jeff Good. CSLI Publications. Prepublication version.Caballero, Gabriela and Sharon Inkelas. 2018. "A construction-based approach to Multiple Exponence." In Geert Booij (ed.), The Construction of Words: Advances in Construction Morphology. Springer International Publishing. 111-140.
Garvin, Karee, Myriam Lapierre, and Sharon Inkelas. 2018. "A Q-theoretic approach to distinctive subsegmental timing." Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America.
Shih, Stephanie, Jordan Ackerman, Noah Hermalin, Sharon Inkelas, and Darya Kavitskaya. 2018. Pokémonikers: A study of sound symbolism and Pokémon names. Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America.
Inkelas, Sharon and Eric Wilbanks. 2018. "Directionality effects via distance-based penalty scaling." Proceedings of the 2017 Annual Meeting on Phonology. DOI:
Inkelas, Sharon. 2017. "The role of morphology in Generative Phonology, Autosegmental Phonology and Prosodic Morphology." The Cambridge Handbook of Morphology. , ed. by Andrew Hippisley and Gregory Stump. Cambridge University Press, 513–549. Prepublication version.Inkelas, Sharon and Stephanie Shih. "Looking into segments". 2017. Proceedings of AMP 2016. Linguistic Society of America.
Inkelas, Sharon and Stephanie Shih. 2016. "Re-representing phonology: consequences of Q Theory." Proceedings of NELS 46. Prepublication version..Inkelas, Sharon. 2016. "The Directionality and Locality of Allomorphic Conditioning in Optimal Construction Morphology." The Morphosyntax-Phonology Connection: Locality and Directionality at the Interface, ed. by Vera Gribanova and Stephanie S Shih. Oxford University Press. Prepublication version.
Inkelas, Sharon. 2016. "Affix ordering in Optimal Construction Morphology". In Daniel Siddiqi and Heidi Harley (eds.), Morphological Metatheory. John Benjamins. 479-511.
Sharon Inkelas and Stephanie Shih. 2016. "Tone melodies in the age of surface correspondence." Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society.
Tara McAllister Byun, Sharon Inkelas and Yvan Rose. 2016. "The A-map model: articulatory reliability in child-specific phonology." Language 92(1). 141–178.
Shih, Stephanie and Sharon Inkelas. 2016. "Morphologically-conditioned tonotactics in multilevel Maximum Entropy grammar," with Stephanie Shih. In Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Meeting on Phonology, ed. by Gunnar Hansson et al.
Inkelas, Sharon, Keith Johnson, Charles Lee, Emil Minas, George Mulcaire, Gek Yong Keng, and Tomomi Yuasa. 2016. "Testing the learnability of writing systems," with . Proceedings of the 39th annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Prepublication version.
Downing, Laura and Sharon Inkelas. 2015. "What is Reduplication? Typology and Analysis, Part 1/2: The Typology of Reduplication." Language and Linguistics Compass 9(12): 502-515. DOI: 10.1111/lnc3.12166Downing, Laura and Sharon Inkelas. 2015. "What is Reduplication? Typology and Analysis", Part 2/2: The Analysis of Reduplication." Language and Linguistics Compass 9(12): 516–528. December 2015. DOI: 10.1111/lnc3.12152.
Inkelas, Sharon. 2015. "Confidence scales: a new approach to derived environment effects." In Yuchau E. Hsiao and Lian-Hee Wee (eds.), Capturing Phonological Shades. Cambridge Scholars Press. Prepublication version.
Inkelas, Sharon and Stephanie Shih. 2014. "Unstable surface correspondence as the source of local conspiracies." In Jyoti Iyer and Leland Kusmer (eds), Proceedings of the 44th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society. 191-204.Inkelas, Sharon. 2014. The Interplay of Morphology and Phonology. Oxford Surveys in Syntax and Morphology 8. Oxford University Press.
Inkelas, Sharon. 2014. "Non-concatenative derivation: Reduplication". In Rochelle Lieber and Pavel Stekauer (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Derivational Morphology. Oxford University Press. Prepublication version.
Gaby, Alice and Sharon Inkelas. 2014. "Reduplication in Kuuk Thaayorre." In Rene Kager, Janet Grijzenhout and K. Sebregts (eds.), Where the principles fail: A Festschrift for Wim Zonneveld. Holland Ridderkerk. Prepublication version.
Byun, Tara McAllister and Sharon Inkelas. 2014. "Child consonant harmony and phonologization of performance errors." 2014. In Hsin-Lun Huang, Ethan Poole and Amanda Rysling (eds.), Proceedings of NELS 43. Amherst: GLSA. 291-302.
Shih, Stephanie and Sharon Inkelas. 2014."A subsegmental correspondence approach to contour tone (dis)harmony patterns." In John Kingston, Claire Moore-Cantwell, Joe Pater and Robert Staubs (eds.), Proceedings of the 2013 Meeting on Phonology. Linguistic Society of America, Washington, DC.
Caballero, Gabriela and Sharon Inkelas. 2013. "Word construction: tracing an optimal path through the lexicon." Morphology 23:103-143.2012
Inkelas, Sharon. 2012. "Reduplication." In J. Trommer (ed.), The handbook of exponence. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Inkelas, Sharon. "The morphology-phonology connection." To appear in Proceedings of the 34th annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Prepublication version.
Inkelas, Sharon. 2011. "The phonology-morphology interaction." In John Goldsmith, Jason Riggle and Alan Yu (eds.), Handbook of Phonological Theory, 2nd edition. Blackwell Publishing.Inkelas, Sharon and Yvan Rose. 2011. "The intepretation of phonological patterns in first language acquisition." In Marc van Oostendorp, Colin Ewen, Elizabeth Hume and Keren Rice (eds.), Blackwell Companion to Phonology. Blackwell. Vol. 4, Ch. 101.
Inkelas, Sharon. 2011. "Another look at velar deletion in Turkish, with special attention to the derived environment condition." In Eser Taylan and Bengisu Rona (eds.), Puzzles of Language: Essays in honour of Karl Zimmer. Harrassowitz. A slightly earlier version appears in the UC Berkeley Phonology Laboratory Annual Report 2009, 387-403.
Hanson, Kristin and Sharon Inkelas (eds.) 2009. The Nature of the Word: Essay in Honor of Paul Kiparsky. MIT Press.Hyman, Larry, Sharon Inkelas and Galen Sibanda. 2009. "Morphosyntactic correspondence in Bantu reduplication" In K. Hanson and S. Inkelas (eds.), The Nature of the Word: Essays in Honor of Paul Kiparsky. MIT Press. 2009.
Inkelas, Sharon. 2008. "The Dual Theory of Reduplication". Linguistics 46:351-402.2007
Inkelas, Sharon and Yvan Rose. 2007. "Positional neutralization: a case study from child language," with Yvan Rose. Language 83:707-736.Inkelas, Sharon and Cheryl Zoll. 2007. "Is Grammar Dependence Real?" Linguistics 45:133-171.
Pycha, Anne, Sharon Inkelas and Ronald Sprouse. 2007. "Morphophonemics and the lexicon: a case study from Turkish." In M. J. Sole, P. Beddor, and M. Ohala (eds.), Experimental Approaches to Phonology. Oxford University Press.
Inkelas, Sharon. 2006. "Reduplication." In Keith Brown, ed., Encylopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier: Oxford. 417-419.Inkelas, Sharon. 2006. "Underspecification." In Keith Brown, ed., Encylopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier: Oxford. 224-226.
Inkelas, Sharon and Kemal Oflazer. 2006. "The architecture and the implementation of a finite state pronunciation lexicon for Turkish", with Kemal Oflazer. Computer Speech and Language. 80-106.
Inkelas, Sharon and Cheryl Zoll. 2005. Reduplication: Doubling in Morphology. Cambridge University Press.Inkelas, Sharon. 2005. "Morphological doubling theory: evidence for morphological doubling in reduplication." In Bernhard Hurch (ed.) Studies on Reduplication. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Inkelas, Sharon and C. Orhan Orgun. 2003. "Turkish stress: a review." Phonology 20:139-161.Inkelas, Sharon. 2003. "J's rhymes: a longitudinal case study of language play." Journal of Child Language 30, 557-581.
Orgun, C. Orhan and Sharon Inkelas. 2001. "Reconsidering Bracket Erasure," with C. Orhan Orgun. Yearbook of Morphology 2001:115-46.Inkelas, Sharon, Gunnar Ó. Hansson, Aylin Küntay, and C. Orhan Orgun. 2001. "Labial Attraction: an empirical perspective." Turkic Languages 5: 169-97.
Inkelas, Sharon, Aylin Küntay, Ronald Sprouse, and C. Orhan Orgun. 2001. "TELL: Turkish Electronic Living Lexicon." Turkic Languages 4(2): 253-75.Inkelas, Sharon. 2001. "Phonotactic blocking through structural immunity." In B. Stiebels and D. Wunderlich (eds.), Lexicon in Focus. Studia grammatica 45. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
Inkelas, Sharon. 1999. "Exceptional Stress-Attracting Suffixes in Turkish: Representations vs. the Grammar." In H. van der Hulst, R. Kager, and Wim Zonneveld (eds.), The Prosody-Morphology Interface. Cambridge University Press.1998
Inkelas, Sharon. 1998. "The theoretical status of morphologically conditioned phonology: a case study of dominance effects." In Geert Booij and Jaap van Marle, eds., Yearbook of Morphology 1997. Dordrecht: Kluwer. 121-155.Orgun, C. Orhan and Sharon Inkelas. 1998. "Level (Non)ordering in Recursive Morphology: Evidence from Turkish." In S. Lapointe (ed.), Morphology and its Relations to Syntax and Phonology. Stanford: CSLI Publications. 360-392.
Inkelas, Sharon, C. Orhan Orgun and Cheryl Zoll. 1997. "The implications of lexical exceptions for the nature of grammar." In I. Roca (ed.), Constraints and Derivations in Phonology. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 393-418.Hyman, Larry and Sharon Inkelas. 1997. "Emergent templates: the unusual case of Tiene." In V. Miglio and B. Morén, eds., Proceedings of the Hopkins Optimality Workshop/Maryland Mayfest 1997. Maryland Working Papers in Linguistics 5. College Park: University of Maryland. 92-116.
Inkelas, Sharon. 1996. "The Interaction of Phrase and Word Rules in Turkish: a paradox in the prosodic hierarchy." The Linguistic Review 13:193-217.1995
Inkelas, Sharon and Draga Zec. 1995. "The Phonology/Syntax Interface." In J. Goldsmith (ed.), Handbook of Phonological Theory. Basil Blackwell.Inkelas, Sharon. 1995. "The Consequences of Optimization for Underspecification." In E. Buckley and S. Iatridou (eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Northeastern Linguistics Society. Amherst: GLSA. 287-302.
Inkelas, Sharon. 1995. "Review of Jolanta Szpyra (1989), The Phonology-Morphology Interface: Cycles, Levels and Words." Phonology 11.
Inkelas, Sharon and C. Orhan Orgun. 1995. "Level Ordering and Economy in the Lexical Phonology of Turkish." Language 71.763-793.
Cho, Young-mee and Sharon Inkelas. 1994. "Major Class Alternations." In E. Duncan et al (eds.), Proceedings of the Twelfth West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Stanford Linguistics Association.1993
Inkelas, Sharon. 1993. "Nimboran Position Class Morphology. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 11:559-624.Inkelas, Sharon and Young-mee Cho. 1993. "Inalterability as Prespecification." Language 69.3.
Inkelas, Sharon. 1993. "Deriving Cyclicity." In S. Hargus and E. Kaisse (eds.), Studies in Lexical Phonology. San Diego: Academic Press.
Inkelas, Sharon and Draga Zec. 1993. "Auxiliary Reduction without Empty Categories: A Prosodic Account." Working Papers of the Cornell Phonetics Laboratory, No. 8.
Inkelas, Sharon and William Leben. 1991. "Where Phonology and Phonetics Intersect: The Case of Hausa Intonation." In M. Beckman and J. Kingston (eds.), Papers in Laboratory Phonology: Between the Grammar and Physics of Speech. Cambridge University Press. 17-34.Zec, Draga and Sharon Inkelas. 1991. "The Place of Clitics in the Prosodic Hierarchy." In D. Bates (ed.), Proceedings of the Tenth West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Stanford Linguistics Association.
Inkelas, Sharon. 1991. "Generative Phonology," with P. Kiparsky. In W. Bright (ed). Oxford Encyclopedia of Linguistics.
Zec, Draga and Sharon Inkelas. 1990. "Prosodically Constrained Syntax." In S. Inkelas and D. Zec (eds.), The Phonology-Syntax Connection. CSLI publications and the University of Chicago Press.1988
Inkelas, Sharon and Draga Zec. 1988. "Serbo-Croatian Pitch Accent: The Interaction of Tone, Stress and Intonation." Language 64:2.Inkelas, Sharon. 1988. "Prosodic Constraints on Syntax: Hausa fa." In H. Borer (ed.), Proceedings of the Seventh West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Stanford Linguistics Association.