Curriculum Vitae
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- B.A. 1976, Linguistics and Classics, Harvard University.
- M.A. 1980, Linguistics, University of California at Berkeley.
- Diplôme d'Etudes Celtiques, 1983, Université de Haute Bretagne, Rennes.
- Ph.D. 1984, Linguistics, University of California at Berkeley.
Academic employment
- July 2000-present. Professor of Linguistics, UC-Berkeley.
- July 1990-2000. Associate Professor of Linguistics, UC-Berkeley.
- 1984-90. Assistant Professor of Linguistics, University of California at Berkeley.
- Currently on staff of two interdepartmental undergraduate major programs at UCB, the Program in Celtic Studies and the Cognitive Science Program.
- Director, Program in Cognitive Science. July 2000-June 2004
- Director, Program in Celtic Studies, 1996-1997, 2006-09 and 2011-present
I have taught graduate and undergraduate courses in semantics, syntax, pragmatics, historical linguistics, and cognitive linguistics (including Cognitive Science 101 for the Cognitive Science Program), and undergraduate introductions to linguistics. I have also taught Breton language and literature courses, and Celtic Linguistics, for the UCB Celtic Studies Program. I co-taught a Sign Linguistics course with Dan Slobin (Psychology) and facilitated a Field Methods course on American Sign Language. I developed an undergraduate class on Language of Advertising in Spring 2013, and upper-division classes in Crosscultural Poetics, Linguistic Analysis of Literature, and Celtic Linguistics.
Research interests
Cognitive approaches to syntax and semantics, metaphor and semantic change, grammaticalization, the semantics of grammatical constructions, conditional constructions, Celtic languages, Middle Welsh, Celtic and Indo-European metrics and poetics, iconicity and metaphor in gesture accompanying speech, viewpoint and perspective in multimodal communication and in literary texts.
Fellowships, awards, grants
- 1995. UC-Berkeley junior faculty summer stipend, summer 1985.
- 1989 (fall). Fulbright Research Fellowship, University of Sofia (Bulgaria).
- 2000-02. UC-Berkeley Faculty Bridging Research Grant (COR), 2000-02.
- 2004-05. Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford CA.
- 2008. Distinguished Lecturer in Residence, Academic Careers in Engineering and Science Program at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland. Week of March 24-29, 2008.
- 2012. Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Beer Sheva, Israel. Week of May 29-June 3, 2012.
- 2012-14. Co-PI of the IARPA-funded MetaNet project at ICSI.
- 2015-16. Coordinator of the Social Science Matrix funded seminar on Metaphor, on the Berkeley campus.
- 2016. Senior Fellow, Cinepoetics Institute, Freie Universität Berlin, June-July 2016.
UC Berkeley Service
- 1996-1997, 2007-present. Director of the Celtic Studies Program.
- Fall 1989-present. Undergraduate Advisor, Celtic Studies Program.
- 2008. Campus ad hoc committee for promotion case in Education School.
- 2007. Campus liaison to External Review Committee of the Psychology Department.
- 2006-2010. Two departmental promotion committees and one hiring committee.
- 2006-07. Joint Linguistics/Cognitive Science hiring committee.
- 2005-06. Linguistics Department's syntax hiring committee.
- 2003-04. Two campus hiring committees, one in Linguistics and one in Cognitive Science.
- July 2000-June 2004. Director of the interdisciplinary undergraduate Program in Cognitive Science.
- 1999-2001. Committee on Languages of the College of Letters and Sciences.
- 1997-1999. Executive Committee of the College of Letters and Sciences.
- 1995-1997. Committee on Educational Policy.
- 1993-1995, 1998-1999. Academic Senate's Divisional Council, with attendant service on the Academic Planning Board (1994-5) and the Academic Programs Working Group of the APB.
- 1992-2000. Board of the UCB Association for Academic Women.
- 1990-1993, 2006-2008. Graduate Advisor, Dept. of Linguistics.
- Fall 2000-Spring 2004. Undergraduate Advisor, Cognitive Science Program.
- 1985-1987, Spring 1990, 1996-1997, 1998-2000. Undergraduate Advisor, Dept. of Linguistics.
Conference and workshop organizing
- 2016. Organizer, Metaphor workshop (concluding conference for Matrix Metaphor seminar), May 2016.
- 2013. Co-organizer, Workshop on Gesture Pragmatics, UC-Berkeley, Jan 11-13, 2013.
- 2009. Organizing committee of the Linguistic Society of America's 2009 summer Linguistic Institute, held on the UC-Berkeley campus, July-August 2009.
- 2009. Chair of the organizing committee, Frames and Constructions: A conference to honor Charles J. Fillmore, held at UC-Berkeley, July 31-Aug. 2, 2009.
- 2007. Organizer, Utrecht-Berkeley workshop on Causality and Mental Spaces, April 14 2007, UC-Berkeley campus.
- 1985, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007. 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015. Organizing committee for the University of California Celtic Colloquium Conference.
Outside Service
- Editorial work and reading for: Journal of Pragmatics, Journal of Cognitive Linguistics, Language, Journal of Celtic Linguistics, University of Kentucky Press, Penn State University Press, Cambridge University Press, University of Chicago Press, Oxford University Press, and Blackwell.
- 2006-present. Steering committee of the Section on Cognitive Linguistics and Biblical Literature, Society for Biblical Literature.
- 2000-present. Founding editorial board member of Gesture.
- 1997-present. Editorial board of Metaphor and Symbol.
- 1990-present. Editorial board of Journal of Pragmatics and Papers in Pragmatics.
- 2007-2011. Member of the Fachbeirat (Scientific Board) of the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen.
- 1998-2005. Editorial board of Cognitive Linguistics.
- 1995-1999. Board of the International Cognitive Linguistics Association.
- 1993-1995. President of the International Cognitive Linguistics Association.
- 1993-1998. Co-editor of the University of Chicago Press book series in Language, Cognition and Culture.
- 1988. Language review committee member.
Professional Organization Memberships
- Linguistic Society of America
- Celtic Studies Association of North America
- Society for Biblical Literature
- International Cognitive Linguistics Association
- International Society for Gesture Studies