- 2014. Barbara Dancygier and Eve Sweetser. Figurative Language. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. (Linguistics textbook series).
- 2005. Barbara Dancygier and Eve Sweetser. Mental Spaces in Grammar: Conditional Constructions. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
- 1990. From etymology to pragmatics: metaphorical and cultural aspects of semantic structure. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. (paperback 1991; Japanese translation 2001; English-language Chinese 2003; Korean translation 2006; see details below.)
In press. (COAUTHORED with Alice Gaby) Linguistic patterns of space and time vocabulary. Part IV, Chapter 2 of the Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics.
In press. Conceptual mappings. Overview chapter for Part IV of the Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics.
2016. (COAUTHORED with Kashmiri Stec) Maintaining multiple viewpoints in gaze. In Barbara Dancygier, Wei-lun Lu, and Arie Verhagen (eds.), Viewpoint and the Fabric of Meaning: Form and Use of Viewpoint Tools across Languages and Modalities. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 237-257.
2015. (COAUTHORED with Elise Stickles and Oana David) Grammatical constructions, frame structure, and metonymy: Their contributions to metaphor computation. In Proceedings of the 11th High Desert Linguistics Society Conference, Nov. 13-15, 2014, University of New Mexico.
2014. (COAUTHORED with Mary Therese DesCamp) Motivating Biblical metaphors for God: Refining the cognitive model. In Bonnie Howe and Joel B. Green (eds.), Cognitive linguistic explorations in biblical studies. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 7-23.
2014. Advantage and disadvantage: Cognate formulas for a Welsh and Irish topos of otherworldly ambiguity. In CSANA Yearbook 11-12, Rhetoric and reality in medieval Celtic Literature: Studies in honor of Daniel Melia. Colgate University Press. pp. 191-4.
2013. Creativity across modalities in viewpoint construction. In Mike Borkent et al. (eds.), Language and the Creative Mind. Stanford CA: CSLI Publications. pp. 239-254.
2013. (COAUTHORED with Seiko Fujii and Paula Radetzky) Separation verbs and multi-frame semantics. In Mike Borkent et al. (eds.) Language and the Creative Mind. Stanford CA: CSLI Publications. pp. 137-153.
2013. (COAUTHORED with Kensy Cooperrider and Rafael Núñez) The conceptualization of time in gesture. Article 134 in Cornelia Müller et al. (eds), Body - Language - Communication: An International Handbook. pp. 1781-1788.
2013. (COAUTHORED with Bonnie Howe) Cognitive linguistics and Biblical interpretation. In the Oxford Encyclopedia of Biblical Interpretation, ed. Steven L. McKenzie. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2013. (COAUTHORED with Kashmiri Stec) Borobudur and Chartres: Religious spaces as performative real-space blends. In Rosario Caballero and Javier E. Díaz Vera (eds.) Sensuous cognition. Explorations into human sentience: Imagination, (e)motion and perception. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 265-291.
2012. (COAUTHORED with Karen Sullivan) Minimalist metaphors. English Text Construction 5:2, 153-173.
2012. Viewpoint from the ground down. An introduction to the edited volume Viewpoint: A multimodal perspective (see below).
2012. (COAUTHORED with Lilian Ferrari) Subjectivity and upwards projection in mental space structure. In Dancygier and Sweetser (eds.). Viewpoint: A multimodal perspective (see below).
2012. (COAUTHORED with Jose Sanders and Ted Sanders) Responsible subjects and discourse causality. How mental spaces and perspective help identifying subjectivity in Dutch backward causal connectives. Journal of Pragmatics 44, 191-213.
2009. (COAUTHORED with Jose Sanders and Ted Sanders) Causality, cognition and communication: A mental space analysis of subjectivity in causal connectives. In Sanders and Sweetser (eds.) 2009 (see article below). pp. 19-59.
2009. (COAUTHORED with Ted Sanders) Introduction: Causality in language and cognition: What causal connectives and causal verbs reveal about the way we think. An introduction to Ted Sanders and Eve Sweetsr (eds.) Causal categories in language and discourse (see article above). pp. 1-18.
2009. What does it mean to compare language and gesture? Modalities and contrasts. In Jiansheng Guo et al. (eds.), Crosslinguistic approaches to the psychology of language: Studies in the tradition of Dan Isaac Slobin. New York: Psychology Press. pp. 357-366.
2009. (COAUTHORED with Karen Sullivan) Is "Generic is Specific" a Metaphor?" In Fey Parrill, Vera Tobin and Mark Turner (eds.), Meaning, Form and Body. (Selected papers from the 2008 CSDL meeting). Stanford CA: CSLI Publications.
2009. (COAUTHORED with Myriam Bouveret) Multi-frame semantics, metaphoric extensions and grammar. In Proceedings of the 35th Annual Berkeley Linguistics Society.
2008. Personal and interpersonal gesture spaces: Functional contrasts in language and gesture. In A. Tyler, Y. Kim, and M. Takada (Eds.), Language in the Context of Use: Cognitive and Discourse Approaches to Language and Language Learning. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
2007. Looking at space to study mental spaces: Co-speech gesture as a crucial data source. In Monica Gonzalez-Marquez, Irene Mittleberg, Seana Coulson and Michael Spivey (eds.), Methods in Cognitive Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 203-226.
2006. Putting the "same" meaning together from different pieces. In S. Marmaridou and K. Nikiforidou (eds.), Reviewing Linguistic Thought: Perspectives into the 21st Century. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
2006. (COAUTHORED with Ben Liblit and Andrew Begel) Cognitive perspectives on the role of naming in computer programs. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Psychology of Programming Workshop. Sussex, UK: Psychology of Programming Interest Group.
2006. Negative spaces: Levels of negation and kinds of spaces. In Stéphanie Bonnefille & Sébastien Salbayre (eds.), Proceedings of the conference "Negation: Form, figure of speech, conceptualization". Publication du groupe de recherches anglo-américaines de l'Université de Tours. Tours: Publications universitaires François Rabelais.
2006. (COAUTHORED with Rafael E. Núñez) Aymara, where the future is behind you: convergent evidence from language and gesture in the crosslinguistic comparison of spatial realizations of time. Cognitive Science 30, 410-450.
2006. Whose rhyme is whose reason?: Sound and sense in Cyrano de Bergerac. Language and Literature 15(1): 29-54.
2005. (COAUTHORED with Therese DesCamp) Metaphors for God: Why and how do our choices matter for humans? The application of contemporary Cognitive Linguistics research to the debate on God and metaphor. Pastoral Psychology 53:3, 207-238.
2005. Figurative harmony: Convergences and tensions among metaphors and metonyms for the heroic society in Early Welsh poetry. In Heroic Poets and Poetic Heroes in Celtic Tradition (Celtic Studies Association of North American Yearbook, vols. 3-4), eds. Joseph Falaky Nagy and Leslie Ellen Jones,. Dublin: Four Courts Press. 344-358.
2004. (COAUTHORED with Fey Parrill) What we mean by meaning: Conceptual integration in gesture analysis and transcription. Gesture 4:2, 197-219.
2004. "The suburbs of your good pleasure": Cognition, culture and the bases of metaphoric structure. In The Shakespearean International Yearbook, vol. 4: Shakespeare Studies Today, eds. G. Bradshaw, T. Bishop and M. Turner. Aldershot, England: Ashgate Publishing. pp. 24-55.
2003. Uber gleich gerichtete metaphorische Projektionen in Literatur- und Alltagssprache: Der Dialog zwischen Portia und Brutus in Shakespeares Julius Caesar." Zeitschrift für Semiotik. (German translation of "The suburbs of your good pleasure: Co-orientation of metaphorical mappings in literary and everyday language")
2001. Blended spaces and performativity. Cognitive Linguistics 11:3/4, 305-333.
2000. (COAUTHORED with Barbara Dancygier) Constructions with if, since and because: Causality, epistemic stance, and clause order. In Cause, condition, concession, contrast, eds. Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen and Bernd Kortmann. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 111-142.
1999. Compositionality and blending: semantic composition in a cognitively realistic framework. In Cognitive Linguistics: Foundations, Scope and Methodology, eds. Gisela Redeker and Theo Janssen. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 129-162.
1998. Regular metaphoricity in gesture: bodily-based models of speech interaction. In Actes du 16e; Congrès International des Linguistes (CD-ROM), Elsevier.
1997. (COAUTHORED with Barbara Dancygier) Then in conditional constructions. Cognitive Linguistics 8:2, 109-136.
1997. Role and individual readings of change predicates. In Language and Conceptualization, J. Nuyts and E. Pederson, eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
1996. Changes in figures and changes in grounds: A note on change predicates, mental spaces, and scalar norms. Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society, 3:3 (Sept. 1996 - Special Issue on Cognitive Linguistics), pp. 75-86. (Japanese journal title: Ninchi Kagaku - Tokushu: Ninchi Gengogaku)
1996. (COAUTHORED with Barbara Dancygier) Conditionals, distancing and alternative spaces. In Conceptual Structure, Discourse and Language, Adele Goldberg, ed. pp. 83-98. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.
1996. (COAUTHORED with Gilles Fauconnier) Cognitive links and domains: basic aspects of mental space theory. An introduction to Spaces, Worlds and Grammar, eds. Fauconnier and Sweetser. pp. 1-28. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
1996. Conditionals and Mental Spaces. In Spaces, Worlds and Grammar, eds. Gilles Fauconnier and Eve Sweetser. pp. 318-333. University of Chicago Press.
1996. Reasoning, Mapping and Meta-Metaphorical Conditionals. In Grammatical Constructions: Their Form and Meaning, eds. Sandra Thompson and Masayoshi Shibatani. pp. 221-233. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
1996. (COAUTHORED with Kathryn A. Klar) Reading the Unreadable: 'Gwarchan Maelderw' from the Book of Aneirin. In Kathryn A. Klar, Eve E. Sweetser and Claire Thomas (eds.), A Celtic Florilegium: Studies in Memory of Brendan O Hehir. (Celtic Studies Publications.)
1995. Metaphor, Mythology and Everyday Language. (Full paper) Journal of Pragmatics 24 pp. 585-593.
1992b. Metaphor, Mythology, and Everyday Language. (Condensed version; cf. above.) In Proceedings of the 1992 International Congress of Linguists (at Université Laval, Québec City, Canada, August 1992).
1992. English Metaphors for Language: motivations, conventions, and creativity. Poetics Today 13:4.
1988. Line-Structure and Rhan-Structure: the Metrical Units of the Gododdin Corpus. In Early Welsh Poetry: Studies in the Book of Aneirin, eds G. Gruffydd and B. Roberts. Aberystwyth, Wales: National Library of Wales. pp. 139-154.
1988. Grammaticalization and Semantic Bleaching. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, eds. Shelley Axmaker, Annie Jaisser, and Helen Singmaster. pp. 389-405.
1988. Remarks on the development of early Welsh metrics. COAUTHORED with Kathryn Klar. In Proceedings of the First North American Congress of Celtic Studies (held in Ottawa, March 1986). pp. 499-510.
1987. The definition of lie: An examination of the folk theories underlying a semantic prototype. In Cultural Models in Language and Thought, eds. Dorothy Holland and Naomi Quinn. pp. 43-66. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
1987. Metaphorical Models of Thought and Speech: a comparison of historical directions and metaphorical mappings in the two domains. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, eds. Jon Aske, Natasha Beery, Laura Michaelis, and Hana Filip. pp. 446-459.
1986. Polysemy vs. Abstraction: Mutually Exclusive or Complementary? In Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, eds. D. Feder, M. Niepokuj, V. Nikiforidou, and M. Van Clay. pp. 528-538.
1985. The Components of Cardiff ms. Welsh 1, Llyfr Aneirin. COAUTHORED with Kathryn Klar and Brendan O Hehir. The Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies XXXII, Nov. 1985, pp. 38-49.
1985. Indo-European Metrics and Old Welsh Verse. In Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, eds. D. Feder, V. Nikiforidou, and M. Van Clay.
1984. Semantic Structure and Semantic Change: English Perception-Verbs in an Indo-European Context. Published by the Linguistics Agency of the University of Trier.
1983/4. (COAUTHORED with Kathryn Klar and Brendan O Hehir) Welsh Poetics in the Indo-European Tradition. Studia Celtica XVII-XIX, pp. 30-51.
1982. Root and Epistemic Modals: Causality in Two Worlds. In Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, eds. M. Macaulay and O. Gensler. pp. 484-507.
1980. Tagalog Subjecthood Reexamined. In Papers from the Sixteenth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, eds. J. Kreiman and A. Ojeda. pp. 323-341.
1977. Ambiguity-avoidance: a universal constraint on extraction from NP sequences. In Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, eds. K. Whistler, R. D. Van Valin et al.
1976. Avoiding Ambiguity in German Double Accusatives, in Harvard Studies in Syntax and Semantics, vol. 2, eds. J. Hankamer and J. Aissen. pp. 529-572.
Translations and reprints of articles
A Korean translation of Figurative Language appeared from Hankuk University Press in 2016.
A Korean translation of From Eymology to Pragmatics, translated by Jeong-Woon Park et al., appeared in 2006 from Pagijong Press.
Beijing University Press published an English-language printing of From Etymology to Pragmatics in 2002.
A Japanese translation of From Etymology to Pragmatics, translated by Harumi Sawada of Kensai Gadai University, appeared from Kenkyusha Publishers in Japan in 2001.
A Japanese translation of my 1996 paper, "Changes in figures and changes in grounds: A note on change predicates, mental spaces, and scalar norms", translated by Kyoko Ohara, appeared (2000) in Shigeru Sakahara, ed. Advances in Cognitive Linguistics. Tokyo: Hituzi Shobo. pp. 193-212.
Edited Volumes
1996. Spaces, Worlds and Grammar. Edited by Gilles Fauconnier and Eve Sweetser. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
1996. A Celtic Florilegium: Studies in Memory of Brendan O Hehir. Edited by Kathryn A. Klar, Eve E. Sweetser and Claire Thomas. Celtic Studies Publications.
1997. Lexical and syntactical constructions and the construction of meaning. Edited by Marjolijn Verspoor, Kee Dong Lee and Eve Sweetser. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
2009. Causal Categories in Discourse and Cognition. Edited by Ted Sanders and Eve Sweetser. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
2012. Viewpoint: A multimodal perspective. Edited by Barbara Dancygier and Eve Sweetser. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
10 June 2004. Giving speech a helping hand. Review of Susan Goldin-Meadow, Hearing Gesture (Harvard University Press, 2003) in Nature 429, 606-607.
2002. Review of David McNeill (ed.) Language and Gesture (Cambridge UP, 2000) in Gesture, 1:2, 237-259.
1995. (COAUTHORED with Patricia Hunt) Aspects of Cognitive Grammar: Symbolic Structures and Conceptual Realism. (Review of Ronald W. Langacker, Concept, Image and Symbol: The Cognitive Basis of Grammar. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1991.) Semiotica 103, 327-327.
1994. (COAUTHORED with George Lakoff) Foreword to the second edition of Mental Spaces by Gilles Fauconnier. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1994. An "introduction" to Charles Fillmore. In Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society.