This page lists updates to the SAPhon dataset and SAPhon site.
New in v2.1.0 (August 25, 2021):
- Added languages: Baniva, Huitoto Nᵻpode, Puquina, Southern Yauyos Quechua, Yamana.
- Languages with updated phonemes and/or resources: Achagua, Apurinã, Arára Pará, Ashéninka (Apurucayali dialect), Baré, Baure, Cabiyarí, Caquinte, Chipaya, Curripaco, Enawené-Nawé, Ignaciano, Iñapari, Jabutí, Kallawaya, Lokono, Mawayana, Mehináku, Mochica, Nanti, Nomatsiguenga, Nonuya, Palikúr, Paresí, Piapoco, Resígaro, Suyá, Tariana, Terêna, Uru, Waimiri-Atroarí, Wapichana, Wayúu, Xiriâna, Yánesha, Yavitero, Yawalapití, Yine.
- Languages with updated coordinates: Andoke, Bora, Huitoto Minica, Huitoto Murui, Muiname, Taushiro.
- Languages with updated ISO codes: Günün Yajich [gny] >> [pue].
- Renamed languages: Chulupi >> Nivaclé; Callawaya >> Kallawaya.
New in v2.0.0 (July 28, 2020):
- Language data files converted from TXT to YAML.
- Automated website publication GitHub action implemented
- Automated language data file checks GitHub action implemented
- Repository reorganized.
New in v1.1.5 (June 30, 2020):
- Vowel length marked with IPA length character
(Unicode U+02D0) instead of colon character:
(Unicode U+003A). - Ejectives marked with MODIFIER LETTER APOSTROPHE
(Unicode U+02BC) instead of apostrophe'
(Unicode U+0027).
New in v1.1.4 (January 24, 2016):
- Bora [boa]: updated phonemes, added resources (Thiesen, Wesley & David Weber, 2012; Roe, Amy, 2014).
- Cabiyarí [cbb]: updated phonemes, added resource (Galindo, Andrés Eduardo Reinoso, 2009).
- Caquinte [cot]: updated phonemes, added resource (O'Hagan, Zachary, 2015).
- Cashinahua [cbs]: updated name, updated country, updated location, updated phonemes, added resource (Camargo, Eliane E., 1993).
- Chaná [qsi]: ADDED.
- Chipaya [cap]: removed phoneme, added note, added resource (Cerrón-Palomino, Rodolfo, 2006).
- Cholón [cht]: updated phonemes, added resource (Alexander-Bakkerus, Astrid, to appear).
- Guarayu [gyr]: updated phonemes, added resource (Armoye Urarepia, Celso, 2009).
- Günün Yajich [gyn]: updated family.
- Haush [ona_mtr]: REMOVED.
- Jurúna [jur]: updated phonemes, added note, added resource (Fargetti, Cristina Martins, 2007).
- Kaingang [kgp]: updated phonemes, added resource (Wetzels, W. Leo, 2010).
- Kakua [cbv]: updated phoneme.
- Karajá [kpj]: updated phonemes, added resource (Ribeiro, Eduardo Rivail, 2012).
- Kotiria [gvc]: updated name, updated phonemes, added resources (Stenzel, Kristine & Didier Demolin, 2012; Stenzel, Kristine, 2013).
- Kwaza [xwa]: updated phonemes, updated notes.
- Lokono [arw]: updated phonemes, added resources (Patte, Marie-France, 2009; Patte, Marie-France, 2011; Pet, Willem J. A., 2011).
- Mako [wpc]: ADDED.
- Mawayana [mzx]: ADDED.
- Mochica [omc]: updated phonemes, added note, added resources (Cerron-Palomino, Rodolfo, 1995; Hovdhaugen, Even, 2004).
- Mỹky [irn]: updated phonemes, added note, added resource (Monserrat, Ruth Maria Fonini, 2000).
- Omagua [omg]: added resource (Sandy, Clare & Zachary O'Hagan, 2014).
- Omurano [omu]: ADDED.
- Oro Win [orw]: removed phoneme, updated note.
- Páez [pbb]: updated phonemes, added note, added resource (Jung, Ingrid, 2008).
- Palikúr [plu]: removed phoneme, added resource (Barros, Elissandra, 2014).
- Piratapuyo [pir]: added alternate name, updated phonemes, added resource (Stenzel, Kristine & Didier Demolin, 2012).
- Sáliba [slc]: updated phoneme, added note, added resource (González Ráativa, María Claudia & Hortensia Estrada, 2008).
- Secoya [sey]: REMOVED.
- Secoya del Aguarico [sey_agu]: ADDED.
- Secoya del Putumayo [sey_put]: ADDED.
- Selk'nam [ona]: updated name, updated phonemes, added resource (Rojas-Berscia, Luis Miguel, 2014).
- Taushiro [trr]: updated phonemes, added note, added resource (O'Hagan, Zachary, 2015).
- Teushen [teh_tsh]: REMOVED.
- Ticuna [tca]: REMOVED.
- Ticuna of Cushillococha [tca_cus]: ADDED.
- Ticuna of San Martín de Amacayacu [tca_ama]: ADDED.
- Tucano [tuo]: updated phonemes, added resource (Ramirez, Henri, 1997).
- Tuyuca [tue]: updated phonemes, added resource (Barnes, Janet & Terrell Malone, 2000).
- Urarina [ura]: updated phonemes, added note.
- Uru [ure]: added alternate name, updated phonemes, added note, added resource (Hannß, Katja, 2008).
- Wayúu [guc]: updated phonemes, added note, added resource (Álvarez, José).
New in v1.1.3 (June 05, 2013):
- Amahuaca [amc]: added resource (Russell, Robert & Dolores, 1959).
- Apiaká [api]: updated location.
- Araweté [awt]: updated location.
- Avá-Canoeiro [avv]: updated location.
- Ayacucho Quechua [quy]: updated phoneme, added resource (Adelaar, Willem, 2013).
- Aymara (Chilean dialect) [ayr_chl]: updated phonemes, updated resource (Poblante M., María Teresa and Adalberto Salas, 1997).
- Barasana-Eduria [bsn]: added resource (Gomez, Elsa & Michael Kenstowicz, 2000).
- Capanahua [kaq]: added resource (Loos, Eugene E, 1969).
- Chácobo [cao]: added phoneme.
- Cuzco-Collao Quechua [quz]: added phonemes, added resource (Adelaar, Willem, 2013).
- Dení [dny]: updated phonemes, updated resources (Carvalho, Mateus Cruz Maciel, 2013).
- Emerillon [eme]: updated location.
- Gavião do Jiparaná [gvo]: added resource (Moore, Denny, 1999).
- Guajajára [gub]: updated location.
- Guajá [gvj]: updated location.
- Guarayu [gyr]: updated location.
- Huitoto, Minica [hto]: added phoneme.
- Iquito [iqu]: added resource (Michael, Lev, 2010).
- Iñapari [inp]: added resource (Parker, Steve, 1999).
- Kakua [cbv]: added resource (Cathcart, M, 1979).
- Kamayurá [kay]: updated location.
- Kashinawa [cbs]: added phoneme.
- Kayabí [kyz]: updated location.
- Kinikinao [gqn]: updated resource (de Souza, Ilda, 2008).
- Kokama-Kokamilla [cod]: updated location.
- Koreguaje [coe]: added resource (Gralow, Frances L, 1985).
- Mbyá [gun]: updated country.
- Mochica [omc]: updated phonemes, added resource (Torero, Alfredo, 1997).
- Movima [mzp]: updated phonemes.
- Muylaq' Aymara [ayr_muy]: ADDED.
- Nheengatú [yrl]: updated location.
- Nomatsigenga [not]: added resource (Payne, David, 1997).
- North Junín Quechua (San Pedro de Cajas dialect) [qvn_caj]: added note, added resource (Adelaar, Willem, 2013).
- North Junín Quechua (Tarma dialect) [qvn_tar]: added note, added resource (Adelaar, Willem, 2013).
- Omagua [omg]: updated location.
- Parakanã [pak]: updated location.
- Paresí [pab]: removed phoneme, updated resource (Silva, Glauber Romling da, 2013).
- Piapoco [pio]: updated resource (Mosonyi, Esteban Emilio, 2000).
- Secoya [sey]: added phoneme.
- Sirionó [srq]: updated location, updated phonemes, updated resources (Gasparini, Noé, 2012).
- Suruí [sru]: updated location.
- Tanimuca-Retuarã [tnc]: added resource (Keller, Natalia Eraso, 1999).
- Tapieté [tpj]: updated location.
- Tapirapé [taf]: updated location.
- Tembé [tqb]: updated location.
- Tenharim [pah]: updated location.
- Trió [tri]: updated location.
- Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau [urz]: updated location.
- Yaathe [fun]: added phoneme.
- Yaru Quechua [qvn_yar]: REMOVED.
- Yawanawa [ywn]: updated resource (Cruvinel, Agmar, 2009).
- Yuqui [yuq]: updated location.
- Zo'é [pto]: updated location.
New in v1.1.2 (March 03, 2013):
- Aguaruna [agr]: added phonemes, added note, added resource (Overall, Simon, 2013).
- Alacalufe (Central) [alc_cnt]: ADDED.
- Alacalufe (Southern) [alc_sth]: added phoneme, updated resources (Viegas, Pedro Barros, 2005; Meroz, Yoram. p.c.).
- Andoa [anb]: updated phonemes, updated resource (Michael, Lev, Vivian Wauters, and Christine Beier. in prep.).
- Apalaí [apy]: updated location.
- Arabela [arl]: updated phonemes, updated resources (Michael, Lev, Vivian Wauters, and Christine Beier. in prep.).
- Barasana-Eduria [bsn]: updated resources (Gomez-Imbert, Elsa, 1997).
- Bésɨro [cax]: updated location.
- Cavineña [cav]: updated location, updated phonemes.
- Desano [des]: updated phonemes, added resource (Silva, Wilson, 2012).
- Emerillon [eme]: updated location.
- Ese Ejja (Bolivia) [ese_bol]: updated location.
- Günün Yajich [gny]: updated phonemes, updated resource (Viegas, Pedro Barros, 2005).
- Haush [ona_mtr]: ADDED.
- Iquito [iqu]: updated resource (Michael, Lev, 2012).
- Kawesqar [alc_nth]: updated location, updated phonemes, added resource (Meroz, Yoram. p.c.).
- Kaxuiâna [kbb]: added alternate name, updated location.
- Mapudungun [arn]: updated phonemes, added resource (Meroz, Yoram. p.c.).
- Mosetén de Santa Ana [cas_msa]: updated location.
- Muisca [chb]: updated location.
- Ninam of Ericó [shb]: updated name, added alternate names, updated phonemes.
- Ona [ona]: updated name, removed alternate name, updated location, added phoneme, updated resources (Viegas, Pedro Barros, 2005; Meroz, Yoram. p.c.).
- Puinave [pui]: updated note.
- Páez [pbb]: updated location.
- Reyesano [rey]: updated location, updated phonemes, updated resource (Guillaume, Antoine, 2012).
- Sanömá of Kolulu [xsu_kol]: added phonemes.
- Siona [snn]: updated note.
- Sápara [zro]: updated name, added alternate name, updated phonemes, updated resources (Michael, Lev, Vivian Wauters, and Christine Beier. in prep.).
- Tacana [tna]: updated location.
- Tanimuca-Retuarã [tnc]: updated location.
- Tehuelche [teh]: updated resources (Viegas, Pedro Barros, 2005; Meroz, Yoram. p.c.).
- Tena Quechua [quw]: updated phonemes, added resource (O'Rourke, Erin, and Tod Swanson, 2013).
- Teushen [teh_tsh]: ADDED.
- Trinitario [trn]: updated location.
- Trió [tri]: added alternate name, updated location.
- Tsimané [cas_tsi]: updated location.
- Waiwai [waw]: updated location.
- Wayana [way]: updated location.
- Wayoró [wyr]: ADDED.
- Yahgan [yag]: updated phonemes, updated resources (Viegas, Pedro Barros, 2005; Meroz, Yoram. p.c.).
- Yanomae of Demini/Tototopi [wca_yae]: added phonemes.
- Yanomama of Papiu [wca_yma]: added phonemes.
- Yanomamɨ of Parawau [guu_par]: added phonemes.
- Yanomamɨ of Venezuela [guu_ven]: added phonemes.
- Yekwana [mch]: updated location.
- Yãroamë of Serra do Pacu/Ajarani [yrm_pac]: added phonemes.
New in v1.1.1 (October 31, 2012):
- Arara do Acre [adc]: added alternate name, updated phonemes, updated resource (de Souza, Emerson Carvalho, 2012).
- Bora [boa]: added phoneme, added resources (Parker, Steve, 2000; Parker, Steve, 2001).
- Ese Eja (Peru) [ese_per]: ADDED.
- Ese Ejja [ese]: REMOVED.
- Ese Ejja (Bolivia) [ese_bol]: ADDED.
- Japreria [jru]: updated phonemes, updated resource (Oquendo, Luís, 2004).
- Kubeo [cub]: added resource (Chacon, Thiago Costa, 2012).
- Mamaindé [wmd]: updated location.
- Mehináku [mmh]: added phonemes, added resource (Corbera, Ángel, 2012).
- Oro Eo [eoe]: REMOVED.
- Oro Mon [omn]: REMOVED.
- Oro Win [orw]: updated location, updated phonemes, added note, updated resources (Popky, Donna H, 1999; Joshua Birchall, p.c.).
- Pacahuara [pcp]: ADDED.
- Sanömá of Kolulu [xsu_kol]: added country, added phonemes.
- Siona [snn]: added note, added resource (Thiago Chacon, p.c.).
- Torá [trz]: REMOVED.
- Trinitario [trn]: ADDED.
- Waimiri-Atroarí [atr]: added phoneme.
- Wari' [pav]: updated name, removed phonemes, added note.
- Yanomae of Demini/Tototopi [wca_yae]: added country, added phonemes.
- Yanomama of Papiu [wca_yma]: added country, added phonemes.
- Yanomamɨ of Parawau [guu_par]: added country, added phonemes.
- Yanomamɨ of Venezuela [guu_ven]: added country, added phonemes.
- Yukpa [yup]: REMOVED.
- Yukpa (Macoíta) [yup_mac]: ADDED.
- Yukpa (de Irapa) [yup_irp]: ADDED.
- Yãroamë of Serra do Pacu/Ajarani [yrm_pac]: added country, added phonemes.
New in v1.1.0 (September 5, 2012):
- New feature: Search for languages by phonemes.
- New feature: Color-coding of languages by family on map.
- Arabela [arl]: updated phonemes, added resource (Wauters, Vivian, p.c.).
- Asuriní do Tocantins [asu]: updated location.
- Aʔɨwa [ash]: removed phoneme.
- Cashibo-Cacataibo [cbr]: updated phonemes.
- Chiriguano (Chané dialect) [gui_chn]: updated phoneme.
- Chiriguano (Izoceño dialect) [gui_izo]: updated phonemes.
- Karirí-Xocó (Dzubukuá dialect) [kzw_dzu]: removed phonemes, updated resources (de Queiroz, José Márcio Correia, 2012; de Queiroz, José Márcio Correia, 2008).
- Korubo [xor]: updated resource (de Oliveira, Sanderson Castro Soares, 2009).
- Miraña [boa_mrn]: updated location.
- Mosetén de Covendo [cas_cov]: updated location.
- Mosetén de Santa Ana [cas_msa]: updated location.
- Mỹky [irn]: updated phoneme.
- Nhandeva [nhd]: updated family.
- Ocaina [oca]: updated locations.
- Oro Mon [omn]: updated location.
- Parakanã [pak]: updated location.
- Shiwilu [jeb]: updated family.
- Tsimané [cas_tsi]: updated location.
- Wichí (Mision la Paz dialect) [mtp]: updated language code.
- Wichí (Rivadavia dialect) [mtp_riv]: REMOVED.
- Yánesha [ame]: added phonemes, added resource (Fast, Peter W., 1953).
- Yãroamë of Serra do Pacu/Ajarani [yrm_pac]: added phonemes.
New in v1.0.1 (May 24, 2012):
- Arabela [arl]: updated phonemes, added resource (Rich, Roland, 1999).
- Asurini do Xingú [asn]: updated phonemes, added resource (Pereira, A. A, 2009).
- Aymara (Chilean dialect) [ayr_chl]: updated language code.
- Barasana-Eduria [bsn]: updated phonemes, added resource (Gomez-Imbert, Elsa, 1998).
- Cha'palaa [cbi]: updated name, added alternate name.
- Guajajára [gub]: added resource (Nascimento, Ana Paula Lion Mamede, 2008).
- Guajá [gvj]: removed phoneme, added resources (Nascimento, Ana Paula Lion Mamede, 2008; Magalhães, Marina Maria, 2007).
- Kaiwá [kgk]: updated phonemes, added resource (Cardoso, V. F, 2008).
- Krenak [kqq]: updated phonemes, added resource (Pessoa, Katia Nepomuceno, 2012).
- Mbyá [gun]: updated phonemes, added resources (Dooley, R. A, 2006; Martins, M. F, 2003).
- Miraña [boa_mrn]: updated location (Frank Seifart).
- Nhandeva [nhd]: removed phoneme, updated resources (Costa, Consuelo, 2003; Costa, Consuelo de Paiva Godinho, 2007).
- Ocaina [oca]: updated location (Frank Seifart).
- Paraguayan Guaraní [gug]: updated phonemes, added resource (Walker, R, 1999).
- Resígaro [rgr]: updated location (Frank Seifart).
- Sanömá of Kolulu [xsu_kol]: ADDED.
- Sirionó [srq]: added phonemes, updated resources (Priest, P. N. and A. M. Priest, 1985; Priest, P. N. and A. M. Priest, 1967).
- Tatuyo [tav]: updated phonemes, added resource (Gómez-Imbert, Elsa, 1980).
- Wapichana [wap]: updated name, added alternate name, updated phonemes, added resource (Ferreira, Helder, p.c.).
- Yanomae of Demini/Tototopi [wca_yae]: ADDED.
- Yanomama of Papiu [wca_yma]: ADDED.
- Yanomamɨ of Parawau [guu_par]: ADDED.
- Yanomamɨ of Venezuela [guu_ven]: ADDED.
- Yãroamë of Serra do Pacu/Ajarani [yrm_pac]: ADDED.
- Záparo [zro]: updated phonemes, added resource (Wauters, Vivian, p.c.).