Handouts, slides and posters from some recent unpublished talks
"Cluster duration in a nonword repetition study of Russian-speaking children," with Darya Kavitskaya. Poster, Acoustical Society of America meeting, Honolulu. November 2016.
"Looking into segments." Invited talk, Annual Meeting on Phonology, University of Southern California. October 2016.
"/l/ in clusters: an articulatory- acoustic study of children’s productions," with Susan Lin, Lara McConaughey and Michael Dohn. Slides from paper presented at LabPhon 15, Cornell University. July 2016.
"Stable Motor Plans as Local Attractors in Speech Development," with Tara McAllister Byun and Yvan Rose. Poster presented at Workshop on Motor Planning, LabPhon 15, Cornell University. July 2016.
"Morphologically-conditioned tonotactics in multilevel Maximum Entropy grammar", with Stephanie Shih. Paper presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting on Phonology, University of British Columbia. October 2015.
"Informativity and affix order: a pilot study of Turkish", with Jem Orgun. Poster, LSA annual meeting, Portland, OR. January 2015.
"Vowel contours in ABC+Q: the role of q," with Stephanie Shih. Handout, ABC↔Conference, UC Berkeley. May 2014.
"Revisiting the TBU in an ABC+Q approach to tone," with Stephanie Shih. Handout, ABC↔Conference, UC Berkeley. May 2014.
"Explaining child-specific cophonology with a grammar of articulatory reliability: the A-Map model", with Tara McAllister Byun and Yvan Rose. Poster presented at Phonology 2013, Amherst, MA. November 2013.
"ABC+Q: Contour segments and tones in (sub)segmental Agreement by Correspondence," with Stephanie Shih. Handout, 21st Manchester Phonology Meeting. May 2013.
"Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny: Child speech development as a microcosm of sound change," with Tara McAllister Byun. Handout, Sound Change Actuation Workshop, University of Chicago, April 2013.
"Individual differences in variability in child speech: phonology, personality, or both?," with Tara McAllister Byun. Poster, Workshop on Variation in the Acquisition of Sound Systems. LSA Institute, University of Michigan, June 2013.
"Child consonant harmony and phonologization of performance errors," with Tara McAllister Byun. Poster, NELS 43, CUNY. October 2012.
"Transient constraints and phonological development," with Tara McAllister Byun and Yvan Rose. Poster, 2012 International Child Phonology Conference, University of Minnesota. June 2012.
"Where did the Derived Environment Effect go?" Handout from invited keynote address, Chicago Linguistic Society, April 9, 2011.