Nettie Ruben: "Blue Jay As Doctor" (1957)
Primary participants: Nettie Ruben (speaker), William Bright (researcher)
Date: 1957
Project identifier: WB_KL-29
Publication details: William Bright, The Karok Language (1957), pp. 224-225, Text 29
Additional contributor: Erik Maier (annotator)
Text display mode: paragraph | sentence | word | word components
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mahnûuvanach tuyíkiha. váas kích uthiv. kári xás ta'ítam xúus u'uumáheen. sunyíthi tá kun'íshavsip kachakâach. ansáfriik va'árah. kári tu'aráriihkanha. |
Chipmunk was sick. She lay as thin as a blanket. Then they doctored her. They paid Blue Jay her fee with chinquapin nuts. She was a Weitchpec person. Then (Chipmunk) got well. |
[2] |
púyava kúkuum axmáy tuyíkiha mahnûuvanach. " chími kiikpíkaan ansáfriik va'árah." tá kunpíkaar. tu'áhoo. kári xás upíip " xanpuchíniishveenach kiikpíkaan. chími vúra xánkiit." púyava tá kunimfipíshriihva paxus'úmaansa. |
Then Chipmunk suddenly got sick again. "Go summon Weitchpec person!" They summoned her. She came. And (Chipmunk) said, "Go summon Hummingbird!" Let Bullhead (come too)!" So the 'doctors' assembled. |
[3] |
kári xás xanpuchíniishveenach upíip " naa vúra naapmán'anamahachhitih. hárivarihva véeniichva." |
And Hummingbird said, "My mouth is too small. There's been mischief sometime." |
[4] |
kári xás ansáfriik va'ára upíip " ããx! fatamakêesh kích ára úpeereesh." |
And Weitchpec person said, "ããx! She'll tell a person just anything." |
[5] |
xanpuchíniishveenach upakurîihvutih. xás upítih " naa vúra naapmán'anamahachhitih. kumá'ii papuna'ûusurutihara. kachakâach muvéeniichva." |
Hummingbird was singing. And she said, "My mouth is too small. For that reason I can't take (the disease object) out. It's Blue Jay's mischief." |
[6] |
kári xás chanchaaksúrak xás u'árihrupuk, " kchkchkchkch!" ukachakâachhiti. tu'áathva. |
Then (Blue Jay) jumped out through the smokehole, "kchkchkchkch!" She made a noise like a blue jay. She was afraid (of being exposed). |