Nettie Ruben: "Why Towhee Has Red Eyes" (1957)
Primary participants: Nettie Ruben (speaker), William Bright (researcher)
Date: 1957
Project identifier: WB_KL-36
Publication details: William Bright, The Karok Language (1957), pp. 238-239, Text 36
Additional contributors: Erin Donnelly (annotator), Erik Maier (annotator)
Text display mode: paragraph | sentence | word | word components
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paasmáax yúp'aaxkunish. saak kuntáxraatvunaa. víriva káan úmuustih. kári xás patá kunpíkyaar pakuntáxraati kári xás asmáax " tîi kan'ífiki pataxratêep." kári xás utáxraatih. vúra uum tóo mchaaxripaa. póomuusti pootáxraati pa'áak utkírih. púyava kumá'ii pamúyuup aaxkúnish poomchaaxrípaanik. |
Towhee has red eyes. They were attaching arrowheads. He was watching there. And when they finished attaching arrowheads, then Towhee thought, "Let me pick up the scraps". Then he attached arrowheads. The heat was coming out (of the fire). When he looked at his arrowhead-attaching, he looked into the fire. So for that reason his eyes are red from the heat that came out. |