Nettie Ruben: "The Story of Crane" (1957)
Primary participants: Nettie Ruben (speaker), William Bright (researcher)
Date: 1957
Project identifier: WB_KL-42
Publication details: William Bright, The Karok Language (1957), pp. 242-243, Text 42
Additional contributor: Erik Maier (annotator)
Text display mode: paragraph | sentence | word | word components
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koovúra kun'áraarahiti, taayvávan vúra. chí kunívyiihshipreevish uknamxánahich, káan chí kun'íhukvunaavish. kári xás " chémi, kiikpiikívmathap." " chémi." ta'ítam kunpíikivshiiprinaheen. xás " chími áxvaay núpiikivmathi." kári xás ta'ítam kunpíikivmathaheen. vúra uum táay patóo piikívshiip, thíin axyár vúra. kári xás áxvaay " chémi," xás tá koo, tá kunpiikívshiip koovúra. kári xás áxvaay uhyárihship. kári xás chîimich sáruk ník u'ákichnimach pamú'iikiv. |
Everyone was (there), lots of people. They were going to leave for 'uknamxánahich, they were going to have a flower dance there. And (they said), "All right, put necklaces on them!" "All right." So they put necklaces on. And (they said), "Let's put necklaces on Crane." So they put necklaces on him. He had lots of necklaces on, (his neck was) full up to his throat-glands. And Crane (said), "All right," and that was all, he had on all the necklaces. Then Crane stood up. And his necklaces were just a little dab down at the bottom (of his neck) |