Project publications, field notes, and recordings

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Language learning materials

• Andrew Garrett, Juliette Blevins, and Lisa Conathan, Preliminary Yurok Dictionary (2005)

PDF (restricted access, password required): lexicon.pdf

• Juliette Blevins, Teacher Training for Yurok Pre-School Settings: Workshop for the Yurok Tribe (2003)

• Aileen Figueroa and Juliette Blevins, Nee-kwech, Nee-kwech, Tee' Nee' Sho Ney-woo'm? (2003)

Research papers

• Juliette Blevins and Andrew Garrett, "The Rise and Fall of l Sandhi in California Algic"

Publication details: International Journal of American Linguistics 73 (2007) 72-93
PDF: BlevinsGarrett2005.pdf

• Lisa Conathan, "Classifiers in Yurok, Wiyot, and Algonquian"

Publication details: Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: Special Session on the Morphology of American Indian Languages, ed. by Marc Ettlinger, Nicholas Fleisher, and Mischa Park-Doob (Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society), pp. 22-33

• Andrew Garrett, "The Evolution of Algic Verbal Stem Structure: New Evidence from Yurok"

Publication details: Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: Special Session on the Morphology of American Indian Languages, ed. by Marc Ettlinger, Nicholas Fleisher, and Mischa Park-Doob (Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society), pp. 46-60
PDF: BLS2004.pdf

• Juliette Blevins, "Yurok Verb Classes"

Publication details: International Journal of American Linguistics 71 (2005) 327-349
PDF: JB04yurverbs.pdf

• Juliette Blevins, "The Phonology of Yurok Glottalized Sonorants: Segmental Fission Under Syllabification"

Publication details: International Journal of American Linguistics 69 (2003) 371-396
PDF: JB03yurglotson.pdf

• Lisa Conathan and Esther Wood, "Repetitive Reduplication in Yurok and Karuk: Semantic Effects of Contact"

Publication details: Papers of the Thirty-Fourth Algonquian Conference, ed. by H. C. Wolfart (Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, 2003), pp. 19-33
PDF: yurok_karuk_redup.pdf

• Juliette Blevins, "One Case of Contrast Evolution in the Yurok Vowel System"

Publication details: International Journal of American Linguistics 69 (2003) 135-150
PDF: JB02yurVevo.pdf

• Juliette Blevins, "Yurok Syllable Weight"

Publication details: International Journal of American Linguistics 69 (2003) 4-24
PDF: JB03yursyll.pdf

• Lisa Conathan, "Pragmatic Convergence: Person Hierarchies in Northern California"

Publication details: Proceedings of WSCLA 7: The 7th Workshop on Structure and Constituency in the Languages of the Americas, ed. by L. Bar-el, L. Watt and I. Wilson (University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics, 10, 2002)

• Juliette Blevins, "Notes on Sources of Yurok Glottalized Consonants"

Publication details: Proceedings of the Meeting of the Hokan-Penutian Workshop (Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, Report 11; Berkeley, Calif.: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, 2002), pp. 1-18

• Esther J. Wood and Andrew Garrett, "The Semantics of Yurok Intensive Infixation"

Publication details: Proceedings from the Fourth Workshop on American Indigenous Languages ed. by Jeannie Castillo (Santa Barbara: Department of Linguistics, UC Santa Barbara, 2001), pp. 112-126
PDF: SSILA2001.pdf

• Andrew Garrett, "Reduplication and Infixation in Yurok: Morphology, Semantics, and Diachrony"

Publication details: International Journal of American Linguistics 67 (2001) 264-312
PDF: GarrettIJAL.pdf

Field notes and recordings

The following material is password-protected and accessible only to project researchers:

• Yurok language field recordings: FieldRecordings.xml

• Synopsis of A. L. Kroeber's Yurok field notes, by Lisa Conathan and Tess Wood: KroeberReelSummary.htm

• Synopsis of C. Hart Merriam's Yurok field notes, by Lisa Conathan: MerriamSynopsis.htm