Language learning tools
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Online resources
Two of our resources are online-only, integrating sound and other elements of language use:
Yurok language exercises: Listen to words or sentences, or view photos, chosen at random from our database. Can you transcribe or translate them?
A boy, a dog, and a frog: Yurok elder aawokw Aileen Figueroa tells the story of a boy, a dog, and a frog. You can read the story and listen to the audio.
Note the various file sizes; you may need a fast internet connection!
Basic Yurok grammar, version 1.01 (August 27, 2010), an introduction for language teachers and advanced learners: basic-yurok-grammar-101.pdf (file size 1.6MB)
Yurok Verb Guide, version 1.1 (December 30, 2009), a guide to the forms of 75 Yurok verbs: 75-verbs.pdf (file size 230KB)
2005 Preliminary Yurok Dictionary: lexicon.pdf (file size 1.6MB)
1,533 recorded sentences from Georgiana Trull's Yurok Language Conversation Book: (file size 83.9MB)
About 2,500 words recorded by several Yurok elders (updated 12/2007): (file size 108.5MB)
To read PDF documents, you will need a reader like the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. To download a zipped audio file, right-click on it to save it to your computer; then you usually double-click on a ZIP file to unpack it.

Teaching, learning, and documenting Yurok

[Photo: Nina Surbaugh.]