Line Mikkelsen


Associate Professor
University of California at Berkeley
Department of Linguistics
1203 Dwinelle Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-2650, USA



2020 Karuk. With Andrew Garrett, Susan Gehr, Erik Hans Maier, Crystal Richardson, and Clare Sandy. To appear in The Languages and Linguistics of Indigenous North America: A Comprehensive Guide (De Gruyter Mouton), ed. by Carmen Jany, Marianne Mithun, and Keren Rice.
Forms and functions of backward resumption: The case of Karuk. Language 96:4, 841-873.
Same and different: A presuppositional account. With Daniel Hardt. In Mariam Asatryan, Yixiao Song, and Ayana Whitm\ al eds. Proceedings of NELS 50, Vol 2
CP complements to D. With Jorge Hankamer. To appear in Linguistic Inquiry.
2018 Bibliography of Julia Starrit. With Claudette Rogers and Dixie Rogers. ararahih'uripih.
Resumption and Chain Reduction in Danish VP Left Dislocation. With Boris Harizanov. Proceedings of NELS 48
Structure, Architecture, and Blocking. With Jorge Hankamer. Linguistic Inquiry 49(1):61-84
On the interaction of head movement and ellipsis in Danish. With Vera Gribanova. In Jason Merchant, Line Mikkelsen, Deniz Rudin, Kelsey Sasaki (eds) A Reasonable Way to Proceed. Essays in honor of Jim McCloskey, pp. 104-123.
A reasonable Way to Proceed. Essays in honor of Jim McCloskey. Co-edited with Jaosn Merchant, Deniz Rudin and Kelsey Sasaki. eScholarship
2017 Et møde med karuk [A meeting with Karuk]. To appear in Ole Stig Andersen, Julie Bakken Jepsen, Zana Jaza and Peter Bakker (eds) Lidt om hvert sprog. Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
2015 Same but different. With Dan Hardt. Linguistics and Philosophy, 38(4):289-314
VP anaphora and verb-second order in Danish. Journal of Linguistics 51(3):595-643
2014 Licensing Trouble. With Mark Norris and Jorge Hankamer. Linguistic Inquiry 45(4):617-53
2012 Sameness, Ellipsis, and Anaphora. With Dan Hardt and Bjarne Ørsnes. In Proceedings of the 2011 Amsterdam Colloquium.
Specification under Discussion. In Sarah Berson et al (eds) Proceedings of BLS 34, Parasession on Information Structure, pp. 473-84
Orphans hosted by VP anaphora. With Dan Hardt and Bjarne Ørsnes. In Jaehoon Choi et al (eds) Proceedings of WCCFL 29, pp. 178-186.
2011 Sameness, Ellipsis, and Anaphora. (With Dan Hardt and Bjarne Ørsnes) In Proceedings of the 2011 Amsterdam Colloquium.
Orphans hosted by VP anaphora. (With Dan Hardt and Bjarne Ørsnes) In Jaehoon Choi et al (eds) Proceedings of WCCFL 29, pp. 178-186
Verbal inflection at a distance. In Nick LaCara, Anie Thompson, and Matt A. Tucker (eds.) Morphology at Santa Cruz: Papers in honor of Jorge Hankamer, pp. 85-96. Santa Cruz, CA: LRC Publications.
On Prosody and Focus in Object Shift. Syntax 14:3
Copular clauses. In Claudia Maienborn, Klaus von Heusinger, and Paul Portner (eds.) Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning, volume 2, 1805-1829. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Specification under Discussion. Proceedings of BLS 34
Representing Language. Essays in honor of Judith Aissen. Co-edited with Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Bravo and Eric Potsdam. California Digital Library eScholarship Repository. Linguistic Research Center, University of California, Santa Cruz.
A defective auxiliary in Danish. (With Michael Houser and Maziar Toosarvandani) Journal of Germanic Linguistics 23:3, 245-298.
2008 Definiteness marking and the structure of Danish pseudopartitives. (With Jorge Hankamer). Journal of Linguistics 44:2, 317--346
2007 Verb Phrase Pronominalization in Danish: Deep or Surface Anaphora?. (With Michael Houser and Maziar Toosarvandani). In Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Western Conference on Linguistics, edited by Erin Brainbridge and Brian Agbayani, 183-195.
Anmeldelse af Marit Juliens Nominal Phrases from a Scandinavian Perspective. (Review of Marit Julien's Nominal Phrases from a Scandinavian Perspective.) Norsk Lingvistisk Tidsskrift 25:1, 132--139.
On so-called truncated clefts. In Kopulaverben under Kopulasätze: Intersprachliche und Intrasprachliche Aspekte, edited by Ljudmila Geist and Björn Rothstein, 47--68. Tübingen: Niemeyer Verlag.
2005 Copular Clauses: Specification, Predication and Equation. (Linguistik Aktuell 85) Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
When movement must be blocked: A reply to Embick and Noyer. (With Jorge Hankamer.) Linguistic Inquiry 36:1, 85--125.
2004 Specificational subjects -- A formal characterization and some consequences. Acta Linguistics Hafniensia 36, 79--112.
2003 En typeteoretisk analyse af kopulakonstruktioner. (A type-theoretic analysis of copular constructions.) In Sprog og Matematik., edited by Peter Juel Henrichsen and Henrik Prebensen, 128-142. Copenhagen: DJØFs Forlag.
Annotation guide for the Danish Dependency Treebank. (With Matthias Kromann.)
Available at
2002 A morphological analysis of definite nouns on Danish. (With Jorge Hankamer.)
Journal of Germanic Linguistics 14:2, 137-175.
Expletive subjects in subject relative clauses. In Studies in Comparative Germanic Syntax, edited by Werner Abraham and Jan-Wouter Zwart, 71-93. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Reanalyzing the definiteness effect: evidence from Danish. Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 69: 1-75.
Specification is not inverted predication. In Proceedings of NELS 32, edited by Mako Hirotani, 403-422. University of Massachusetts, Amherst: GLSA.
Two types of definite description subjects. In Proceedings of the 7th ESSLLI student session, edited by Malvina Nissim, 141-153. Trento, Italy.
Proceedings of West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 21 (WCCFL-21), coedited with Christopher Potts. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press
2001 The morphosyntax of definiteness in Danish. (With Jorge Hankamer). In Syntax at Santa Cruz 3, edited by Séamus Mac Bhloscaidh, 59-80. Linguistics Department, U.C. Santa Cruz.
Review of Constraint-based Approaches to Germanic Syntax. Nordic Journal of Linguistics 24:246-248.
2000 Incorporation in Danish: Implications for interfaces. (With Ash Asudeh.) In Grammatical interfaces in HPSG, edited by Ronnie Cann, Claire Grover, and Philip Miller, 1-15. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.

Conference presentations

2021 Same, parallelism, and presuppositions. LSA Annual Meeting, January 8, 2021. With Dan Hardt.
2019 Same and Different: A Presuppositional Account. NELS 50, October 25, 2019. With Dan Hardt.
2017 Resumption and Chain Reduction in Danish VP Left Dislocation. NELS 44, Reykjavik, October 27-29 2017. With Boris Harizanov.
2015 Subordination, definiteness and backgrounding in Karuk. Workshop on American Indian Languages. UC Santa Barbara, May 7 2015. With Andrew Garrett.
Documenting, analyzing, and teaching the grammar of direction in Karuk. 4th International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation (ICLDC), February 26-March 1, 2015, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. With Andrew Garrett.
Punctuation is prosody: making historic transcriptions of Karuk accessible for revitalization and research. 4th International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation (ICLDC), February 26-March 1, 2015, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. With Clare Sandy.
Exploring Karuk morphology in a parsed text corpus. Annual meeting of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA), January 8-11, Portland.
2014 Developing a syntactically parsed corpus of Karuk. With Andrew Garrett, Erik Maier, and Clare Sandy. SSILA, January 3
2011 Orphans hosted by VP-Anaphora, WCCFL 29, University of Arizona, April 22-24. With Dan Hardt and Bjarne Ørsnes.
2010 Orphans and the interpretation of anaphora. CUSP 3, Stanford University, October 15. With Dan Hardt and Bjarne Ørsnes.
2009 Constraints on anaphor movement. Poster at LSA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, January 9.
The structure of definite complex nominals (in Danish). (With Jorge Hankamer). LSA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, January 11.
2008 Specification under Discussion. 34th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, February 8-10.
2006 Danish verb phrase anaphora: Deep or surface? (With Michael Houser, Ange Strom-Weber, Maziar Toosarvandani. Poster session at WECOL 06, California State University, Fresno, October 27-29
Gøre support in Danish. (With Michael Houser, Angela Strom-Weber, and Maziar Toosarvandani). 21st Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop, UCSC, March 31 - April 2
Definiteness marking and the structure of Danish partitive constructions. (With Jorge Hankamer). LSA Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, January 8.
Object shift in copular clauses. LSA Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, January 6.
2004 Reexamining Higgins' Taxonomy: A split in the Identificational class. LSA Annual Meeting. Boston, January 10.
A puzzle about PPs in Danish definite DPs. (With Jorge Hankamer.) LSA Annual Meeting. Boston, January 9.
2003 Danish names and the Duke of York. (With Jorge Hankamer.) Ninth Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC9), University of Buffalo, April 26.
2002 Specificational clauses and semantic types. Existence: Semantics and Syntax. University of Nancy 2, France, September 26-28.
Two types of definite description subjects. 7th ESSLLI student session, 14th European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information. Trento, Italy, August 6.
2001 Ambiguous copula sentences in Danish: evidence against the inversion hypothesis. 32nd Conference of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 32). CUNY Graduate Center and New York University, October 20.
A morphological account of definite nouns in Danish. (With Jorge Hankamer.) Seventh Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC7). University of Calgary, Banff, April 22.
2000 Expletive subjects in subject relative clauses. 15th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop. University of Groningen, Holland, May 27.
Reanalyzing the definiteness effect: evidence from Danish. Workshop on OT Approaches to the Nordic Languages, 18th Scandinavian Conference on Linguistics. University of Lund, Sweden, May 18.
1999 Danish syntactic noun incorporation: a case study in grammatical interfaces. (With Ash Asudeh.) 6th International Conference on HPSG, University of Edinburgh, August 4.

Colloquia and invited talks

2017 Grammar without tears - Words. National Breath of Life Archival Institute for Indigenous Languages, Washington DC, June 1
Creating sentences (without tears!). National Breath of Life Archival Institute for Indigenous Languages, Washington DC, June 2
What goes postverbal in a verb-final language? Syntactic Categories, Information Structure and Headedness in Karuk. University of Texas at Austin, March 20
2016 Creating sentences (without tears!). Breath of Life Language Restoration Workshop for California Indians, Berkeley, June 15
What goes postverbal in a verb-final language? Syntactic Categories, Information Structure and Headedness in Karuk. University of Chicago, January 14
2015 Creating sentences (without tears!). National Breath of Life Archival Institute for Indigenous Languages, Washington DC, June 5
2014 What goes postverbal in a verb-final language? On the interplay of prosody, information structure, and word order in Karuk. UC Santa Cruz Syntax Circle, October 24
Clausal complements to N in Danish, Workshop on the North Germanic Noun Phrase, Universitet i Tromsø, May 22.
Degrees of word order freedom in Karuk, University of Arizona, March 31
2013 Developing the Karuk Treebank. With Andrew Garrett, Clare Sandy, Erik Maier, and Patrick Davidson, Fieldwork Forum, UC Berkeley, November 13
Degrees of word order freedom in Karuk, Syntax and Semantics Circle, UC Berkeley, September 27
Same but different. With Dan Hardt. Copenhagen Business School, August 16
Going káruk, yúruk, sáruk or máruk? What a native language of California can tell us about its surroundings. With Kayla Carpenter and Clare Sandy. Guest lecture in "The world according to Berkeley" (Letters & Sciences 110), UC Berkeley, Feb 6
2012 Some observations on identity, sameness and comparison, Meaning Sciences Club, UC Berkeley, October 16
The syntax of information structure: the view from Danish, Stanford, July 12
Going káruk, yúruk, sáruk or máruk? What a native language of California can tell us about its surroundings. With Kayla Carpenter and Will Chang. Guest lecture in "The world according to Berkeley" (Letters & Sciences 110), UC Berkeley, April 25
On Predication and Word Class in Karuk. SMircle, Stanford, April 3. Also presented at GAIL (Group in American Indian Languages) in Oakland on April 24 and at UC Davis on May 16
2011 Er der mange agern eller er agernene mange? Bestemthedsmarkering og sætningsopbygning i Karuk. (Are there many acorns or are the acorns many? Definiteness marking and clause structure in Karuk.) Aarhus University, colloquium, September 28
Orphans: composition or construction? Copenhagen Business School, Workshop on ellipsis and anaphora, October 24
Verb-second structures: Evidence from Danish VP anaphora. MIT, colloquium, September 16
Orphans hosted by VP anaphora. Ellips'Event, Stanford University, April 30. With Dan Hardt and Bjarne Ørsnes
Verb-second structures: Evidence from Danish VP anaphora. UCLA, colloquium, April 15
2010 CP Complements to D. UC Santa Cruz, February 25 (with Jorge Hankamer).
Verb-second structures: Evidence from Danish VP anaphora. UC San Diego, January 25.
2009 On what comes first in a verb-second language. TREND, Stanford University, May 9.
You and me or just us? Syntax Circle, UC Berkeley, May 5 (with Milla Nizar and Jed Pizarro-Guevara).
2008 Conditions on fronting. Colloquium, UCSC, April 18.
2007 Same but different: VP anaphors in Danish and English. Sixth Annual SLUgS Symposium, UC Berkeley, November 18.
Two VP anaphors in Danish. Stanford Syntax Workshop, January 23.
2006 A puzzle about belief reports (or why Tanya wouldn't say what she believes). Fifth Annual SLUgS Symposium, UC Berkeley, December 3.
Specificational copular clauses. Colloquium, Kobe Area Circle of Linguistics, Kobe Shoin Women's University, November 22.
Verb phrase anaphora in a verb second language. Syntax Group, University of Massachusetts Amherst, October 12.
Verb phrase anaphora in a verb second language. Linguistics at Santa Cruz, March 4.
2005 Specificational clauses and clefts. 27. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Sprachwissenschaft. Cologne, February 23.
2004 Specificational clauses at the interfaces. Stanford Syntax Workshop, Stanford University, January 27.
2003 Kopulasaetinger of deres subjekter -- bidrag til en formel karakteristik. (Copular clauses and their subjects -- contributions to a formal characterization) Seminar on formal and computational linguistics, co-organized by the Linguistic Circle at the University of Copenhagen and the CMOL group at the Copenhagen Business School. Copenhagen Business School, November 3.
2002 Hvem er hvem og hvad er hvad? -- om copula-konstruktioner i dansk. (Who is who and what is what -- on copular constructions in Danish.) Department of Computational Linguistics, Copenhagen Business School, September 23
Specificational copular clauses. Grammatikseminar (colloquium), Department of Nordic Languages, University of Lund, Sweden, September 19
Towards an understanding of specificational structures. Stanford Syntax Workshop, Stanford University, April 23.
2000 Constraints on definite and indefinite subjects in Danish. Institut für Linguistik/Germanistik, Universität Stuttgart, December 14.
Reanalyzing the definiteness effect: evidence from Danish. Stanford-UCSC Workshop on Optimal Typology, Stanford University December 8.
1999 Schwa assimilation in three Danish dialects. Workshop on Scandinavian Phonology, U.C. Santa Cruz, May 22.
Noun incorporation in Danish. University of Montana at Missoula, March 25.
Definiteness marking in Danish. University of Montana at Missoula, March 24.

Teaching (UC Berkeley unless noted otherwise)

Dissertations directed

BA Theses directed

Grants and honors

Professional and administrative service