47th Annual Conference on African Linguistics
University of California, Berkeley, March 23-26, 2016


The Department of Linguistics at UC Berkeley is pleased to announce that it will be hosting the 47th meeting of the Annual Conference on African Linguistics. The conference will focus on all aspects of African linguistics, from linguistic description to theoretical analysis and historical reconstruction. Please plan ahead and join us in Berkeley!

Plenary speakers include:

Special Workshop: Areal features and linguistic reconstruction in Africa

Africa contains several distinct linguistic areas which are often claimed to hold special importance for the reconstruction of African proto-languages and our understanding of African pre-history. This workshop will focus on exploring the fine-grained areal distribution of the phonological, morphological, and syntactic features of Africa with debates about genetic affiliation and historical migration patterns as a backdrop.

Organizing committee

The ACAL 47 organizing committee consists of:

Pius Akumbu Peter Jenks
Geoff Bacon Maria Khachaturyan
Nico Baier Spencer Lamoureux
Emily Clem Florian Lionnet
Matt Faytak John Merrill
Paula M. Floro     Nicholas Rolle
Jevon Heath Hannah Sande
Larry Hyman