Chester Pepper: "Coyote's Journey" (1957)
Primary participants: Chester Pepper (speaker), William Bright (researcher)
Date: 1957
Project identifier: WB_KL-03
Publication details: William Bright, The Karok Language (1957), pp. 170-177, Text 3
Additional contributor: Erik Maier (annotator)
Text display mode: paragraph | sentence | word | word components
[1] |
pihnêefich vaa ukúphaanik. panámniik u'ífanik. vaa káan muthívthaaneen. kári xás uxúsaanik " chími káruk ishpúk kanikyâan kahyúras." xás uparíshriihva antunvêech. ithéeshyav uparíshriihva. achavúra ithá'iithva vaa kóo uparíshriihva. |
Coyote did that. He grew up at Orleans. That was his country there. And he thought, "Let me go upriver to get money at Klamath Lakes!" And he twined little strings. He twined a whole winter. Finally he twined a whole pack. |
[2] |
kári xás uvâaram. xás páy pasâam usaamvárakti u'árihroov. koovúra pa'áraar umáahvunaatih, " iimkun vúra pufáatsahara. naa kahyúras tá nivâaram." |
Then he left. And he went upriver downhill where that flows down from upriver. He saw all the people (and said), "You-all are just nothings. I am leaving for Klamath Lakes." |
[3] |
chavúra ôok ithivthanéen'aachip tu'árihroov. káan xás umáh áraar, uphikirîihvutih. káan tuvúrayvikeethun. yánava páy fâatva utháthriinaa. xás uxúti " tîi kanpakatkâatih." kári xás upakatkátaheen. amayaa'íshara. chavúra koovúra upáfip. xás pamu'asíphaar uthaxávxav. kári xás ta'ítam u'áhooheen. xás úpeenti " îim ôok keemisha'îin i'áveeshap." |
Finally he traveled upriver to the center of the world here. And there he saw a person, he was sweating himself. (Coyote) walked around there. He saw something sitting in baskets. And he thought, "Let me taste it!" So he tasted it. It was very good-tasting. Finally he drank it all up. And he chewed up (the person's) baskets to boot. And then he traveled (on). And he told (the person sweating), "A monster outside here is going to eat you." |
[4] |
kári xás poovôonupuk ikmaháchraam uvôonupuk. xás uxúti " eee! naa nipêesh ' pihnêefich ôok uvúrayvutiheen.' vaa panini'íshaha tupafipsîiprinaheen. kíri íshaha úxrah." xás uxúti " vaa kíp kôok uvíshvaanti xathímtas." xás upíip " chími kám'iinvi mú'aavkam." |
And when he went out, (the person sweating) came out of the sweathouse. And he thought, "Ah, I'll bet Coyote has been around here! He's drunk up that juice of mine. May he get thirsty!" And he thought, "He just likes that kind, roasted grasshoppers." And he said, "Let there be a forest fire in front of him!" |
[5] |
kárukvari tu'árihroov. tu'invákaamha. xás tutúraayva, vúra uum táay paxathímtas. " vúra puna'áveeshara." chavúra yiimúsich tu'uum. xás uxúti " tîi matée kóomahich kan'ífapvi paxathímtas. hínupa chími u'ífapveesh. kári xás uxúti " hûut áta kúth papunayâavahitihara." xás uxúti " naa nixúti ' ífuthkam napávyiihrishuktih pani'áamti.'" xás uxús " chími panini'afupchúrax chími kanipshivshâapi." ta'ítam axváha ukyâaheen xás pamu'afupchúrax vaa kumûuk upsívshap. xás uxús " púya páy uum, payêem uum nayâavaheesh. tá íp nipshívshaapat panini'afupchúrax." ta'ítam u'aamváheen. |
(Coyote) went on upriver. There was a big forest fire. And he looked around, there were lots of grasshoppers. "I won't eat them." Finally he went a little ways. And he thought, "Let me pick up a few roasted grasshoppers for a moment!" He was going to pick them up. And (after he had eaten them), he thought "I wonder why I'm not getting full?" And he thought, "I think they're coming out of me in the rear as I eat." And he thought, "Let me seal up my anus." Then he got pitch. And he sealed up his anus with that. And he thought, "There, now I'll get full. I've sealed up my anus." So he ate. |
[6] |
vúra tu'invákaamha. víri káan ukuchnáxathunatih. xás uxúti " nixúti ' chími ni'uumêesh kahyúras.'" tuthítiv poothivnúrutih. vaa ukupathitívahitih, kúnish upíti " huhuhuhuhuhu." xás uxúti " chími ni'uumêesh kahyúras." vaa kích poothítiv páhuhuhuhuhuhu. hinupáy pamu'afupchúrax poo'iinkútih. hinupáy íp pa'axváha mûuk upsívshaapat hinupáy vaa poo'iinkútih. víri hûut chími u'îineesh. vaa vúra káan âapun yúuxak ukûuruthun. víriva kích upíti " átuhtuhtuhtuhtuhtuh." púyava chavúra úmsip pamu'afupchúrax. púyava uxús " payêem vúra puna'ípaveeshara paxathímtas. tá koo, vúra puna'áveeshara." |
There was a big forest fire. (Coyote) was sticking his buttocks around there. And he thought, "I think I'm about to reach Klamath Lakes." He heard it thundering. He heard that, it sort of said, "Huhuhuhuhuhu." And he thought, "I'm about to reach Klamath Lakes." He just heard that "Huhuhuhuhuhu." There it was his anus burning. There it was the pitch he had sealed it with that was burning. (He wondered) what he should do. He slid all over there that way, on the ground, in the dirt. He was just saying, "átuhtuhtuhtuhtuh!" So finally his anus was extinguished. So he thought, "Now I won't eat roasted grasshoppers again. That's all, I won't eat them." |
[7] |
chímiva vaa kúna ukúupha, íshaha úxrah. úma vaa ukúphaanik, pámitva ithéeshyav uparíshriihva antunvêech. hôoyvarihva tóo xyáthuroovaheen. víri hûut chími ukupheesh. pa'íshaha tóo xrah. yiimúsich tóo tsîip. yanéekva pasaamvároo uvúrunihtih. káan tu'uum. tupivaxráheen. pâanpay vaa tóo kvíripship. káan tu'uum. tupivaxráheen. |
Soon he did this also, he got thirsty. That's what he had done, he twined little strings the previous winter. He had lost them somewhere. So what was he to do? He was thirsty. He looked off a little ways. There was a creek flowing down. He got there. It had dried up. After a while he broke into a run. He got there. It had dried up. |
[8] |
xás uxúti " vúra puna'ísheeshara ishkéesh'aas." múvaas u'iithvútih. " payêem panimáhaak pasaamvároo paninívaas kúuk nipaathméesh. xasík vaa nipachipchípeesh." xás poomáh pasaamvároo ta'ítam kúuk upaathmáheen. ivaxráhak xás ukyívish. |
And he thought, "I won't drink river water." He was carrying his blanket. "Now when I see a creek, I'll throw my blanket at it. Then I can suck on that." And when he saw the creek, then he threw (the blanket) at it. But it fell on dry ground. |
[9] |
vúra íshaha tóo xrah. " vúra puna'ísheeshara ishkéesh'aas." víri vaa ukupítih. vúra tu'invákaamha. víri úuth ishkêeshak tu'ahirímkaanva. xás uxúti " xâatik vúra ni'ish, peeshkéesh'aas. kúna vúra pu'astíipich na'ísheeshara. vúra ishkéesh'aachip xasík ni'ísheesh." chavúra umáh yánava ithyáruk ukúripaahiti itháriip. kári xás uxús " vaa pay'ôok xasík íshaha ni'ísheesh." ta'ítam uvátakaraheen. kári xás ishkéesh'aachip ta'ítam ukúkuriheen. víri pookúkurih chímiva úuth úkyiimkar. usíinvar. |
He was really thirsty. "I won't drink river water." He did that. There was a big forest fire. There were trees falling out into the river. And he thought, "Let me drink the river water. But I won't drink by the bank. I'll drink in the middle of the river. Finally he saw it, he saw a fir tree lying fallen out across-stream. And he thought, "Here I will drink water." So he walked out on it. And in the middle of the river he stooped down to the water. When he stooped down, he suddenly fell in. He drowned. |
[10] |
ta'ítam upthívruuhvarak. víri vúra uum táay pa'ahuptunvêechas u'áthanvaraktih. xás pihnêefich uxús " chími ahupyâamach kanpárihish. vaa uum hôoy vúrava kanéeptaatripaavish." |
So he floated back down from upstream. There were a lot of little sticks floating down from upriver. And Coyote thought, "Let me become a pretty stick! That way they will hook me out somewhere. |
[11] |
yíiv tuthívruuhma. chími axmáy yúruk utrûuputih. víri vaa kunkupítih, pa'asiktávaansa kunxúti " kíri nutururípan pa'áhup." xás pihnêefich tutápkuup pa'asiktávaansa. chavúra kaanvári uthívruuhma. víri uvuunôovutih. víriva káan ta'ítam pihnêefich káan uthívruuhma. " ooo!" pa'asiktávaansa kunpiip, " ooo! yáxa páykuuk kóo ahupyâamach uthivrúhuthunatih. chími nútaatripaa." víriva kuntafiripfíriptih. káruma uum pihnêefich uxúti " xáy kanátaatripaa." kári xás uxús " chími kanipthívruuhsun." ta'ítam upthívruuhrup. |
He floated a long ways. Suddenly he looked downriver. They were doing that, the women were trying to hook out the sticks. And Coyote took a liking to the women. Finally he floated to that vicinity. There was an eddy. So then Coyote floated to there. "Oh," the women said, "oh, look there, such a pretty stick is floating around. Let's hook it out!" But they kept missing it. Coyote was thinking, "Let them not hook me out." And he thought, "Let me float away!" So he floated downriver again. |
[12] |
chavúra kúkuum vaa káan umáh asiktávaansa astiip, áhup kunikyáavanaatih. xás yítha upíip " ooo! yáxa kóo ahupyâamach tuthívruuhvarak." xás yíth upíip " atafâat naa pihnêefich. mít kunípaat ' kahyúras tuvâaram.' ípararahum, atafâat naa vaa." púyava ník kunímuustih. káan vúra tuthivrúhuthun. " xáyfaat núhmaachichva." xás úuth kunpíkfuutkar. |
Finally he saw women there on the bank again, they were gathering wood. And one said, "Oh, look, such a pretty stick has floated down from upstream!" And another said, "Maybe it's Coyote. They said he had left for Klamath Lakes. He's not reliable, maybe that's him." So they looked at it. It floated around there. "Let's not fool with it." So they pushed it back out into the river. |
[13] |
" eee!" xás uxúti pihnêefich " yáas naa nixúti ' tá nishíinvar.'" kôokaninay vúra pakunmáahti úuth kunpíkfuutkaanva. chavúra yûum kumayúrasak uthívruuhramnih. káan xás uthivrúhish. xás vúra tóo sir pihnêefich. |
"Ah," Coyote thought then, "now I think I've drowned." Everywhere they saw him, they pushed him back out into the river. Finally he floated into the ocean downriver. He floated to shore there. Coyote was just lost. |
[14] |
káan vúra uvúrayvikeethun. yánava káan ikmaháchraam u'íikra. xás utvâamnath. yánava púra karáxay vúra. xás uvôoruvrath pihnêefich. xás sú' póo'uum, pootvárayva, pamukun'ikrívkir koovúra athkuritmúrax vúra. pamukunpatúmkir káru vúra athkúrit. káru pamukunpiykiríkir vaa káru vúra athkúrit. xás vúra tóo xúriha pihnêefich. uxúti " tîi kanpakatkâati papatúmkir." xás poopakátkat amayaa'íshara. chavúra koovúra utháfip, pamukunpiykiríkir vaa káru vúra utháfip. |
He walked around there. He saw a sweathouse standing there. So he looked inside. He saw nobody. So Coyote crawled in. And when he got inside and looked around, (the people's) seats were all of nothing but fat. Their pillows were fat too. And their ladder was fat too. And Coyote was hungry. And he thought, "Let me taste the pillows!" And when he tasted them, they were very good-tasting. Finally he ate them all up, he ate their ladder up too. |
[15] |
xás axmáy fâat kúnish uthítiv. xás uxús " chími kaníchunvi." xás vaa káan ahup'iyvoorámaam káan u'áasish. xás ikxúrar pakunpavyíhivrath. ith'áraan ník kúna tóo pvôoruvrath, kunithyivúniihvutih. kári xás kunpíip " naa nixúti ' pihnêefich ôokninay uvúrayvutih.' vaa pávaa tá kupavêenahan, koovúra tutháfip panunupatúmkir." |
And suddenly he sort of heard something. And he thought, "Let me hide!" And he lay down there behind the woodpile. And in the evening (the people) came back in the sweathouse" (As) each person crawled in, they fell down. And they said, "I think Coyote is wandering around here. That's who did that, he ate up all our pillows." |
[16] |
vúra vaa utháaniv, uthítiimti pakunchuphúruthunatih. kári xás kunpíip " chími nupákmuuvanvi uknamxánahich." |
(Coyote) lay like that, he heard them talking about him. And they said, "Let's spend the night away from home, at uknamxánahich." |
[17] |
kári xás uxúti pihnêefich " nanithívthaaneen tá kunchuphúruthun." xás u'árihrishuk. " ishávaas, nanishavásiivsha, nipthivkéevish." |
And Coyote thought, "They're talking about my country." And he jumped out. "Nephew, my nephew, I'll go along." |
[18] |
xás kunpíip " chémi. kúna vúra xáyfaat iyúupha." |
And they said, "All right. But don't open your eyes." |
[19] |
" chémi, vaa ník nikupheesh. vúra punáyuupheeshara." |
"All right, I'll do that. I won't open my eyes." |
[20] |
xás kunipêer " chími páahak váramnih. súva ník asámyiith uxákeesh, ixusêesh ' tá nupávyiihma.' púyava ík kári xasík iyúupheesh. kúna peeyuuphâak pukinpávyiihmeeshara. vaa vúra ôok nupthivrúhukeesh." |
And they told him, "Get in the boat. You will hear gravel sound, you will know we have arrived. Then you can open your eyes. But if you open your eyes (before), we won't get there. We'll float back to here." |
[21] |
" chémi, vaa ník nikupheesh." kári xás ta'ítam kunípviitshuraheen. pihnêefich " páahak" kunipêer " sú' ithxuuprámnihi." ta'ítam pihnêefich úthxuupramnih. ta'ítam kunípviitshuraheen. |
"All right, I'll do that." And so they paddled off. They told Coyote, "Lie face down in the boat." So Coyote lay face down in it. So they paddled off. |
[22] |
chavúra tu'ûuri pihnêefich póothxuupramnih. xás uxús pihnêefich " tîi kanitníshuk." víri pootníshuk víri uumyâach kunipthivrúhish úuth yúrastiim. |
Finally Coyote got tired of lying face down. And Coyote thought, "Let me look out!" When he barely looked out, they floated ashore out at the ocean, at the seashore. |
[23] |
xás kunípeenti pihnêefich " payêem pukinípkookanpeeshara." |
Then they told Coyote, "Now you won't go with us again." |
[24] |
xás pihnêefich upíip " payêem ník vúra ishávaas vaa puneepkuphêeshara." |
And Coyote said, "I won't do it again this time, nephew." |
[25] |
" chémi, chôora." ta'ítam kunpávyiihshipreeheen. ta'ítam kúkuum u'asimchákaheen. chavúra xára tah, axmáy asámyiith úxak. kári xás kunipêer pihnêefich " chími váripi páahak." |
"All right, let's go." So they left. Then (Coyote) closed his eyes again. Finally it was a long time, (when) suddenly gravel sounded. And they told Coyote, "Get out of the boat!" |
[26] |
poovárip yánava " nanithívthaaneen tá ni'ípak." ta'ítam utakníhithunaheen. yôotva, nanishívshaaneen tá ni'ípak." |
When he got out, he saw, (he said), "I've come back to my country!" Then he rolled around. "Hurray, I've come back to my country!" |
[27] |
púya vaa ukúphaanik pihnêefich. káruk ishpúk ukyâaranik. víri vaa ukúphaanik pihnêefich. púra fâat vúra yávhanik. chiimuuch'îin kunxúseeranik " kíri vaa ukúupha, pufáat vúra yávheeshara." |
So that's what Coyote did. He went upriver to get money. That's what Coyote did. Nothing was any good. Lizard thought about him, "Let him do that, nothing will be any good." |