A Dictionary and Text Corpus of the Karuk Language

Julia Starritt: "Making Acorn Soup" (1957)

Primary participants: Julia Starritt (speaker), William Bright (researcher)
Date: 1957
Project identifier: WB_KL-73
Publication details: William Bright, The Karok Language (1957), pp. 286-287, Text 73
Additional contributor: Erik Maier (annotator)

Text display mode: paragraph | sentence | word | word components


paxuntápan uum kun'ífiktih, ípahak kun'íiftih. xás patóo mtúpahaak paxuntápan kunivrarasúrootih. púyava xás kun'ífiktih. xás tá kunchátnak. xás kári tá kunsuváxrah. xás tá kuniyvaxávax, xás pámaan tá kunívyiihshur. púyava xás kári tá kuníkrav. xás kári tá kunthántap. xás pa'áfrii tóo vrárasur. xás kári peekpúr uum múrukak kuniyváyraamnihvutih.

They picked the acorns, they grew on trees. And when they were ripe, the acorns fell off. Then they picked them. And they cracked them. Then they dried them. Then they rubbed them, and the skins came off. Then they ground them. Then they sifted them. And the coarse meal fell away. Then they poured the flour into a tray-basket.


xás kári tá kuntákir. yúuxak tá kuntákir. xás íshaha kuniyváykooti kacha'îimich. púyava pa'íshaha tuvunfípahaak kúkuum tá kuniptákootih. púyava patu'amayâahaak xás kári tá kunkôoha. púyava xás tuvaxráhish. xás tá kun'akíchiip. xás kári tá kuníthxa íshaha múuk. xás páyuux koovúra tóo mfiipshur, xás kári tá kunkôoha. xás ásip tá kun'akíthraamnihvutih. púyava yáaf tu'árihish.

Then they leached it. They leached it in sand. And they poured water onto it slowly. When the water flowed all away, they added it again. When (the flour) was good-tasting, then they stopped. Then it dried. Then they picked it up. And they washed it with water. And all the sand came off, and then they stopped. And they put it into soup baskets. So it became acorn dough.


yáas chími kuntharampúkeesh. púyava aah tá kuníkyav. xás pa'ás tá kunipárish. púyava patóo mfírahaak páyaaf tá kun'ákithramni tharámpuukravak. xás kári íshaha tá kuníyvaayramni pakóo kunxúti " u'úumeesh." xás pa'aséemfir tá kunturúraamnihva. xás tharampúkara mûuk tá kuntharámpuk. púyava xás tu'íivrip. xás patóo msípishrihaak pátanamichak tá kuntarívraamnihva. púyava kári tá kunpat. púyava vúra páy kóomahich.

Then they were about to make acorn soup. They built a fire. And they heated the rocks. When they were hot, they put the acorn dough into a cooking basket. And they poured in water, as much as they thought would go. Then they put the hot rocks in. And they stirred the soup with a soup-stirrer. So it boiled. And when it cooled off, they poured it into soup baskets. Then they ate it. That's all.