A Dictionary and Text Corpus of the Karuk Language

Julia Starritt: "The Living-house" (1957)

Primary participants: Julia Starritt (speaker), William Bright (researcher)
Date: 1957
Project identifier: WB_KL-77
Publication details: William Bright, The Karok Language (1957), pp. 290-291, Text 77
Additional contributor: Erik Maier (annotator)

Text display mode: paragraph | sentence | word | word components


pa'arareekrívraam uum pu'á'hinvahara, yakún pa'íivhar ipshûunkinichas. xás sú' u'íripkurihva. xás áachip ahíramhitih. xás pa'iinâak íivhar uthiivárayvahitih. xás pamukun'îirish uum vúra yuux. xás vuráakir u'íihya vaa káan iinâak. xás vaa káan kun'áhooti pa'îikam tá kunvôonupukahaak. xás pa'íivhar uum ipshûunkinichas peekrívraam ukyâarahitih. peev'ávahkam ivharatírihshas uyaakóohitih. xás pamuchivchákar káru uum ipshûunkinich. púxay vúra ihyáriheeshara patá îim kúuk tá kun'úumahaak, xás vúra tá kunvôonupuk.

The Indian house was not high; you see, the boards were short. And it was dug down into the ground. And there was a fireplace in the center. And on the inside boards were placed around. And their floor was just earth. And a ladder stood there inside. And they walked on that when they went outside. And the boards were short that the house was made with. And broad boards were put on the roof. And their door was low too. They didn't stand up when they went outside, they just crawled out.


xás ás uthíivahiti ivíthvaaykam. xás pa'iinâak ah'ávahkam usasípiithva taskanatunvêechas. xás ukyâahiti pakáan kuniváxraahmathti pa'áama káru vúra fâat vúra pakuntâarahitih. xás âapun vúra uum pootâayhiti pamukun'ásip káru vúra fâat vúra pakuntâarahiti pakunimnísheesh. xás pa'ávansa vúra kích mukun'ikrívkir utâayhiti. pa'asiktávaan uumkun vúra âapun pakun'áraarahitih. hâari pufíchvaas upathrívahitih, víriva káan pa'asiktávaansas kun'áraarahitih. xás payupsítanich uum thaxtúuyak vúra sú' úkrii. xás kuníshtaakti hâari pamukit'íin.

And rocks were laid in front of the house. And on the inside, above the fire, little poles were stretched around. And they were made so that they dried fish there and whatever (else) they had. And on the floor were their cooking baskets and whatever else they had when they were going to cook. And only the men's seats were there. The women sat on the ground. Sometimes a deerskin blanket was spread, and the women sat on that. And the baby was inside a baby-basket. And sometimes it was held by its grandmother.