Search index
chaanuueks young child, baby, newborn
cheenes young man, teenage boy
cheenomewah young man
cheenomewes young man, teenage boy
chery little person
chmerk be angry, person who pouts, moody person
chueluela' Chilula Indian
hehlkeeklaa Klamath River Indians
hehlkew 'woogey former people (having retreated inland)
hermcherh adulterer
hoogech neee'n astronomer
huuek child, baby
huueksoh child, children
kaamuueks bastard
ka'aal slave
keen fisherman
kegem someone who is jealous of everything
kegey doctor, Indian doctor
kergertker' fisherman
kert'er' bald person
ko'omech Orleans Indian, Karuk Indian, Karuk people
kwes'oyew prayer doctor
k'erep' widow
k'ewen widow who has cut her hair in mourning, widow with her hair cut quite short, above the shoulder
k'ohoo unmarried mother, mother of bastards
ler'ergerysh dark-skinned person
ler'ger' black person
lo' chief builder of the Fish Dam at Kepel
meges doctor, white doctor, medical doctor
mekey children
mekeyowok children
meloh brush dance officiant, medicine woman
mesee'ronuen a slim man
mew widower
meweemor old man
mewee'm widower
murnchers fair-skinned person, white animal or bird
murnters fair-skinned person
muueweemor old men
neenos woman married to a relative
neewah man married to a relative
negee'eehl twins
negeneech mouse, bastard child
nego'ohlen midwife
ner'ernerh Coast Yurok, Coast Indian
nohpet'ekws dry-salmon maggot or beetle, black bug, weevil, stranger
nohpey enter one's wife's house, half-married man
nohpuuek child of a "half" (matrilocal) marriage
no'oma'r title of girl helper at the Fish Dam ceremony
pecheeklaa up river Indian, Karuk Indian, Karuk people
pechkueklaa' way east people
pegerk man, male person, real man, rich man, independent person, all-grown-up person
perey grow old (of a woman), old woman, old lady
perwerla' southern people
perwer'k'uekla' far southern people
pewomeen a cook
poy'weson chief, leader, boss, best (at doing something), headman
pueleeklaa down river people, the river Yurok
puelekuekla' downriver Indian, Yurok Indian
ra'aseeshon disgusting person
saameyohl widow with her hair cut quite short, above the shoulder, widow
saameyohl 'o 'ue-meyoo a child born while its widowed mother was still cutting her hair
saa'ageesh Coast Yurok
saa'agehl Coast Yurok
sa'ahl have a fit, have a tantrum, ghost
sepolekeekla' any tribe living in the prairies
skerweech craftsman, a woman who makes fine designs, fine work, centipede
taahl ceremonial singer
teeeget crybaby
teekues Italian person or people
teenuuemonok crazy person
tolowehl Tolowa Indian
too'mar friend, relative, relation
tos child!
wegoh go across by boat, someone who carries money settling disputes
wenchokws woman
weroch bachelor
wer'ergery young person
wer'yers girl, small girl
weyet Wiyot Indian
we'yon teenage girl, young woman
wohluer girl dancer at the Fish Dam ceremony
worme'y spinster, unmarried elderly lady
worocheen bachelor
yegue'ueh ferryman
'omeemos Hupa Indian
'oohl person, people, Indian, Yurok Indian
'oolekwehl people, world, the human world
'oolekwoh people
'o'lehl hegoh house builder
'o'loolekweesh 'o-n name of a female spirit, Sky Woman
'uema'ah devil, Indian devil
'werrgeryers fair-skinned person, brave person
'we'ges Chinese person
'woo white person
'woogehlmen half-breed
'woogey be holy, former people, white man, white people, at first identified with former people
Dictionary entry
huep'oola' • n • Hupa Indian, the Hupa people • Variant
Lexicon record # 687 | Source reference(s):
FS(B201) JE71 JE73 JE102 FS(B201)
domain: people
Short recording (1)
huep'oolaa "Hupa person" (spoken by Jessie Van Pelt)