Documentation of Yurok: Field notes and recordings
The following material is password-protected and accessible only to project researchers:
Yurok language field recordings: FieldRecordings.xml
Synopsis of A. L. Kroeber's Yurok field notes, by Lisa Conathan and Tess Wood: KroeberReelSummary.htm
Synopsis of C. Hart Merriam's Yurok field notes (Bancroft FILM 1022, C. Hart Merriam Papers), by Lisa Conathan:
- Reel 31: Vocabularies
407 Folder # B/2a/V13
410 Coast Yurok Vocabulary/Phrases from Liza Warren Lindgren (widow of Charley Lindgren, Trinidad, Oct. 22, 27, 1920) and Maggie Skirk (of Stone Lagoonl Trinidad, Aug. 20, 1921)
484 Placenames
489 Folder # B/2a-b/V14
Lower Klamath Vocabulary/Phrases from "Several men and women," including Kitty Henry, Frank Isles, Walter ?McKennan, Kirby Peters, Lucy Thompson, Jane Jefferson, Mary and Clarissy Dowd (various dates)
569 Placenames
575 End of Yurok Vocabulary material - Reel 52: Natural History vocabulary
390-421 Folder B/2a/NH14
Coast Yurok Flora and Fauna terms
Name of Consultant not given (Trinidad, Aug. 20, 1921; Maggie Skirk?)
422-55 Folder B/2b/NH15
Lower Klamath Flora and Fauna terms
Name of Consultant not given (various date)
- Reel 31: Vocabularies

Teaching, learning, and documenting Yurok