
Above all else, we offer our deepest thanks to the Yurok elders who have patiently taught us so much about their language, culture, and history — especially 'aawokw Aileen Figueroa, Ollie Foseide, Jimmie James, Glenn Moore Sr., Archie Thompson, Georgiana Trull, and Jessie Van Pelt — and to those before them whose voices and words we hope will live forever.


The Yurok Language Project was established by Juliette Blevins, now at the City University of New York, and Andrew Garrett of UC Berkeley. Many students have worked with us over the years. For their assistance in language documentation, philology, linguistic analysis, language revitalization, and computational projects we are especially grateful to Lisa Conathan, Anna Jurgensen, Herman Leung, Adrienne Mamin, Rachel Maxson, Yoram Meroz, Mary Paster, Alysoun Quinby, William Richard, Ruth Rouvier, Kevin Ryan, and Tess Wood.

Financial support

Our work has been supported by National Science Foundation under grant BCS-0004081 to the University of California, Berkeley, and by the University of California and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed here or in our publications are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Recordings and photographs

Post-1950 audio recordings housed in the Berkeley Language Center Language Archives are reproduced by permission of the collectors, the Director of the Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, and the Berkeley Language Center. Pre-1950 audio recordings housed in the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology are reproduced by courtesy of the Phoebe Appersen Hearst Museum of Anthropology and the Regents of the University of California. Otherwise uncredited color photographs reproduced here are by Andrew Garrett.

Reproduction and use

Photographs, recordings, texts, and work posted here may be used by the Yurok Tribe and other Yurok tribal groups, and may be used by individuals for personal, educational, and scholarly purposes only. No material posted here may be used for any commercial purpose or reproduced without the permission of its author.

Teaching, learning, and documenting Yurok

Elders aawokw Ollie Foseide and aawokw Glenn Moore, long-time leaders in Yurok cultural and linguistic revitalization