Yurok grammar handouts
Listed below are handouts from Yurok grammar workshops presented during language meetings sponsored by the Yurok Tribe. They are password-protected, because they are intended for use within the community, not by scholars and the general public. Members of the Yurok community are welcome to use them in whatever way they see fit.
Please note that there is a lot of overlap of content not only between different handouts, but also with the booklet Basic Yurok grammar (2010). They may also contain errors or ideas that will need to be revised. They are not publications!
- December 13, 2014
- November 15, 2014
- Yurok Language Institute, July 2014
- November 2, 2013: Tense and lax E, all and only, attributive verbs
- April 27, 2013: A short story, expressing "where" (with and without attributives)
- March 9, 2013: Yurok vocabulary, attributives revisited, a new story
- February 9, 2013: Reflexives and reciprocals, attributives, blood relations
- February 25, 2012
- March 24, 2012
- April 28, 2012
- Yurok Language Institute, August 2012
- November 12, 2012
- December 14, 2012
- March 5, 2011
- April 23, 2011
- May 21, 2011
- Yurok Language Institute, July–August 2011
- October 22, 2011
- November 19, 2011
- January 24, 2009
- April 25, 2009
- Yurok Language Institute, June 2009
- November 7, 2009
- December 5, 2009